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Paul Dummett

Guest palnese

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Guest alijmitchell

I'm one of his biggest critics but defensively he was good last night. I just hate him on the ball



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I'm really bemused how some are still managing to criticise him after last night.


It's just so pointless bring critical of him, like. He's our best LB by a mile and he doesn't rest on that. People just need someone to hate.


If you look in the match thread he was actually criticised for clearing the ball off the line. :lol:

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The fact he gets a nose bleed when he crosses the half way line is the biggest justification for criticism imho. He's very rarely a let down defensively.


Overall he's done a decent job at this level but will need to be replaced should we go up.

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Guest alijmitchell

I guess the argument is, when everyone is calm and not kicking off about him (including myself at times), he doesn't always need to be in the team. I'd like to see us have options on the left from fullback. So we all know what he is, and how limited he is. Certainly I'd like to see Lazaar play games where we need to stretch teams a bit more. But dummett is a useful 'backs against the wall' defender.



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I guess the argument is, when everyone is calm and not kicking off about him (including myself at times), he doesn't always need to be in the team. I'd like to see us have options on the left from fullback. So we all know what he is, and how limited he is. Certainly I'd like to see Lazaar play games where we need to stretch teams a bit more. But dummett is a useful 'backs against the wall' defender.



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In the event we do go up with games to spare, I'd be really keen to see what Lazaar's got.

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Guest palnese

Find it really weird that Lazaar hasn't played more. Especially at home against the lesser sides.


Reckon he'll leave in the summer. Pointless signing.

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Small things like winning backpost headers against Murray really help.


I get the position that we need someone better in attack for home games. But you still need him to be solid defensively - I don't think we have a genuine alternative. I would much rather drop Gouff from the left to provide more fret.

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Lazaar just isn't a defender. I'm not sure who scouted him but they got it hideously wrong if they brought him here to play LB.


I've not seen anywhere near enough of him to make a judgement. Weird how he's not got a look in though.

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Slightly surprised people thought Dummett had such a good game last night - he was ok, but he made a fair few errors early on (no clue why he attempted that header in the first few minutes or so - absolute suicide) and there were a few occasions where he set himself up quite badly against Knockaert, but got away with it.

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Well yeah - clearly a crucial clearance off the line and he did really well to make it, but isn't that just him being there at the time?  It was hardly as if he foresaw that Darlow was going to punch the ball backwards and positioned himself accordingly.

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Guest alijmitchell

Does him being crap on the ball put more pressure on our defence? If I was the opposition I'd target him and Lascelles and press him. We can't use him to play out or around that. It's then conpounded with gouffran and Colback not really showing either. It's obviously okayish because we are winning most games, but it's a weakness for the team for sure



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I'm really bemused how some are still managing to criticise him after last night.


It's just so pointless bring critical of him, like. He's our best LB by a mile and he doesn't rest on that. People just need someone to hate.


If you look in the match thread he was actually criticised for clearing the ball off the line. :lol:





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What's worst is that I don't think anyone disagrees on what sort of player Dummett is. We all know his limitations.


The problem comes from some people's expectations of a player in that position.

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The lad did his best and had, by his standards, a decent game last night against a very good player - never going to be a world beater - or even decent PL standard - but needed in the squad for the Championship.

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A good left-winger is going to need a far better left-back than Dummett to link up with like.


Disagree with this one.


It might actually help the winger that Dummett isn't attacking minded in the slightest.


Overlapping full backs bring 2 defensive players over to the wing. Dummett not overlapping would leave our left winger 1 v 1 with their full back more often than that. It happens now, trouble is Gouff hasn't taken a player on all season.


Atsu beating his man several times v Bristol City (was always 1 v 1 with full back).


Teams do this a lot - if Martial plays wide left for Man U you'll rarely see his own left back going past him. They leave them isolated as he will always have a go at beating his man.

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