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The eye-opening parts of those messages is the "that wasnt so bad was it?" after he got her to suck him off in a car park.


That to me reads like it was her first time doing it, why else would you say something like that?


Also, the fact that all of this came out because of how horrified that she was that everyone at school found out she'd be playing around with someone makes me believe that she was genuinely a vulnerable, young and inexperienced girl.


I have sympathy sometimes in cases where a younger girl has thrown herself at an older lad in situations where the older lad doesn't know her age, but this is far from that. This is clearly an older man who has used his status to groom and abuse a young girl.


Also, as for those who have sympathy with Johnson's girlfriend :lol: Jesus wept. She is shamelessly walking into a courtroom every day with a man who has admitted grooming and sexually abusing a 15 year old girl. I'm sorry, but there is absolutely no excuse for not leaving him. Why on Earth would you stay in a house (and probably the same bed) as a man who has abused a child? She is an absolute disgrace and I hope she falls flat on her arse and gets nothing out of this.

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RTG ffs it's the parents fault according to one of them. Another says we would all do the same if we thought we would get away with it and if we say different we are lying




The bloke who said it's the parents fault is in his sixties as well. 


I'd formulated a reply asking if he'd blame his son or daughter if his 15-year-old granddaughter to be finger-blasted by a 28 year old behind a takeaway but the thread has been pulled to save his blushes just like one the other day where he was talking s****.


A lot of them seem determined to involve the s*** Cisse campaign in some weird noncey tit for tat.


Honestly Sima I don't know why you bother with that forum as they are the most bitter set of muppets with the biggest chip on their shoulder concerning all things Newcastle. I'm all for having a bit banter but they are totally unreal and there is more often than not more threads about us than their own team. The vast majority of them on that forum fully illustrate the term SMB and it's totally shocking how now they are trying to play the victimised card; when a good majority of them were backing the nonce to the hilt only a few days ago.

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Can just imagine the bitter and twisted Mackem mongoloids in the pub pre-match today like...


Eya, it's fuckin' typical like eyn't it. We win 6 in a row against the scum and it's taanished by that fuckin' slag getting Johnson locked up.


Aye, at leyst wer not horse punchers like them b******s up the road though, eh?!


Aye, I wouldn't dare punch a horse me like, they're too sacred.


Will be hilarious when we beyt those Manc t***s today leyk. Remember when we cost them the teytle?


Aye, I don't know why they have such a chip on their shoulder about us leyk. We're proper canny us. Look at that MH17 stuff man, Citey wouldn't have done that, for Mewnich or nowt. They wanna f*** off if they start about Johnson today leyk. Sick b******s if they joke about that leyk.


Aye those maggie b******s will be singing it at Chelsey too, the f***ing scumbags. Wasn't that for em aitch seventeyn. They have no fuckin' class, not leyk us.




Aye. FTM. Sun'lun 'til we die!....Pass me haribos and signed Sunderland top. :coat:




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they reckon this could be a 2 week trial. Wonder what other evidence they've got against him and what his Defence is to the Not Guilty pleas


One word against another and no witnesses I'd imagine.

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RTG ffs it's the parents fault according to one of them. Another says we would all do the same if we thought we would get away with it and if we say different we are lying


Some serious projection going on there like. :lol:


Think it is absolutely astonishing to hear what has come out of the trial so far, the messages that they have as evidence is the reason he has had to plead guity to the first two charges. His defence will do very, very well to get him off of the other two charges.


I just cannot comprehend why a 28 year old man with an absolutely stunning and pregnant girlfriend would start messaging a 15 year old girl on facebook, meeting up with her to get touched up in a car park and asking her for rude snapchats :lol:


If he wanted to do all of this, then he could have done it with literally hundreds of women who are of legal age.


Congratulations, you might not be a pedophile.


Not so fast, we all are apparently.  Maybe he's just not met the right child yet? :dontknow:

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The most common excuse I'm seeing now the whole "Probably some lass in loads of makeup in a dark club" thing has been blown out of the water is "Well it wouldn't even be illegal in France/Germany/Wherever, so how is it bad?"  or "How come it's wrong when she's 15, but as soon as she's 16 it's fine" (ignoring the fact this wasn't like a week early, she'd only just turned 15).


It's true the age of consent is lower in countries like Germany, but the laws are geared at avoiding criminalising young couples, not allowing blokes twice their age to get sexual favours off them for football shirts.  Most of these countries have provisions specifically targeting the exploitation of young kids who are just past the lower age of consent by older men.  Germany for instance...


The age of consent in Germany is 14, as long as a person over the age of 21 does not exploit a 14- to 15-year-old person's lack of capacity for sexual self-determination, in which case a conviction of an individual over the age of 21 requires a complaint from the younger individual; being over 21 and engaging in sexual relations with a minor of that age does not constitute an offense by itself. Otherwise the age of consent is 16, although provisions protecting minors against abuse apply until the age of 18 (under Section 182(1), it is illegal to engage in sexual activity with a person under 18 "by taking advantage of an exploitative situation".
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He'll surely be in prison for ages anyway. What's the probable sentence if found guilty does anyone know?

