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Official: Daryl Janmaat joins Watford for £7m


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He's been pictured at SJP holding the shirt.




I think its more likely to do with the finer points of the Debuchy deal with Arse being sorted before we announce it.  Not that I know anything, just speculating of course.

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Surely it won't fall through when he's been pictured at the training ground AND stadium holding the shirt?


We've probably delayed the announcement because we're run by wankers.

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Is that official now??


Not sure if the club have announced anything but Caulking and co were reporting it yesterday.


Anyway, I agree with you, I cant imagine there's a problem. Will probably be announced today.

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Would have to buy The Sun to read the article, but they are right that he is on his holidays. The deal hasn't hit a snag. Feyenoord expected it to be announced by us by 7pm, and I think SSN were saying 5pm. I'm not sure why there's a delay in the announcement tbh.

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The Sun, ffs. :lol: Why are people panicking over what they're claiming?


I think its because they are now the clubs media mouthpiece?


To an extent. But The Sun will still want to go about its main aim, which is tell half truths and shift papers.

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Meanwhile, Newcastle's proposed unveiling of Janmaat, which was initially expected on Tuesday afternoon, is now unlikely to take place on Wednesday either, although the delay is purely administrative.



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looks like this is all hanging on the Mathieu Debuchy  sale. Maybe arsenal are playing with the price now that we have a replacement. Turning the tables on Mike a. :frantic:


That's the downside to getting a replacement in early. This club! :cheesy:

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What the hell are Arsenal playing at?! Do they want Debuchy or not. Clearly what's holding up things.


Apparently they've decided against Khedira and all, due to his wage demands.

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