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Official: Daryl Janmaat joins Watford for £7m


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Ridiculous that we are even contemplating letting him go


No idea if he is going or not. My perception from talking to people that have supported Rafa's teams is that he wants defenders whose first instinct is to defend. Janmaat is not that. Plus his crossing so far does not suggest he could do okay as a winger.

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Lets sell our right back to a premier league club so we can play a midget midfielder out of position at right back?


Rafa won't sell unless he has someone lined up as a direct replacement.

I disagree, Anita will be first choice if Janmaat leaves

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Lets sell our right back to a premier league club so we can play a midget midfielder out of position at right back?


Rafa won't sell unless he has someone lined up as a direct replacement.

I disagree, Anita will be first choice if Janmaat leaves


Maybe,but I mean Rafa wouldn't leave us short in that position I doubt,even if he plays Anita there and signs a RB as back up.


Got no issue with Anita playing there really,he's no good at RM and not impressed with him at CM/DM so maybe RB is his best position.

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