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Southampton 4 - 0 Newcastle United - 13/09/14 - post-match laughs from page 1


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:lol: Nah, the commentary team here.


Why are your commentators allowed to be so s*** and uninformed. Why do you accept this?!


The media here are so disgraceful man. So damned unprofessional.


More goals please! Maybe when it hits 6 they will stop talking.


I honestly can't explain why we don't have any commentators or analysts that actually add anything.

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Southampton have a great record down there against us like. Even when we were brilliant I used to sit on a coach for 7 hours, watch Le Tissier beat us with a last minute winner again and then get back on the fucking bus.


Of course we could be playing down the road in Hartlepool and still be getting turned over at the moment.

Remember us winning there with a couple of minutes left and still lost 3-1. Midweek game it was the year or two after the Le Tiss volleys game.

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