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I see that Lassana Diarra is apparently going to sign with West Ham on a free transfer after having been unattached since August. He has had a very odd career. He has been at so many big clubs, but it has never actually worked out for him, except for maybe that one FA CUP winning season at Portsmouth after which he was inevitably sold.

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Remember him being one of Anzhi's standouts (along with that pair of Moroccans) when we played them in the fated Europa. Somehow only 29 years old despite it feeling like he's been around forever, so still time for him to get back into decent form. Good defensive midfielder on his day.

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Diarra's a good player. Just always follows the money and has made so many poor choices. The club he's made most of his professional appearances for Real Madrid by the looks of Wikipedia.


He's too old for us but would improve us greatly in midfield. Levels above Tiote & Anita as a defensive midfielder.


Very good signing for Big Sam/

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Aye, quite funny really. If he learned to control a ball effectively and wasn't scuffing most of his shots maybe he was justified in his calls. As it is, he is just as major part of us struggling than anyone else is at the club.


I maintain there's a good player there - even given the criticism his goalscoring record is nothing to turn your nose up at - but he could be so, so much better.

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I'll save someone the effort:






Your lot must be fucking livid with comments like that. I mean our lot don't care if Sissoko touts himself like a cheap flyer girl in Ibiza, but i imagine that doesn't wash in Merseyside aka capital of the universe.  O0

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Lukaku want's out at Everton. Wants to move to a top club and feels Everton are small fry.  :lol:

ah the joys of modern football and the byproduct of the champions league. Oh I know there's always been a food chain in football but it seems to have gotten much worse particularly in the last 10 years or so. He's only been at the club for half a season permanently (also not played all that well in that 6 months) and he's already planning his move away good fucking grief.

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£28m and done fuck all since he club paid the fee. He should be dragging them kicking and scream to the level he thinks he's at. Its the same way i've felt about Sissoko's antics, don't forget Sissoko didn't cost £28m, come from a club like chelsea and Everton are lower in the league than us. Bear that in mind when you think about Sissoko's attempts to whore himself about last month.

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Similar to Berahinio. All players convinced they've made it and deserve the extra pay check way before they're even close to being 'top players'. None will achieve anything, you can tell the attitude is pathetic, rather than dedicate themselves to becoming the best they all believe their own (and they're agents) hype and have not the will to be any better than they are. They need to look at Sanchez at Arsenal and wonder if he's ever taken any of it for granted, or is he like he looks playing like every game might be his last?


Pretty much all English players are going this way, Sterling will, Wilshere has, it's why we're shit at international level.

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£28m and done fuck all since he club paid the fee. He should be dragging them kicking and scream to the level he thinks he's at. Its the same way i've felt about Sissoko's antics, don't forget Sissoko didn't cost £28m, come from a club like chelsea and Everton are lower in the league than us. Bear that in mind when you think about Sissoko's attempts to whore himself about last month.

the difference (for me anyway) is Sissoko (and everyone else on our playing staff) was probably told from day one play well and we'll sell you on to someone further up the pecking order so I don't really hold it against him when its probably the only reason he joined in the first place.

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Nobody's debating it. Any player who isn't utterly shit should be wanting a move from us. It's shit we all know that and anyone that replaces him will be the same.


At least the players wanting a move now are doing it because that's what they were sold and not handing transfer requests because they've had their nose put out place because they're not in team in the team anymore because they've never improved.

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The difference is Sissoko is playing for a shite team below his level and has performed well enough to probably deserve a move.


Where as Lukaku has played like shit and done nothing to suggest he deserves a move to a "better" team in fact very much the opposite after they invested 28m in him.


Two scenarios are very different, although I don't like what Sissoko does I'm very much understanding of why he does it.

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Honestly, they're an absolute disgrace are those comments from Lukaku. They don't read as abominably badly as they are because we're used to such things. But it's fucking terrible and yet another sad indictment on the state of top level football. Regardless of how poorly the lad has been playing. Like I said in the other thread, fuck trying to build anything; the media would have you believe that the elite has been established beyond any mutiny, and the lack of loyalty from players outside that elite only helps to consolidate the divide. "Who the fuck are Everton, this club that spent millions on me and wanted to build their future around me? I would rather sit on the bench at City, thanks."


It's happening with so many players who hit a run of form or show some potential. Carroll, Ba and Cabaye are three that recently played for us who hit form and then felt they were bigger than us. This at a time where we were doing alright and were performing like something vaguely close to a competitive sporting institution (the preliminary phases of the rot had set in by the time Cabaye wanted out, tbf to him).


