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A letter of resignation.


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I respect anyone who's giving in, resigning, saying enough is enough. In fact, I envy you the ability to do so. I have tried, several times. Some forum members here can confirm that (not that they necessarily will), but I'm not BS'ing.


In the summer I considered Chelsea. Not because I was desperate finding a new club, but because they have Mourinho, a team full of awesome players, are London based, and have the financial strength to accompany a great ambitions.


But the passion and interest wasn't there.No matter how much I try, I just can't seem to change club or even stop following Newcastle. Just can't. Sorry.


Even though it is f***ing torturing at the moment, and probably will stay this way until we get a proper owner, I'll lurk around.


The connection I have with Newcastle started with Alan Shearer signing and all the way up to the "Ashley"-era, and the memory from that period has made sure the connection can best be compared to that of being in relationship with a dead-sexy girl which either 1) drives you mad, 2) is about to break-up with you or visa-versa 3) has some annoying habits that goes on your nerves.


...But you still love her to bits.




Why would anyone admit to this in public, even if they did it? Clearly a joke.


Makes it sound like he was considering a transfer.


Is it a bad thing if we lose fans, with no links to the area/club, who 'consider Chelsea'.



Hahaha unreal this, in fact the whole thread is, how can anyone consider resigning as a fan ffs . You can't just decide that you no longer want to support the club and if you do then hahahahaha


I'm not sure he's done with the club in itself, I think MKSC was more suggesting he's done with it under this regime. And tbh I think many on here are.

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I respect anyone who's giving in, resigning, saying enough is enough. In fact, I envy you the ability to do so. I have tried, several times. Some forum members here can confirm that (not that they necessarily will), but I'm not BS'ing.


In the summer I considered Chelsea. Not because I was desperate finding a new club, but because they have Mourinho, a team full of awesome players, are London based, and have the financial strength to accompany a great ambitions.


But the passion and interest wasn't there.No matter how much I try, I just can't seem to change club or even stop following Newcastle. Just can't. Sorry.


Even though it is f***ing torturing at the moment, and probably will stay this way until we get a proper owner, I'll lurk around.


The connection I have with Newcastle started with Alan Shearer signing and all the way up to the "Ashley"-era, and the memory from that period has made sure the connection can best be compared to that of being in relationship with a dead-sexy girl which either 1) drives you mad, 2) is about to break-up with you or visa-versa 3) has some annoying habits that goes on your nerves.


...But you still love her to bits.




Why would anyone admit to this in public, even if they did it? Clearly a joke.


Makes it sound like he was considering a transfer.


Is it a bad thing if we lose fans, with no links to the area/club, who 'consider Chelsea'.



Hahaha unreal this, in fact the whole thread is, how can anyone consider resigning as a fan ffs . You can't just decide that you no longer want to support the club and if you do then hahahahaha


I'm not sure he's done with the club in itself, I think MKSC was more suggesting he's done with it under this regime. And tbh I think many on here are.


Reading his post it looks like that's him done, all because the opinions he has he is trying to force on others, it doesn't make him any better ffs, good riddance along with the rest

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Reading his post it looks like that's him done, all because the opinions he has he is trying to force on others, it doesn't make him any better ffs, good riddance along with the rest


If you actually read it in context and put yourself in his shoes for 2 minutes. I think you would be pissed putting that effort in aswell. Some people don't go to the match and live a 15 minute bus journey away. He came from London over night FFS.


Were you there on Saturday like?





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At the end of the day don't we all want the best for the club?


Is Alan Pardew what's best for this club?


Think most people are fairly certain he's not. The split comes between those who want to force change, and the the large percentage in the ground that will always show support knowing full well that if the results despite their support are s****, the manager will inevitably go anyway.


There's considerably more people flirting with the former camp purely on the basis that Pardew should already be on his bike by now. That doesn't make the other group idiots or mean they're actually happy with the situation.


Then they could sit quietly instead of having a go at the people who were protesting.


Agree with the last qoute here. I had one bloke tell me I was probably one of those who hounded Sir Bobby out. :rant: Five minutes later the same bloke was screaming at the linesman that a hull player was "a tattie field offside" till another bloke pointed out that you can't be offside from a throw in. :) Plank.

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Can we sticky this thread until Ashley leaves please?


It sums up his (Mike Ashley's) biggest achievement as an utter c***.


The fans bickering with each other about what the ideal fan should do?! FFS.


I'll put things in perspective here (and I'm not one for the super-fan debate) but two of our closest representations to a super-fan are 6 feet under because some cunt shot them down - we're bickering about showing a banner / leaflet.

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I respect anyone who's giving in, resigning, saying enough is enough. In fact, I envy you the ability to do so. I have tried, several times. Some forum members here can confirm that (not that they necessarily will), but I'm not BS'ing.


In the summer I considered Chelsea. Not because I was desperate finding a new club, but because they have Mourinho, a team full of awesome players, are London based, and have the financial strength to accompany a great ambitions.


But the passion and interest wasn't there.No matter how much I try, I just can't seem to change club or even stop following Newcastle. Just can't. Sorry.


Even though it is f***ing torturing at the moment, and probably will stay this way until we get a proper owner, I'll lurk around.


