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Rémi Garde and the case of the missing art galleries


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Exactly.. Garde would have the rest of the season to settle in and use our current coaches to learn about the club, area, players etc, while also being relatively untouchable in terms of accountability for results and performances til the end of the season.


No brained to start early and use this as a test run and get his feet under the table.




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Another potential hold up is Carver, Stone and Woodman surely.  Aren't they contracted until 2020?  I know they won't be on big money, but Ashley won't want to pay them off the proper amount.  Assuming there is no clause or compensation agreed within the deal of course. 


We need to start afresh.  Get rid of all remaining traces of Pardew.  Bar the players of course.  Although Pardew's faves like Gouffran and Obertan can join him at Palace mind.

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Guest antz1uk

well I was very hopeful/optimistic about the new 'head coach' but have suddenly come back down to earth with a bang, It's my feeling we have all been well and truly duped, even ourselves, the most sceptical of this bunch of cunts. I think the bishop has been working overtime dropping these names out there to keep people quiet and sitting patiently on the back burner, we all know what these international breaks mean to NUFC, we will get no one in, nor do i think we have been looking, I think garde has been used as a cunning decoy (totally unawares himself) just playing fo time to make it look like we were going to appoint someone decent, when in fact either carver or some other moron is going to get the job, just in time for there to be no players brought in, one sold and a donkey of a coach appointed

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Everything still points to Garde. No legitimate information has emerged to contradict any of the basic issues out there -- we want a European setup, looking for a head coach, want to find someone to maximise younger players, connection to France, etc. There's a lot of nonsense out there because there is a vacuum of actual information, and media, like nature, abhors a vacuum. So they fill it with tripe because they have to fill it with something. Virtually all of it is to be ignored.


The club has made it abundantly clear over the last few seasons they don't work on any kind of timetable. They take pleasure in hanging media -- and supporters -- out to dry. So this is nothing new for them. In fact, I'm quite sure they would have certainly written off Chelsea away and probably Southampton, too, so they'll be perfectly content to let it twist until the break.


I still think it's Garde, probably with confirmation early next week. Certainly hope so anyway.

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Very reasonable post Memphis, just can't help the fear.


I feel like a child laying in bed in the dark, trying to repeat to myself that there's no way there are monsters under the bed, all the while being unable to sleep.

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well I was very hopeful/optimistic about the new 'head coach' but have suddenly come back down to earth with a bang, It's my feeling we have all been well and truly duped, even ourselves, the most sceptical of this bunch of c***s. I think the bishop has been working overtime dropping these names out there to keep people quiet and sitting patiently on the back burner, we all know what these international breaks mean to NUFC, we will get no one in, nor do i think we have been looking, I think garde has been used as a cunning decoy (totally unawares himself) just playing fo time to make it look like we were going to appoint someone decent, when in fact either carver or some other moron is going to get the job, just in time for there to be no players brought in, one sold and a donkey of a coach appointed


The only positive element i keep clinging to in this whole situation is the fact that Charnley and Carr seem to have been put in charge of the recruitment process. Carr is far too well-conected and informed to recommend Carver as manager and I doubt Charnely will be keen on that angle either.

If you were Carr would you really want a knacker like Carver in charge of the quality players you consistently bring to the club? If you were Charnely wouldn't you want to justify your surprise appointment as MD by nailing your first managerial appointment?


The only possible scenarios I can see that would lead to Carver being named manager are a) if Mike Ashley decides to go against the recommendations of Carr and Charnley and appoints Carver himself, b) they decide to leave Carver in charge until the summer when we will have a bigger pool of options to choose from or c) the whole Carr/Charnley thing is a facade and Mike is going to pick a name out of the has-been hat again.


Given how the relegation season panned out, I doubt Ashley would risk any of the above.

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Didn't Pardew come in without his own team except for Woodman? And Pulis also work with existing or new team at Palace and now WBA? Not that these are the best examples ...



Think we're all just hoping for a more professional setup this time around. If they employ someone like Garde I can't imagine they would come in and want to work with Carver and Stone et al.