Up to 14 years if found guilty of all charges, 15 would have been more fitting imo.


Can't really use that logic though, Ian Watkins would only serve a few months.

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Honestly Sima I don't know why you bother with that forum as they are the most bitter set of muppets with the biggest chip on their shoulder concerning all things Newcastle. I'm all for having a bit banter but they are totally unreal and there is more often than not more threads about us than their own team. The vast majority of them on that forum fully illustrate the term SMB and it's totally shocking how now they are trying to play the victimised card; when a good majority of them were backing the nonce to the hilt only a few days ago.


That isn't even close to being true. There is a very vociferous minority on there, as there is in many walks of life, which make a disproportionate amount of 'noise'. If you look at that forum, especially away from the Pure Football pages, it's actually a very good forum with some excellent intelligent posters.


Not all Sunderland fans are  supporters of sex offenders, just as not all Newcastle fans are horse punchers or telephone box destroyers.

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Honestly Sima I don't know why you bother with that forum as they are the most bitter set of muppets with the biggest chip on their shoulder concerning all things Newcastle. I'm all for having a bit banter but they are totally unreal and there is more often than not more threads about us than their own team. The vast majority of them on that forum fully illustrate the term SMB and it's totally shocking how now they are trying to play the victimised card; when a good majority of them were backing the nonce to the hilt only a few days ago.


That isn't even close to being true. There is a very vociferous minority on there, as there is in many walks of life, which make a disproportionate amount of 'noise'. If you look at that forum, especially away from the Pure Football pages, it's actually a very good forum with some excellent intelligent posters.


Not all Sunderland fans are not supporters of sex offenders, just as not all Newcastle fans are horse punchers or telephone box destroyers.


1 horse puncher, 1000's singing he shags who he wants. Same thing really...

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Honestly Sima I don't know why you bother with that forum as they are the most bitter set of muppets with the biggest chip on their shoulder concerning all things Newcastle. I'm all for having a bit banter but they are totally unreal and there is more often than not more threads about us than their own team. The vast majority of them on that forum fully illustrate the term SMB and it's totally shocking how now they are trying to play the victimised card; when a good majority of them were backing the nonce to the hilt only a few days ago.


That isn't even close to being true. There is a very vociferous minority on there, as there is in many walks of life, which make a disproportionate amount of 'noise'. If you look at that forum, especially away from the Pure Football pages, it's actually a very good forum with some excellent intelligent posters.


Not all Sunderland fans are not supporters of sex offenders, just as not all Newcastle fans are horse punchers or telephone box destroyers.


1 horse puncher, 1000's singing he shags who he wants. Same thing really...


I don't know a single Newcastle fan who didn't condemn the horse puncher, but until last week thousands of Sunderland supporters were defending, excuse making and celebrating Adam Johnson...some still are.


That's the difference. Its why they are scum.

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1 horse puncher, 1000's singing he shags who he wants. Same thing really...


Thousands? No, a few hundred. The vast majority of Sunderland fans have never sung that song.


One horse puncher amongst a hell of a lot of your fans running amok after a derby defeat, and there were quite a few hundred involved in smashing the town up a few years earlier. However, the vast majority of Newcastle fans were not involved in the trouble.


I'll stick with the facts and judge most people by their actions and not the actions of a few hundred idiots. 

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Honestly Sima I don't know why you bother with that forum as they are the most bitter set of muppets with the biggest chip on their shoulder concerning all things Newcastle. I'm all for having a bit banter but they are totally unreal and there is more often than not more threads about us than their own team. The vast majority of them on that forum fully illustrate the term SMB and it's totally shocking how now they are trying to play the victimised card; when a good majority of them were backing the nonce to the hilt only a few days ago.


That isn't even close to being true. There is a very vociferous minority on there, as there is in many walks of life, which make a disproportionate amount of 'noise'. If you look at that forum, especially away from the Pure Football pages, it's actually a very good forum with some excellent intelligent posters.


Not all Sunderland fans are not supporters of sex offenders, just as not all Newcastle fans are horse punchers or telephone box destroyers.


1 horse puncher, 1000's singing he shags who he wants. Same thing really...


I don't know a single Newcastle fan who didn't condemn the horse puncher, but until last week thousands of Sunderland supporters were defending, excuse making and celebrating Adam Johnson...some still are.


That's the difference. Its why they are scum.


Extremely true that. You just spoiled my bait trap  :lol:

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Honestly Sima I don't know why you bother with that forum as they are the most bitter set of muppets with the biggest chip on their shoulder concerning all things Newcastle. I'm all for having a bit banter but they are totally unreal and there is more often than not more threads about us than their own team. The vast majority of them on that forum fully illustrate the term SMB and it's totally shocking how now they are trying to play the victimised card; when a good majority of them were backing the nonce to the hilt only a few days ago.