The connection I have with Newcastle started with Alan Shearer signing and all the way up to the "Ashley"-era, and the memory from that period has made sure the connection can best be compared to that of being in relationship with a dead-sexy girl which either 1) drives you mad, 2) is about to break-up with you or visa-versa 3) has some annoying habits that goes on your nerves.


...But you still love her to bits.




Why would anyone admit to this in public, even if they did it? Clearly a joke.


Makes it sound like he was considering a transfer.


Is it a bad thing if we lose fans, with no links to the area/club, who 'consider Chelsea'.



Hahaha unreal this, in fact the whole thread is, how can anyone consider resigning as a fan ffs . You can't just decide that you no longer want to support the club and if you do then hahahahaha


I've done so, publicly on this forum. I support Athletic Club de Bilbao now - my wife's hometown club :) I watch the Newcastle games when I can and follow the team, but I won't be spending a penny on the club until things change. I've spent a couple of hundred on Athletic in merchandise recently.


So shoot me.. voted with my feet, exactly what Ashley thought we'd never do.

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Think most people are fairly certain he's not. The split comes between those who want to force change, and the the large percentage in the ground that will always show support knowing full well that if the results despite their support are s****, the manager will inevitably go anyway.


There's considerably more people flirting with the former camp purely on the basis that Pardew should already be on his bike by now. That doesn't make the other group idiots or mean they're actually happy with the situation.


Waiting until he's sacked might make it inevitable that we go down, forcing change now could mean we stay up. Pardew's record over the last 2 seasons suggest we're deep in the shit and he's not the man to turn us around, why wait?  It's like having a life threatening disease and waiting to see if you can avoid a life saving operation only to find you've waited too long.


He should be sacked and he should be sacked now.

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Could have just fucked off quitely like when you say you're going for slash at a house party and slip out without anyone noticing.


This just reeks of self important bollocks.  Imo, of course, but I doubt anyone elses gives a shit how fast you drove home.

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Guest Howaythetoon

This to me reeks of someone having had enough and who needs to get it off his chest. Nowt self important or anything like that. Top lad and I cannot blame you for a) jacking it all and and b) venting your spleen on here (a fans forum) and in the manner you have. I've jacked it all in, but I'm around, still a fan, still waiting for the cunts to do one then I'll be back.

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Could have just f***ed off quitely like when you say you're going for slash at a house party and slip out without anyone noticing.


This just reeks of self important bollocks.  Imo, of course, but I doubt anyone elses gives a s*** how fast you drove home.


Nice analytical skills. :thup:

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By the way, one of the biggest disgraces about the Ashley tenure is in how fractured the fanbase is these days.


I get far much more enjoyment these days watching actual teams, no matter how odious, play football than I do supporting Newcastle.


Which is still a far cry from actively supporting another team. But I'd much rather take in a Chelsea-Arsenal match at Stamford Bridge than watch Newcastle play anyone at SJP. Not that I have the choice anyway.

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This to me reeks of someone having had enough and who needs to get it off his chest. Nowt self important or anything like that. Top lad and I cannot blame you for a) jacking it all and and b) venting your spleen on here (a fans forum) and in the manner you have. I've jacked it all in, but I'm around, still a fan, still waiting for the c***s to do one then I'll be back.


This. I don't support the club financially at all. Won't do as long as Ashley is around.

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I'm still watching, but it's for a different reason now. I watch to see something go worng, a spectacular Pardew blow up, a complete shambles on the pitch, anything that increases the probability of him being sacked.

I said i'd watch Hull this season and probably will take in the games where I can but I cannot change who I support, that's in my blood. If I ever stopped supporting Newcastle it would be because I'd given up on football altogether.

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Good letter, and sentiments here. I think that we all want to support a team that we are proud of, on and off the pitch.

I watched the game with my indoctrinated son in complete apathy, whilst he savoured every kick and challenge. Perhaps it is me that is the symptom here. Never before have I had this feeling of staleness, even through dark kinnear days, or sourness, or the relegation doomed ardilles did I lose this faith - but now it has gone.

I do not feel guilt, nor shame, in fact I have no feeling now just emptiness with no emotive response. It has taken 45 years for this affair to die, but like all things it is impermenant.

Perhaps again it is me, living away from my home and watching football with my other mistresses (Universatario La U); and more recently my thai partner - Chonburi fc.

We all have our reasons, to protest or not, but just remember every fan is just that fanatical. We all want to stand, and be excited and to cherish what is in front of us,. But equally we all have costs in our support - these are not comparable and only we know what these are. My costs are just that, as are every other single fan. None of us have the right to consider ours to be more "worthy" or comparable. To watch with the occasional wry smile is as supportive and the fist pumping screaming jump of joy - just appreciate that we all are in love.

Our partner is with someone else for the time being, and we all know that. She will not stay there, we all know, time is on our side. Bide that time and wait - our love resurrection awaits - be patient as certainly she will be back for all of us.

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All a bit scouse this mind.


So fuck. It's emotional stuff. The state of NUFC always dictates my mood so I can sympathise with MKSC.

Resignation letters like this are pathetic man and give others more ammunition to laugh at us.


It's scouse in the extreme.


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All a bit scouse this mind.


So f***. It's emotional stuff. The state of NUFC always dictates my mood so I can sympathise with MKSC.

Resignation letters like this are pathetic man and give others more ammunition to laugh at us.


It's scouse in the extreme.


Why do you care what other fans think man?

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