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Everton 3 - 2 Newcastle United - 30/09/13 - post-match reaction from page 57


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Well i thought Williamson did quite well.


His distribution is just too poor to be playing at this level sadly.


Even when he's under no pressure he still lumps it. I know the movement in front of him is terrible but he's like a race horse with blinkers he can knock a simple ball to our full backs.


and another indictment on Pardew is how poor our off the ball movement has been under Pardew.


3 years and we are no further forward than the day he took over.

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Everton were shocking second half.


Not really.... and they wasn't fantastic in the first half either.


They looked good because we allowed them to be and they looked bad in the 2nd half because we didn't allow them to play.


The same could be said vice versa tbf, but the point is let a passing team play and your asking for trouble put them under pressure and they won't like it.


As the old saying goes..... any team can look good if the opposition allows them to be.


Mole, we couldn't have gifted you a way back into the game any more - just like us being 3-0 was in no small part due to your total lack of defending.


Beren's nailed it perfectly - we took our foot off the gas, ground to a halt, got out the car and went for a walk. It was farcical.


Everton just needed to pass it around the back a lot and calm it down, reminds me of how we let teams back into games a lot by not knowing how to slow it down

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Guest JamesyJazz

I'm not sure what to think about the 2nd half.  Was a much better performance by us but Everton went to sleep for me.


They did but we pressed them, amazing that a passing team doesn't like being pressed. Sitting back in the first half killed us, letting them play. And Pardew doesn't deserve credit for getting us to do what we should have done from the 1st whistle.


Bimpy your spot on.


The way we defend makes no sense.


We don't press

We don't get tight

We aren't compact


It's so f***ing wishy washy, the players don't have a f***ing clue what they are meant to do

Agree,it's the total turnaround from what we did so very well two seasons ago that helped us finish 5th.So what's went wrong?

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The hell is going on with Ben Arfa man? One world beating performance followed by 2 garbage displays. He doesn't seem to be a bull shit type person in the press, he has all the positive mentality in the world, something off with him?


He was ineffective tonight but I didn't think he was garbage as such. Just like last season, he was the only outlet. Moving Remy into the middle put all the pressure back onto Hatem; they doubled-up on him and countered him easily. Just woeful tactics from Pardew, as usual.


(Plus Seamus Coleman had an absolutely sensational performance - he was man of the match by a distance, for all Sky's ejaculating over Lukaku.)

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Guest bimpy474

Could not have played into their hands more in the first half. Let a passing team pass their way around us, absolute toilet management


Aye, zilch pressing played right into their hands. But this is exactly what we do all the time under Pardew.

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Everton were shocking second half.


Not really.... and they wasn't fantastic in the first half either.


They looked good because we allowed them to be and they looked bad in the 2nd half because we didn't allow them to play.


The same could be said vice versa tbf, but the point is let a passing team play and your asking for trouble put them under pressure and they won't like it.


As the old saying goes..... any team can look good if the opposition allows them to be.


Eh? They were f***ing terrible second half man!


Because we didn't allow them to play.... i know everyone wants to be down and downplay anything we do right but its true.


Problem really is will the team play like that regularly.... we all know they have the ability to do so but its still a big question mark.


We don't have the defenders to sit back and absorb pressure, we need to go at these teams from the outset by pressing from the front.


We'll be alright if we do so but i'll believe it when it happens on a regular basis and not just to save some pride.

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The only reason there was even an opportunity for the cracks to be papered over was because Everton not only took their foot off the gear, but got out of the car and went for a walk.


Second half means next to nothing tbh.


The only reason Everton scored 3 goals in the first half was because we started with the car turned off and couldn't even find the keys.  I mean which of their goals wasn't down to a comedy of errors?, every fucking one was.

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Guest bimpy474

Well i thought Williamson did quite well.


His distribution is just too poor to be playing at this level sadly.


Even when he's under no pressure he still lumps it. I know the movement in front of him is terrible but he's like a race horse with blinkers he can knock a simple ball to our full backs.


and another indictment on Pardew is how poor our off the ball movement has been under Pardew.


3 years and we are no further forward than the day he took over.


Dont get me wrong, he is woeful. But by his standards i thought he did quite well.

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Guest reefatoon

The hell is going on with Ben Arfa man? One world beating performance followed by 2 garbage displays. He doesn't seem to be a bull s*** type person in the press, he has all the positive mentality in the world, something off with him?


that's why he plays for us and not a top team. He has all the attributes but seems to run hot and cold too many times. Seems to lack the consistency needed to be a true great. Though more than happy to have him here.

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I'm not sure what to think about the 2nd half.  Was a much better performance by us but Everton went to sleep for me.


They did but we pressed them, amazing that a passing team doesn't like being pressed. Sitting back in the first half killed us, letting them play. And Pardew doesn't deserve credit for getting us to do what we should have done from the 1st whistle.


Bimpy your spot on.


The way we defend makes no sense.


We don't press

We don't get tight

We aren't compact


It's so f***ing wishy washy, the players don't have a f***ing clue what they are meant to do

Agree,it's the total turnaround from what we did so very well two seasons ago that helped us finish 5th.So what's went wrong?


I can only assume the players get sick of his training methods.


People may disagree with me here but i just don't think they respect him he's too soft on the players for me.


Letting Colo fuck off back to Argentina whilst he was out injured, same with Ben arfa who was being treated in France. Some will say this is good man management for me it's giving players a free holiday and will breed resentment from the other members of the team.

