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Rolando Aarons


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The thing is in some games he has been amazing but in other's he has been shite.  It's a shame as I thought he would boss this league and he didn't really though did look bright at points but I think he'll come good if he can stay fit.


Any idea when he is back?  He is in training now but he is talking about maybe getting a couple of games in before the end of the season which sounds unusual.

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Violent disorder is a public order offence and in this situation (what appears to be a drunken bar brawl) is highly unlikely to result in a custodial sentence. Especially if he's got a clean record.


I'd assume he (and the rest of them) have been charged with VD rather than any sort of individual assault because they are unable to prove which of the individuals actually struck the blows.

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Idiot. Five first team appearances and he goes around acting like a tit.


Excuse me? Are you saying if you were out partying at a club with your auntie, and some ruffian hit on her, you'd just stand there and watch some Oedipal fantasy play out? Is that what you're saying?

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Violent disorder is a public order offence and in this situation (what appears to be a drunken bar brawl) is highly unlikely to result in a custodial sentence. Especially if he's got a clean record.


I'd assume he (and the rest of them) have been charged with VD rather than any sort of individual assault because they are unable to prove which of the individuals actually struck the blows.

It'll probably be on camera and they'll have seen it all like, doesn't really matter who did what, if they were all in a group acting in a threatening way they can be slapped with a public order offence. Whether they were drunk doesn't really matter either (I suppose it could score some points of sympathy with the judge on the day), it's still the same charge.


Not sure if footballers see leniency like, but it's definitely not highly unlikely to result in a custodial sentence. It's a really serious charge.

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Don't think I've even seen more cuntery per square foot than in Livellos.  Absolute shithouse of a place.


Didn't even know it existed until I clicked that link. Quite happy about that. (Refusing to admit I'm old)

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Violent Disorder is considered pretty serious, one down from rioting iirc. I don't know the exact stats but I know it fairly often carries a custodial sentence.


Ah intent to cause a riot. Yes I was charged with that at 15. Happy days.  :lol:

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Violent disorder is a public order offence and in this situation (what appears to be a drunken bar brawl) is highly unlikely to result in a custodial sentence. Especially if he's got a clean record.


I'd assume he (and the rest of them) have been charged with VD rather than any sort of individual assault because they are unable to prove which of the individuals actually struck the blows.

It'll probably be on camera and they'll have seen it all like, doesn't really matter who did what, if they were all in a group acting in a threatening way they can be slapped with a public order offence. Whether they were drunk doesn't really matter either (I suppose it could score some points of sympathy with the judge on the day), it's still the same charge.


Not sure if footballers see leniency like, but it's definitely not highly unlikely to result in a custodial sentence. It's a really serious charge.


The point that I was making, is that VD is a lot 'less of an offence' than assault/ABH/GBH in the incident that occurred. It's not like there was a full scale riot, it was a drunken brawl in a bar.


VD is usually slapped on someone when a group of people (3 or more) are involved in a ruckus but the CPS decide that there is insufficient evidence to charge them with any of the above three.


For example, CCTV shows a commotion but they are out of shot or blocked when the blow is made that causes the damage to the victim.

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