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What are the realistic chances that given what he'd admitted to them and what the detective in charge of the case told that Byrne wife the club told him to plead not guilty so they could unsuspend and continue to play him? Would be another explanation as to why they're not suing him.

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Christ, man. All they had to do was just look at the NFL over the past couple of years


So it's between the incredible media backlash they are about to receive and having to watch NFL...


If you actually bang them they make you watch baseball.

Don't make me Ray Rice you.


As if I know what that means :yao:


That's the beauty of it. :lol: 

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I hope his defence is just "aye I finger kids, what you gannae dee?"


I'd let him off with the lot.


Asked whether he thought sexual activity might take place, AJ says: "Yeah there was a possibility"


    Did you want to do that? AJ: "Yeah"

    — Josh Halliday (@JoshHalliday) February 22, 2016


Hans might have been onto something :lol:


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I'ma actually chuckling at the stupidity.  This guy is so guilty. Why he's trying to fight it is beyond me.


Imagine - 5, 6 years ago many of us would've loved him here. Absolutely delighted he ended up at Sunderland and they cheered him a week before all this happened. Hate this happened for the lass though obviously.

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Asked why he continued kissing the girl given his worries, AJ says: "Because I wanted to and I wasn't thinking clearly how I should've been"


The way his defence is going I'm half-expecting a breakdown similar to Sly Stallone in Rocky III when Adrian's grilling him on the beach. "Because I wanted to... I'M A NONCE!! YOU WANNA HEAR ME SAY IT!? YOU WANNA BREAK ME DOWN!? OK! I'M A DIRTY NONCE! ARE YOU f***ing HAPPY NOW!?"

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