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The hell is going on with Ben Arfa man? One world beating performance followed by 2 garbage displays. He doesn't seem to be a bull s*** type person in the press, he has all the positive mentality in the world, something off with him?


He was ineffective tonight but I didn't think he was garbage as such. Just like last season, he was the only outlet. Moving Remy into the middle put all the pressure back onto Hatem; they doubled-up on him and countered him easily. Just woeful tactics from Pardew, as usual.


(Plus Seamus Coleman had an absolutely sensational performance - he was man of the match by a distance, for all Sky's ejaculating over Lukaku.)


the excuses people will make for hba  :facepalm:


a crap game is a crap game, and he had one.  And the one before that.

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I am an advocate of anita normally but tonight I thought he was extremely negative and tentative on the ball. there were far too many times when he should have bust into the space free ahead of him but he faltered time and again and passed sideways or backwards.

Not impressed. Cabaye made a hell of a difference when he came on.

Tiote did what he was meant to do, you just cannot play him and anita together otherwise we become very slow and predictable.

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Well i thought Williamson did quite well.


His distribution is just too poor to be playing at this level sadly.


Even when he's under no pressure he still lumps it. I know the movement in front of him is terrible but he's like a race horse with blinkers he can knock a simple ball to our full backs.


and another indictment on Pardew is how poor our off the ball movement has been under Pardew.


3 years and we are no further forward than the day he took over.


Dont get me wrong, he is woeful. But by his standards i thought he did quite well.


Hard to call mate.


Everton we're relaxing the entire time he was on the pitch.

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The hell is going on with Ben Arfa man? One world beating performance followed by 2 garbage displays. He doesn't seem to be a bull shit type person in the press, he has all the positive mentality in the world, something off with him?


Shut-down HBA and you basically shut-down our offense.

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Tiote - 4 - Wasn't as bad I thought as he has been at times, at others just as bad



Exactly as I felt. :lol:


Seriously I thought Tiote played well and kept pressing all game. Also kept it very simple. The one time he lost the ball dangerously was a bad decision by Krul to throw it out to so crowded area.

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The only reason there was even an opportunity for the cracks to be papered over was because Everton not only took their foot off the gear, but got out of the car and went for a walk.


Second half means next to nothing tbh.


The only reason Everton scored 3 goals in the first half was because we started with the car turned off and couldn't even find the keys.  I mean which of their goals wasn't down to a comedy of errors?, every fucking one was.


I agree to some extent, but the difference is that was when the game was still (in theory anyway :lol:) a competitive match and that was our level that we were bringing to the table.

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The hell is going on with Ben Arfa man? One world beating performance followed by 2 garbage displays. He doesn't seem to be a bull s*** type person in the press, he has all the positive mentality in the world, something off with him?


He was ineffective tonight but I didn't think he was garbage as such. Just like last season, he was the only outlet. Moving Remy into the middle put all the pressure back onto Hatem; they doubled-up on him and countered him easily. Just woeful tactics from Pardew, as usual.


(Plus Seamus Coleman had an absolutely sensational performance - he was man of the match by a distance, for all Sky's ejaculating over Lukaku.)


the excuses people will make for hba  :facepalm:


a crap game is a crap game, and he had one.  And the one before that.

His shot was the only thing resembling a chance in the first half.

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An obvious point:

We lost this game due to lack of character and heart in the first twenty minutes. How can we play like we did in the second half and not like that in the first fifteen minutes, arguably the most important time to stay tight and to compete???

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The only reason there was even an opportunity for the cracks to be papered over was because Everton not only took their foot off the gear, but got out of the car and went for a walk.


Second half means next to nothing tbh.


The only reason Everton scored 3 goals in the first half was because we started with the car turned off and couldn't even find the keys.  I mean which of their goals wasn't down to a comedy of errors?, every f***ing one was.


I agree to some extent, but the difference is that was when the game was still (in theory anyway :lol:) a competitive match and that was our level that we were bringing to the table.


I think that first half was more inline with how we usually play in comparison to Everton's second half.

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The hell is going on with Ben Arfa man? One world beating performance followed by 2 garbage displays. He doesn't seem to be a bull s*** type person in the press, he has all the positive mentality in the world, something off with him?


He was ineffective tonight but I didn't think he was garbage as such. Just like last season, he was the only outlet. Moving Remy into the middle put all the pressure back onto Hatem; they doubled-up on him and countered him easily. Just woeful tactics from Pardew, as usual.


(Plus Seamus Coleman had an absolutely sensational performance - he was man of the match by a distance, for all Sky's ejaculating over Lukaku.)


the excuses people will make for hba  :facepalm:


a crap game is a crap game, and he had one.  And the one before that.


Oh, I'm not saying he wasn't poor, like. He was. But the fact that Remy was totally out of the picture put all the pressure onto Ben Arfa and Everton defended against him easily.

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Guest reefatoon

Well i thought Williamson did quite well.


His distribution is just too poor to be playing at this level sadly.


Even when he's under no pressure he still lumps it. I know the movement in front of him is terrible but he's like a race horse with blinkers he can knock a simple ball to our full backs.


and another indictment on Pardew is how poor our off the ball movement has been under Pardew.


3 years and we are no further forward than the day he took over.


As much as we all think Williamson is crap, he is the one defender to come out with any credit today. Came on and played his part. We can slate the plank but not today on that performance.

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