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Newcastle Utd 1 - 2 Cardiff City - 04/01/14 - Post-match reaction from page 21


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What a f***ing surprise, this is the reason I didn't bother today, first home cup game missed for years.


Me too mate. I know exactly how you feel and I can honestly say I've never been closer to chucking it all in. Not just today. Last minute winner against WBA, outclassed at Spurs and fluked a 1-0 win, no idea against Stoke and 1-0 down until they lost the plot, we did what everybody else has dine this season and beat that shower from Old Trafford and then we have to listen to Pardew telling us he knew all along it was just the Europa League and injuries that held us back last season. Utter nonsense. Cabaye and Krul injured today, aye, it's the FA Cup, Premier League match they'd be out there. Shola starting again this season. Just f*** o** Pardew.


I nearly went at 2pm and was gonna pay on door, then thought fuck that better things to spend £20-30 on tbh and sounds like we played utter shit anyway

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Guest Roger Kint

So nobody wants a thrilling battle for 8th place? Each to their own, I guess.


If the players dont then we shouldnt either

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Our season effectively over losing this, no fighting for top 6 now, no change of relegation and unlikely to finish anywhere outside 8th - 12th, what's the f***ing point


Mike Ashley likes this.


Perfect outcome. Plus we get to cash in on cabaye and krul. Then we get to save on paying for Remy who will go somewhere with European football.

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Guest Roger Kint

Could be worse, Villa getting beat off Sheff Utd :D


Its not really worse, its a cup game you go through or go out. Doesnt really matter who their reserves get beat off tbh. Plus Lambert wasnt exactly dying to go through

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What a f***ing surprise, this is the reason I didn't bother today, first home cup game missed for years.


Me too mate. I know exactly how you feel and I can honestly say I've never been closer to chucking it all in. Not just today. Last minute winner against WBA, outclassed at Spurs and fluked a 1-0 win, no idea against Stoke and 1-0 down until they lost the plot, we did what everybody else has dine this season and beat that shower from Old Trafford and then we have to listen to Pardew telling us he knew all along it was just the Europa League and injuries that held us back last season. Utter nonsense. Cabaye and Krul injured today, aye, it's the FA Cup, Premier League match they'd be out there. Shola starting again this season. Just f*** o** Pardew.


Piss off man you joker. We beat Spurs, Chelsea and Man United and you're not happy?:lol:

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This is fucking bollocks man, sick to death of going out of cups against absolute dog shit teams. Pardew is gash


Brighton last year was horrendous. Standing right behind the goal watching us flounder about and get out played by a championship side. Grim.

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