Just pisses me off. If the ingredients are right, the gap is closeable. We were the fifth best team in the country in 11/12, and Southampton are brilliant at the moment, too. Everton have done okay in the recent past as well - as a neutral I'm sorry to see them stutter this year. I thought Swansea had potential to be one of the best teams in the country too but their three main people (Michu, Bony and Laudrup) couldn't be arsed building and presumably just wanted the fast-track and bigger wage slip. The fabled top four doesn't need to be set in stone but there's some characteristics of football - in general - that mean 99.9% are always playing catch-up or are always having to retreat to the drawing board.


Yes, generationally there have always been 'the bigger boys', but the idea of the elite has never been championed and perpetuated like it is today. Since Sir Alex packed it in the league is actually in a state of flux, and with the rate of which things change (eg, clubs swapping managers every five minutes/more money coming in for everyone - to name two things that are very different to ten years ago), there is an exploitable opportunity. Which is what Southampton are doing this season and fucking good on them; I hope they finish as high as possible.


But as long as this mentality that Chelsea, ManC, ManU, Liverpool, Arsenal (and recently Spurs, since they - to their credit - moulded some glamour into the squad in the shape of Bale) are the only ones entitled to success, you'll get disloyal wanks like Lukaku trying to perpetuate the divide.


Frustrating. Anything is possible in football but - as much as they love a 'true underdog story', like us in 11/12 or Soton today - the media won't let you believe it. There are other contributing factors too; like the supporters. Rather than get militant, people would rather swallow mediocrity and consider anything above 10th an achievement - running parallel to the arrogance of the supporters of those 'bigger boys'. ManU's poor, poor fanbase last season for example. Arsenal's too. How dare they only finish 4th every year and not win a trophy for 7 years? And people have the cheek to claim we have a sense of entitlement.


Meh. Ramble.

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Honestly, they're an absolute disgrace are those comments from Lukaku. They don't read as abominably badly as they are because we're used to such things. But it's fucking terrible and yet another sad indictment on the state of top level football. Regardless of how poorly the lad has been playing. Like I said in the other thread, fuck trying to build anything; the media would have you believe that the elite has been established beyond any mutiny, and the lack of loyalty from players outside that elite only helps to consolidate the divide. "Who the fuck are Everton, this club that spent millions on me and wanted to build their future around me? I would rather sit on the bench at City, thanks."


It's happening with so many players who hit a run of form or show some potential. Carroll, Ba and Cabaye are three that recently played for us who hit form and then felt they were bigger than us. This at a time where we were doing alright and were performing like something vaguely close to a competitive sporting institution (the preliminary phases of the rot had set in by the time Cabaye wanted out, tbf to him).


Just pisses me off. If the ingredients are right, the gap is closeable. We were the fifth best team in the country in 11/12, and Southampton are brilliant at the moment, too. Everton have done okay in the recent past as well - as a neutral I'm sorry to see them stutter this year. I thought Swansea had potential to be one of the best teams in the country too but their three main people (Michu, Bony and Laudrup) couldn't be arsed building and presumably just wanted the fast-track and bigger wage slip. The fabled top four doesn't need to be set in stone but there's some characteristics of football - in general - that mean 99.9% are always playing catch-up or are always having to retreat to the drawing board.


Yes, generationally there have always been 'the bigger boys', but the idea of the elite has never been championed and perpetuated like it is today. Since Sir Alex packed it in the league is actually in a state of flux, and with the rate of which things change (eg, clubs swapping managers every five minutes/more money coming in for everyone - to name two things that are very different to ten years ago), there is an exploitable opportunity. Which is what Southampton are doing this season and fucking good on them; I hope they finish as high as possible.


But as long as this mentality that Chelsea, ManC, ManU, Liverpool, Arsenal (and recently Spurs, since they - to their credit - moulded some glamour into the squad in the shape of Bale) are the only ones entitled to success, you'll get disloyal wanks like Lukaku trying to perpetuate the divide.


Frustrating. Anything is possible in football but - as much as they love a 'true underdog story', like us in 11/12 or Soton today - the media won't let you believe it. There are other contributing factors too; like the supporters. Rather than get militant, people would rather swallow mediocrity and consider anything above 10th an achievement - running parallel to the arrogance of the supporters of those 'bigger boys'. ManU's poor, poor fanbase last season for example. Arsenal's too. How dare they only finish 4th every year and not win a trophy for 7 years? And people have the cheek to claim we have a sense of entitlement.


Meh. Ramble.


Great post, York. Actually probably worth pointing out too that Cabaye actually felt bigger than us, if that's how you want to phrase it, on the back of a poor season for him personally. He didn't really hit top form for us till his final 3 months here. 

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With this new tv deal players will become even more mercenary and the game will be a lot worse for it I'm just waiting for the first player to refuse to play for his country because he would rather go on holiday to Vegas or something,

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