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The other games today - 2014/15


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After watching tonight, I wish we had him back. Even though we never managed to take a single point off Man City in over four years. But he definitely would have the next time.

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Love that Arsenal are second. Wenger. :smug:


:thup: Best of a generally detestable bunch of teams at the top. Frustrating as fuck, though, they always find a way each year to derail their title challenge before inevitably solidifying themselves in the top 4.

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Love that Arsenal are second. Wenger. :smug:


:thup: Best of a generally detestable bunch of teams at the top. Frustrating as f***, though, they always find a way each year to derail their title challenge before inevitably solidifying themselves in the top 4.


I know, just a few of their avoidable defeats earlier in the season and they'd be genuine contenders, unfortunately would take a spectacular slip up from Chelsea this season. God I hate Chelsea

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Sometimes I hate being from South London. Getting so much shit from my Palace-supporting mates tonight. Starting to hate their little cornershop club  :rant: never hated being at a pub so much in my life

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I usually buy the injury excuse with Arsenal but not this year, the real reason they are behind this much is because at the beginning of the year Wenger was fucking up with a load of weird set ups that were very ill suited to their best players.


Especially that fucked up 433 with Ramsey and Wilshere forcing Ozil outwide and Sanchez playing in every position known to man, i actually think the team they played at the weekend was probably their best team. Especially in terms of balance, who would have thought playing 2 cms, 2 ams and two forwards would work out?!


As usual though it's far too late.

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Pardew has taken a team that was going down, and inspired them to not only survive, but do spectacularly well. One season wonder or not, it has a bearing on NUFC only so far as it shows that in the various games we looked un-inspired under Pardew, it was perhaps not entirely his fault. Whatever you say about Pardew, I was always inclined to believe he was an effective motivator, and this pretty much proves it for me. Getting a team like Palace to perform against City? It's not nothing. Carver by contrast, he says to the team against our fierce rivals, 'go out and express yourself', and that expression pretty much looks like 'we don't have a fucking clue what we're doing'. I remember how we played against Palace, and it was indeed completely uninspired. Like a training game almost. Carver couldn't even inspire them to beat the guy who had effectively said, fuck this for a box of frogs, I'm not hanging around to coach you so called internationals, I'm off to work with a bunch of council estate kids. And at that time they were still in the shit, were they not? And the crowd is going mental too, which pisses me right off, because I remember watching NUFC at Selhurst and it was a fucking library - season after season the only noise there would be from the away fans. If he repeats this next season and we end up below them, then I'm not inclined to forgive or forget SackPardew for potentially losing us the best coach we could have had for however long we end up lumbered with Ashley.

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Man City are an absolute disgrace of a football team btw. They take a mercenary, not-giving-a-shit attitude to a whole new level.


they need a manager that will demand respect from the players, that's the only way to sustain anything when the players are earning that level of coin like


if they don't go all out for guardiola, klopp or some other fucker like ancellotti they'll never get anywhere

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Even Mr. Man City, Vincent Kompany, has just turned into a slightly better Coloccini.


Hasn't been a world class defender for over a year now.  Just looks like another one who has lost interest and is just there to collect his wage.

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Pardew has taken a team that was going down, and inspired them to not only survive, but do spectacularly well. One season wonder or not, it has a bearing on NUFC only so far as it shows that in the various games we looked un-inspired under Pardew, it was perhaps not entirely his fault. Whatever you say about Pardew, I was always inclined to believe he was an effective motivator, and this pretty much proves it for me. Getting a team like Palace to perform against City? It's not nothing. Carver by contrast, he says to the team against our fierce rivals, 'go out and express yourself', and that expression pretty much looks like 'we don't have a f***ing clue what we're doing'. I remember how we played against Palace, and it was indeed completely uninspired. Like a training game almost. Carver couldn't even inspire them to beat the guy who had effectively said, f*** this for a box of frogs, I'm not hanging around to coach you so called internationals, I'm off to work with a bunch of council estate kids. And at that time they were still in the s***, were they not? And the crowd is going mental too, which pisses me right off, because I remember watching NUFC at Selhurst and it was a f***ing library - season after season the only noise there would be from the away fans. If he repeats this next season and we end up below them, then I'm not inclined to forgive or forget SackPardew for potentially losing us the best coach we could have had for however long we end up lumbered with Ashley.


You ruined my sleep just now. Can we finally ban this guy? Can we take a single course of action annually following the "what would Kim Jong Un do..." philosophy and let banning this guy be it for 2015?



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If he repeats this next season and we end up below them, then I'm not inclined to forgive or forget SackPardew for potentially losing us the best coach we could have had for however long we end up lumbered with Ashley.


pure wind up merchantry

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Man City are an absolute disgrace of a football team btw. They take a mercenary, not-giving-a-shit attitude to a whole new level.


And still beat our rabble 5-0 :lol:


Funny team Man City, when they first won the league their team was exciting and full of energy. They've made some really shit transfers but all really with the aim of squad bolstering rather than improving the first team. That's hardly changed and it shows. Oldest squad in the league and have been 'found out' by many


Will be an interesting summer and if FFP allows them to properly rebuild the squad. Their sellable assets add certainly losing value by the game



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If he repeats this next season and we end up below them, then I'm not inclined to forgive or forget SackPardew for potentially losing us the best coach we could have had for however long we end up lumbered with Ashley.


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Never took a point off Man City in four years and I'm meant to start weeping because his new team have emulated Burnley's last match. :lol:


Horrendous standard of wummery. Even the worst ones can usually paragraph properly.

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Saw couple of Palace players interviewed on SSN after the match, saying that they knew last nights match was a 'Free Game' so no expectancy on them.


So looks like the tactical genius Pardew set them up just like when he picked a reserve (sacrificial) team at the Etihad earlier this season, which then went on to pull off a remarkable result.


Citys erratic form also making him look great.



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