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Just giving my opinion innit. I don't doubt that Pardew is full of s*** in general.

How many opposition managers have said the opposite? How many have said that the crowd is our 12th man. Who did Keegan give as the scorer of his first goal at Newcastle?
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Guest reefatoon

Just giving my opinion innit. I don't doubt that Pardew is full of s*** in general.

How many opposition managers have said the opposite? How many have said that the crowd is our 12th man. Who did Keegan give as the scorer of his first goal at Newcastle?


Exactly right. It's shit excuses for a loser mentality. If he tried to go out and win home games instead of being a bottling bastard and sitting back, the crowd wouldn't get so worked up. It's simple, if you don't want the crowd reacting negatively, then give them something positive to watch.

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This is all absolutely terrific stuff. Now we just need him to suffer some big losses, as that will be the clincher. There can't be any fluke wins the next couple of weeks. Absolutely vital that doesn't happen now. It's all building up to his dismissal nicely. The standard rubbish performances and losses will seal his fate at this point.

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Ian W • 2 hours ago

I think it's an excellent idea. Anything that exposes his lies and ineptitude is a very good thing. I hate him (and myself) with every fiber of my being and can't wait for him be be sacked. I'm gay.

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LOL, was this really you Ian ?



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The quotes from Pardew regarding our home support just serve to cement what a cowardly manager he is.


It takes a special kind of cowardice to take the thing that's been a huge driving force in making opponents fear a trip north to SJP and turn it against us. It takes a special kind of myopia to see that home support as more likely to cause our team to be disrupted rather than the opponent be intimidated.


Much like his freezing out of HBA, it just exposes the way he thinks - self-preservation and "tactical nous" winning the day rather than empowering an individual or a crowd to do unpredictable but potentially wonderful things.


I talked to Tim Howard one time and asked him his toughest place to play, and he immediately without hesitation said SJP, he loved the passion, the intimidation, the atmosphere. This was a few years ago. I wonder what he'd say now.

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great site. when I clicked the link I was expecting just a quick laugh but you have everything on there. I don't understand how someone could read all that evidence and still support Pardew.


I can think of times sites like this have been successful in the States. They got a lot of media attention/support and added pressure until the coach was eventually removed. Has anything like this ever worked in England?

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It's usually limited to someone hilariously putting the manager up for sale on ebay for 1p. This looks to be about 100 levels higher than that in every way.


:lol: Yup, that's typically the level of effort you see.


This one is so good man. Would be fantastic if all these efforts the website, the banners etc all paid off in the end. We all deserve it to. Gone on for long enough with this silly man now.

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Ian W • 2 hours ago

I think it's an excellent idea. Anything that exposes his lies and ineptitude is a very good thing. I hate him (and myself) with every fiber of my being and can't wait for him be be sacked. I'm gay.

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LOL, was this really you Ian ?




Came in to post that. Giggled like a little girl reading that last line. From nowhere as well. :lol:

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