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Very reasonable post Memphis, just can't help the fear.

After Southampton it's basically the rest of the transfer window gone before we play again. So if they're looking to avoid signing anyone, it definitely pays to delay any appointment.


I know people say the new manager won't have any say on transfers but that isn't true IMO. They'll still have some input, even if it's not the infamous final say.


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Guest Roger Kint

Carver's gonna get the gig, fellas. That's what I believe now. Possibly until the summer when Ashley will hopefully try to sell up.


You might as well say Carver is getting it next season too then. Unless you expect a buyer to magically appear all of a sudden

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Very reasonable post Memphis, just can't help the fear.


After Southampton it's basically the rest of the transfer window gone before we play again. So if they're looking to avoid signing anyone, it definitely pays to delay any appointment.


I know people say the new manager won't have any say on transfers but that isn't true IMO. They'll still have some input, even if it's not the infamous final say.



I definitely think the break is significant, whether for that reason or just because it gives them longer to get things arranged.

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Guest Roger Kint

Very reasonable post Memphis, just can't help the fear.

After Southampton it's basically the rest of the transfer window gone before we play again. So if they're looking to avoid signing anyone, it definitely pays to delay any appointment.


I know people say the new manager won't have any say on transfers but that isn't true IMO. They'll still have some input, even if it's not the infamous final say.



Think its more the fact the two people charged with any signings would be too busy with appointing him than the manager having any real say tbh

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Carver's gonna get the gig, fellas. That's what I believe now. Possibly until the summer when Ashley will hopefully try to sell up.


Any reason they haven't given it to him already though?


Think they are doing a cursory, bare minimum, sort of pantomime level shufty. Deep in their clueless hearts they want to give it to Carver and will do when the window is shut. Can't get myself to believe there is any cogent level of professionalism in this process. I mean Garde has practically thrown himself at the club and still no movement.

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Very reasonable post Memphis, just can't help the fear.

After Southampton it's basically the rest of the transfer window gone before we play again. So if they're looking to avoid signing anyone, it definitely pays to delay any appointment.


I know people say the new manager won't have any say on transfers but that isn't true IMO. They'll still have some input, even if it's not the infamous final say.



Think its more the fact the two people charged with any signings would be too busy with appointing him than the manager having any real say tbh




They can't do more than 1 thing at a time?

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Guest Roger Kint

Very reasonable post Memphis, just can't help the fear.

After Southampton it's basically the rest of the transfer window gone before we play again. So if they're looking to avoid signing anyone, it definitely pays to delay any appointment.


I know people say the new manager won't have any say on transfers but that isn't true IMO. They'll still have some input, even if it's not the infamous final say.



Think its more the fact the two people charged with any signings would be too busy with appointing him than the manager having any real say tbh




They can't do more than 1 thing at a time?


They cant even do one thing man never mind multitask

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Carver's gonna get the gig, fellas. That's what I believe now. Possibly until the summer when Ashley will hopefully try to sell up.


Any reason they haven't given it to him already though?


Think they are doing a cursory, bare minimum, sort of pantomime level shufty. Deep in their clueless hearts they want to give it to Carver and will do when the window is shut. Can't get myself to believe there is any cogent level of professionalism in this process. I mean Garde has practically thrown himself at the club and still no movement.


Well obviously I hope you're wrong but with NUFC it's obviously possible.

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Guest Roger Kint

Carver's gonna get the gig, fellas. That's what I believe now. Possibly until the summer when Ashley will hopefully try to sell up.


Any reason they haven't given it to him already though?


Think they are doing a cursory, bare minimum, sort of pantomime level shufty. Deep in their clueless hearts they want to give it to Carver and will do when the window is shut. Can't get myself to believe there is any cogent level of professionalism in this process. I mean Garde has practically thrown himself at the club and still no movement.


Well obviously I hope you're wrong but with NUFC it's obviously possible.


I cant believe that Carr & Charnley are sitting there thinking they want Carver and they are doing this for posturing mind. Yes Ashley would obviously but i cant see why they would waste their own time interviewing people for nowt

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