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Rémi Garde and the case of the missing art galleries


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He really seems to be everything that Pardew wasn't. Think him and Carr would do well together.


Yeah be nice to have a manager who knows how to use the payers Carr signs.

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Even if he comes and isn't a success, I'm just pleased the club is finally making a managerial appointment based on football reasons. Not because he's a club legend to get the fans onside, or because no one else would take it, or a Caretaker Manager, or a friend of a friend...

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Even if he comes and isn't a success, I'm just pleased the club is finally making a managerial appointment based on football reasons. Not because he's a club legend to get the fans onside, or because no one else would take it, or a Caretaker Manager, or a friend of a friend...



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Even if he comes and isn't a success, I'm just pleased the club is finally making a managerial appointment based on football reasons. Not because he's a club legend to get the fans onside, or because no one else would take it, or a Caretaker Manager, or a friend of a friend...



Well said.
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From the Sunday Times

Garde in talks with Newcastle


Martin Hardy Published: 11 January 2015

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Remi Garde is believed to have been interviewed for the Newcastle job (Rex Features)Remi Garde is believed to have been interviewed for the Newcastle job (Rex Features) Photograph: PDN/Rex Features

REMI GARDE is believed to have been interviewed for the vacant Newcastle job on Friday and has moved closer to becoming the club’s next manager.


A further round of talks is set to start in London and Newcastle’s key decision-makers — Graham Carr, the club’s influential chief scout, and Lee Charnley, the managing director — were both in the capital yesterday to see the club lose 2-0 to Chelsea, their fifth loss in the past seven games. Garde, the former manager of Lyons, is thought to be close to accepting the new head coach position at St James’ Park but wants to see the club’s facilities and hear their plans first.

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Even if he comes and isn't a success, I'm just pleased the club is finally making a managerial appointment based on football reasons. Not because he's a club legend to get the fans onside, or because no one else would take it, or a Caretaker Manager, or a friend of a friend...



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Wonder if he wants to see our 5 year plan or does that exist anymore? You know the one where we were following the Arsenal/Everton/Blyth (add team as see fit) model? Hopefully the facilities will get the nod of approval. Need to keep Carver/Stone etc out the way until he signs.Don't want to piss him off with that bunch of coaching dinosaurs

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Even if he comes and isn't a success, I'm just pleased the club is finally making a managerial appointment based on football reasons. Not because he's a club legend to get the fans onside, or because no one else would take it, or a Caretaker Manager, or a friend of a friend...


Seems ridiculous that it even needs saying, but this is spot on.

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Wonder if he wants to see our 5 year plan or does that exist anymore? You know the one where we were following the Arsenal/Everton/Blyth (add team as see fit) model? Hopefully the facilities will get the nod of approval. Need to keep Carver/Stone etc out the way until he signs.Don't want to p*ss him off with that bunch of coaching dinosaurs


Remi, this is Carver, Stone and Woodman. 




Wise guy eh?

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If you believe in the saying that you can judge a man by the company he keeps, Newcastle United’s head coach-in-waiting Remi Garde is a heavyweight candidate for a club in desperate need of some fresh impetus.


Garde may not be a household name in a country where his arrival at Arsenal was overshadowed by blue riband stars like Thierry Henry and Patrick Viera, but he remains a serious player within European football’s corridors of power.


Zinedine Zidane has leaned on him for advice since taking over at Real Madrid, while he has absorbed the work of some of English football’s most successful French coaches. One of them – Gerard Houllier – breaks off from a business meeting in Japan to give the Sunday Sun a brief precis of the man who would be king in the court of St James’ Park.


“Garde is a top man and a top coach,” he says after confirming his belief that the 48-year-old former midfielder would be a success in England.


“He’s intelligent, a very good learner and an excellent manager. He can speak English perfectly and he knows that league. It’s interesting.”


Houllier, now the international sporting director of New York Red Bulls, doesn’t want to go much further until he has the job in the bag. But his patronage is matched by that of Arsene Wenger, one of the most successful managers of his generation.


“If Newcastle bring in Garde, they can expect a similar approach to Wenger,” French journalist Julien Laurens, who works for BT Sport and Le Parisien says.


“Garde is an Arsene Wenger disciple, absolutely.


“They have the same approach and the same philosophy and Garde was the first signing that Wenger made when he came to Arsenal, which tells you everything about how much trust there was between the two men.”


Garde did not conform to the stereotype of the classy Continental footballer coming to the Premier League to bewitch with his talents. That was not why Wenger signed him.


Christophe Galtier, Head Coach of AS Saint-Etienne



Instead Garde’s biggest attribute was his keen tactical mind. He saw things that others in the squad did not: he was a student of the game before it was fashionable to be in English football.


Contacts and admiring glances from elsewhere helped him get his feet under the table at Lyon, where he served an apprenticeship as a coach, Academy director and finally manager after Houllier’s departure.


Although he was the head coach, he took an interest in the youth set-up and the reserve teams. Players spoke of innovative training. He had an acute eye for detail. Most importantly, the football that his team played in the first and second seasons was very smart.


“Lyon played quite nice football under Garde,” says Laurens.


“It’s all about pass and move, it’s quick and attractive to watch and it was quite effective too. He usually played with one up front, and I would say that the formation that most Lyon fans would associate him with is 4-2-3-1. He also played 4-3-3 though.”


That is not a million miles away from the tactical approach of the man he has just replaced, but with a twist.


“Garde is open-minded. I think if he comes in and sees that Newcastle have two good strikers then he’ll play with two up front.”


Of course there is a risk: Newcastle would be bringing in a man who had just three years at Lyon. He is under-cooked, and the final campaign ended poorly at Lyon.


“It is a big job – maybe too big at this stage in his career,” Laurens admits.


But he is also an exciting candidate, whose teams have tended to over-achieve. He harnessed the talent of Alexandre Lacazette, the striker Newcastle wanted to sign, and is understood to be a big fan of Remy Cabella – the enigmatic forward who is yet to achieve his potential in the North East. A team might well be constructed around him.


Most of all, after sounding out Wenger and other candidates in England this week, he is understood to want the job. Newcastle’s contact can’t come soon enough.


Politically he could cope with a difficult dynamic at St James’ Park. “Lyon are owned by Jean-Michel Aulas who is no shrinking violet. He is in the dressing room before games and he has a very high-profile advisor in Bernard Lacombe,” Laurens said.


“They are involved in everything but he was strong. He knew how to work with it. Mike Ashley would not be a problem for him.” Which in the end might be what swings it for him.



:drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:




That article reminds me of the time I heard Portman and Kunis were gonna lez off, just before I saw Black Swan.

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