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Emmanuel Rivière


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Villa's half was frequently very sparse and there was often a huge gap between our midfield and strikeforce. That being said, I like to see my strikers trap a football now and again. Difficult to make a judgement when your manager is doing absolutely fuck all to help you, but he didn't look particularly special today. Totally snatched at that chance when Cabella slipped him in; Senderos was practically begging him to take a touch before he shot.


Aesthetically looks the part, mind. :lol:

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Doesn't look like he has any strengths, probably needs a partner but why buy him to play him alone upfront? Clearly not his game. Might work better where goof has been playing, goof would probably play better upfront as well.

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Someone like Long is suited to our style, despite what Joffrey reckons. May as well sign Welbeck tbh because at least with his pace and ability to half run with the ball we would stand a chance.


Really are a team that needs a Remy or Ba a striker that can play / has pace / unpredictable. Riviere seems severely lacking in technical ability.

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Don't think he is as bad as some are saying, he has some decent hold up play, looks fairly quick and strong BUT he has been massively isolated, he is not the kind of player that can create things out of nothing, he needs others around him rather than the vast spaces we currently have

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We have the same conversations every season no matter what players we have.  Strikers are isolated, Cabella has no movement around him off the ball, it's the same thing over and over and that tells me it's not the players that are to blame.


Riviere may or may not be a good striker but I very much doubt we'll get a realistic look at him until we our coaching and tactics change.

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All the reports seemed to suggest he struggled massively for Monaco without Falcao playing, and that's in the French league with James Rodriguez and Moutinho in midfield behind him. Willing to give him a chance but there's very little to suggest he's PL quality so far.

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Problem is the lad might have something but immediately it's all down to him, loads of pressure and he's extremely isolated up front. We don't have any other options so the lad is really going to start feeling it soon, a ridiculous scenario as per usual at the club.

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I mean, we've been through the "don't write them off early" thing so many times now that it's silly that it even needs to be mentioned. The kid has tools and is still adapting to the league. Let's give him more than two games.

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Thought he did alright, just no support, services or chances. He will be sick of playing for is in a couple of weeks.


He looked sick after about 15 mins today. Still, at least those who are always moaning about Cisse might realise playing as an isolated striker with no service is a pretty thankless task with this tosser as a manager.


Bang on, sadly.

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It's not unknown for a new player to the EPL to take a whole season to adjust, a canny manager that knows a player has something about him persists and gives him that chance. After two games I can't say whether this lad has anything about him or not, there could be a number of factors affecting him.


What I am fairly sure of is he will never show his true potential in a Pardew team, neither will Peroze or indeed half the players we buy. Those that have shown their true potential on many occassions are the ones that Pardew persists with, the Williamsons, Dummets and Gouffrans.


Isolating a player for criticism in suxh circumstances and after just two games seems a bit short-sighted to me.

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He is an average player (which is what he always has been) had a below average today. I believe he will score a decent amount because he is an acceptable finisher, but is not the type that just carries a side.


Almost a fair assessment, but he's not being given a fair chance on the pitch with how we setup. If he had three clear chances setup for him and he fluffed them all I'd agree out right. Instead he was given fuck all to work with and looked even worse for it.

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Suffering from Cissé disease atm. Also know as the lack of ability to pull goals out of your arse and actually needing the other 10 players on the pitch. Pardew's f***ed if he's relying on this kid to be Demba Ba/Loic Remy


We can but dream.

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We cant really work out if he is decent or not due to Pards. We create bugger all so if we want a striker to score a significant amount he has to do alot himself. I like the look of aspects of his game and he'd be an asset to most mid level PL clubs. Hell play probably the next few games then be dropped by pards and replaced with Chucky or ayoze who will probably get 5 games then be dropped if he hasn't scored a few

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Will be shocked if this guy gets 10 goals this season.


Infact Ronaldo's prediction of our entire strikeforce getting less than 30 is looking pretty accurate.


Not exactly a difficult prediction to make.


What I actually said was none would get double figures. And the entire team would struggle to hit 30.

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