That isn't even close to being true. There is a very vociferous minority on there, as there is in many walks of life, which make a disproportionate amount of 'noise'. If you look at that forum, especially away from the Pure Football pages, it's actually a very good forum with some excellent intelligent posters.


Not all Sunderland fans are  supporters of sex offenders, just as not all Newcastle fans are horse punchers or telephone box destroyers.

Don't look at the other forums not interested to be honest but I do know a good majority of your fellow muppets were singing a different tune prior to the guilty plead.

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1 horse puncher, 1000's singing he shags who he wants. Same thing really...


Thousands? No, a few hundred. The vast majority of Sunderland fans have never sung that song.


One horse puncher amongst a hell of a lot of your fans running amok after a derby defeat, and there were quite a few hundred involved in smashing the town up a few years earlier. However, the vast majority of Newcastle fans were not involved in the trouble.


I'll stick with the facts and judge most people by their actions and not the actions of a few hundred idiots.


Ta  :fishing:


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1 horse puncher, 1000's singing he shags who he wants. Same thing really...


Thousands? No, a few hundred. The vast majority of Sunderland fans have never sung that song.


One horse puncher amongst a hell of a lot of your fans running amok after a derby defeat, and there were quite a few hundred involved in smashing the town up a few years earlier.



Honestly Sima I don't know why you bother with that forum as they are the most bitter set of muppets with the biggest chip on their shoulder concerning all things Newcastle. I'm all for having a bit banter but they are totally unreal and there is more often than not more threads about us than their own team. The vast majority of them on that forum fully illustrate the term SMB and it's totally shocking how now they are trying to play the victimised card; when a good majority of them were backing the nonce to the hilt only a few days ago.


That isn't even close to being true. There is a very vociferous minority on there, as there is in many walks of life, which make a disproportionate amount of 'noise'. If you look at that forum, especially away from the Pure Football pages, it's actually a very good forum with some excellent intelligent posters.


Not all Sunderland fans are  supporters of sex offenders, just as not all Newcastle fans are horse punchers or telephone box destroyers.

owever, the vast majority of Newcastle fans were not involved in the trouble.


I'll stick with the facts and judge most people by their actions and not the actions of a few hundred idiots. 


Most people on RTG stereotype all Newcastle fans as horse punchers but they'll be up in arms when they all get tarred as paedos at every away ground in the country as Boro fans had to put up with for years. That site is just a bizarre collection of social misfits, hypocrites, weirdos and now paedo sympathisers. I wouldn't want it closed down or people even banned because as long as it exists there's a place for them to go and they don't spoil the rest of the Internet.

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1 horse puncher, 1000's singing he shags who he wants. Same thing really...


Thousands? No, a few hundred. The vast majority of Sunderland fans have never sung that song.


One horse puncher amongst a hell of a lot of your fans running amok after a derby defeat, and there were quite a few hundred involved in smashing the town up a few years earlier. However, the vast majority of Newcastle fans were not involved in the trouble.


I'll stick with the facts and judge most people by their actions and not the actions of a few hundred idiots.


Ta  :fishing:


W**ker  :lol:

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1 horse puncher, 1000's singing he shags who he wants. Same thing really...


Thousands? No, a few hundred. The vast majority of Sunderland fans have never sung that song.


One horse puncher amongst a hell of a lot of your fans running amok after a derby defeat, and there were quite a few hundred involved in smashing the town up a few years earlier.



Honestly Sima I don't know why you bother with that forum as they are the most bitter set of muppets with the biggest chip on their shoulder concerning all things Newcastle. I'm all for having a bit banter but they are totally unreal and there is more often than not more threads about us than their own team. The vast majority of them on that forum fully illustrate the term SMB and it's totally shocking how now they are trying to play the victimised card; when a good majority of them were backing the nonce to the hilt only a few days ago.


That isn't even close to being true. There is a very vociferous minority on there, as there is in many walks of life, which make a disproportionate amount of 'noise'. If you look at that forum, especially away from the Pure Football pages, it's actually a very good forum with some excellent intelligent posters.


Not all Sunderland fans are  supporters of sex offenders, just as not all Newcastle fans are horse punchers or telephone box destroyers.

owever, the vast majority of Newcastle fans were not involved in the trouble.


I'll stick with the facts and judge most people by their actions and not the actions of a few hundred idiots. 


Most people on RTG stereotype all Newcastle fans as horse punchers but they'll be up in arms when they all get tarred as paedos at every away ground in the country as Boro fans had to put up with for years. That site is just a bizarre collection of social misfits, hypocrites, weirdos and now paedo sympathisers. I wouldn't want it closed down or people even banned because as long as it exists there's a place for them to go and they don't spoil the rest of the Internet.


To a tee

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