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We loved him so much that we signed his brother

So when one retires we've still got another

Like our Shola, la-la-la, la-Shola, la-la-la, la- Sholaaaa!


I'll give this song a full airing in the Strawberry Corner today. :)

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The repetoire hit a new low point for me last night as well as the football.

Elevating  the importance of Sunderland to us by singing about them constantly and as for slagging off Maritimos support as shit WTF!

A couple of airings of the Blaydon races was the only respite.

It must be connected to the fact we have not won anything for so long that there is not much inspiring to sing about. We are quite pathetic in this regard compared to the likes of the Scousers, devastating though it is to admit.

If we want to appear as moronic by the neutral observer we are succeeding perfectly.

It should have been a good European night.

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The repetoire hit a new low point for me last night as well as the football.

Elevating  the importance of Sunderland to us by singing about them constantly and as for slagging off Maritimos support as s*** WTF!

A couple of airings of the Blaydon races was the only respite.

It must be connected to the fact we have not won anything for so long that there is not much inspiring to sing about. We are quite pathetic in this regard compared to the likes of the Scousers, devastating though it is to admit.

If we want to appear as moronic by the neutral observer we are succeeding perfectly.

It should have been a good European night.

Agree completely. The "your support is fkn s**t" rubbish is bad at any time and, in its self says a lot about our own support. To sing it to fans who've travelled thousands of miles to follow their club is very wrong indeed. Hopefully it can be put down to excitable kids having spent their pocket money on a night out with their mates. After all that, the support they offered to our club was to boo at the final whistle. Granted the performance was terrible, but we achieved our goal of qualification for the next stage with a game to spare. It's about what you do over 5/6 Europa games, not 1 at this stage.

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Elevating  the importance of Sunderland to us by singing about them constantly and as for slagging off Maritimos support as shit WTF!


Aye, load of shite.


That Jimmy Savile rubbish needs to disappear as well.

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Elevating  the importance of Sunderland to us by singing about them constantly and as for slagging off Maritimos support as s*** WTF!


Aye, load of s****.


That Jimmy Savile rubbish needs to disappear as well.




And those Danny Simpson chants were embarrassing too. Hopefully in the later stages of Europe when ticket demands increase the charvas will be crowded out from games/The Corner.

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Due to moving away for a new job I wasn't at the game last night but watched in on SkyGo. I had a right rant on twitter about the support so I'm glad I'm not alone. The Saville chants, the Simpson chants, the your support is shit chants (remind me how many thousands tens of us were at the away game), constant anti Sunderland chants etc were far worse than the performance on the pitch. Now I'd rather be at a game with some atmosphere than deadly silence, West Ham for example, but combined with the mass booing at FT this was pathetic. I'm not sure whether they were just excited to be out on a school night but it really grated on me.


Despite this, I have to say the atmosphere came across well. Mixed in with the shit, stupidly fast 10 second songs, there were durations of much better support. Home games are a difficult place to create anything, let alone in a game that was as bad as this, so credit to those in attendance.


Support comes hand in hand with performances and quite understandably the support at home has been poor in the last month or so. However its not an issue just at home. I'm vocal at away games and I've noticed this season how poor it is becoming. 20 mins into the Sunderland game, we were leading 1-0, holding onto the ball and yet there was deadly silence. If it wasn't for the O'brien song in the second half to get everyone going again, the whole game would have been piss poor. More recently, Brugge away up in the corner was again quiet. Even before they scored two, everyone was just standing there in silence. I'm not expecting everyone to be jumping up and down shouting but a bit of 'toon toon, black and white army' to break the silence wouldn't go a miss. We're vocal in the pub, on the walk there and on the way home but at the game, very little.

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Very different kind of support to only 28 years ago from our lot.


I've seen that before, it's spine tingling! Absolutely unbelievable. But I guess (watching) football was so different in general back then that you can't even compare it to today's game. Most of the time our home atmospheres are flat, but we're not the worst and its at every ground up and down the country, or certainly in the top division. It did seem that SJP was slowly regaining a bit of its bite and vigour when the Leazes Corner was in full flow but that fire was stamped out and it seems that about from a small pocket of fans in the Strawberry Corner/Gallowgate there really is very little vocal support. The Spurs game was quite lively, but that was probably because it was the first game of the season + the buzz after the previous campaign. Adding to all of this the fact that we have to put up with such a turgid,ineffective style of play which is just deflating to watch, it doesn't seem like the place will be rocking again any time soon.

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Do we have a song that involves hats and sombreros? I can't get this little tune out my head but I have very little info



Aye,Aye ,AyeAye, Somebody pinched my sombrero,

The dirty tw*t has p*ssed in my hat,

And now I've got nothing to wear'o


and repeat.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest firetotheworks

Stolen from Facebook:


Bigirimana drinks are free,

Krul and Santon, there's enough for everyone.


Imagine standing up and singing Wham! at a match, man. :lol:

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One I caught last night which made me chuckle:


His name's

Too long

To fit into a song

Ferguson, Ferguson


Invented by our lot in the car to Villa away a few seasons back about Williamson, caught on in the pubs before that game :smug:


The Strawberry Corner seem to have adopted "This club is my club" as their anthem, goes on for ages every home match but never spreads to any other part of the ground.  Don't think I've heard it at an away match either.

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One I caught last night which made me chuckle:


His name's

Too long

To fit into a song

Ferguson, Ferguson


Invented by our lot in the car to Villa away a few seasons back about Williamson, caught on in the pubs before that game :smug:


The Strawberry Corner seem to have adopted "This club is my club" as their anthem, goes on for ages every home match but never spreads to any other part of the ground.  Don't think I've heard it at an away match either.


i fucking love that song, class when it keeps going on and on, same as when the gutierrez song goes on and on....hasn't done that for a while tho.

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I love that song!  But not many seem to know it and you don't usually get many joining in as Hughesy said.  Can't remember where, but there were loads signing it for ages at an away last season.  Might have been Bolton on Boxing Day?

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