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Words to currently describe NUFC . . . . . .

Belfast Mags

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Meant all of them FWIW. I don't think it's necessary to feel for those who haven't taken it upon themselves to choose a team (something I'll never get) in another sport.


Watching football without such a bitter / NUFC twisted outlook on anything has done me some good.


Aye, odd reading that last page, like. Some strange comments from fans that 'love' this club. Even stranger that local, match going, Newcastle fans are becoming something of an easy joke on here. Can't quite get my head around it, but I assume it's because we're almost becoming a minority on this site.


I certainly didn't intend to have a go like, just saying how I personally felt. The "poor bastards" post was whimsical, don't take it so personally mate.


If anything I envy those of you who do still have that passion that I've seemingly lost.


While I could understand where you were coming from in that post, I still really look forward to match days myself. Yes, more often than not I end up incredibly pissed off, but there are some good footballers here that give a glimpse into a promise of much better than we are seeing now. I've seen far more depressing Newcastle sides in any case. The ownership of the club is grim I agree, but at least we'll be in reasonable shape the day he eventually fucks off.

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