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Protests at the ground are the only way to turn the heat up on Ashley, and even then I don't think he's selling. He'll just stop attending matches until they die down.


Or maybe some people could just do it in their front room whilst watching Sky? They could make little banners and stuff. That'd show Ashley who's boss whilst paying him hundreds of pounds in the process. Actually, this sounds like a plan. Time to buy Sky! Sorry to everyone who has Sky, I'm now on your side.

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So i take it no one's cancelling Sky then but will continue to have a go at people for going to the match and lining Ashley's pockets, whilst they do the same from their own armchair. ;D


Until they realise this, we can't go any further in this debate.


I've also cancelled Sky Sports as have many of my friends and family and now watch sports through an android box so yes I've cancelled my season ticket and my Sky Sports subscription.

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You do know Mike Ashley doesn't actually own Sky, right?


No I wasn't aware of that. I am aware that the majority of the revenue NUFC makes is from Sky and after that from gate receipts and as someone who has cancelled both my season ticket and Sky Sports this year my conscience is totally clear when mocking those who continue to contribute to this farce.

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Tbf to Scoot, while I don't go to games anymore or have a Sky subscription, I did some gardening and planted a few trees the other day. Ashley probably breathed some of that oxygen. All one big pot and that. I'm as guilty as any of you.

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So i take it no one's cancelling Sky then but will continue to have a go at people for going to the match and lining Ashley's pockets, whilst they do the same from their own armchair. ;D


Until they realise this, we can't go any further in this debate.


I've also cancelled Sky Sports as have many of my friends and family and now watch sports through an android box so yes I've cancelled my season ticket and my Sky Sports subscription.


Sacked Sky off completely about 2 years ago. More and more people using snide streams, subscriptions or android boxes. I watch BT Sport I get through Infinity. Price of their service even just 2 years later is hilarious.

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It doesn't matter if you have sky or not lads :lol:


Some marras just fancy gan to the game with their mates man. Few pints of carling, couple of balti pies, happiness achieved. It's a guaranteed lovely weekend, no matter how many goals we ship to Leicester City and the legendary Jamie Vardy.

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This is getting more environmentally friendly which is something i didn't expect, we now have tree's being planted instead of going to the games or watching Sky. This sounds like fun and is something i shall consider for my Saturday afternoon's entertainment in the future. Any other suggestions? Parsnip pulling? Garlic planting?

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This is getting more environmentally friendly which is something i didn't expect, we now have tree's being planted instead of going to the games or watching Sky. This sounds like fun and is something i shall consider for my Saturday afternoon's entertainment in the future. Any other suggestions? Parsnip pulling? Garlic planting?


Mbiwa levels of weirdo you like.

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Tbf to Scoot, while I don't go to games anymore or have a Sky subscription, I did some gardening and planted a few trees the other day. Ashley probably breathed some of that oxygen. All one big pot and that. I'm as guilty as any of you.


:lol: All joking aside though it's so clear I'm amazed at how many people can't see it for what it is. His main revenue stream from owning NUFC is from the TV rights. Now if everyone cancelled their Sky Sports subscriptions he doesn't get the obscene amounts of TV money for the simple fact that it is no longer there. I'm not daft enough to expect the football world to unite and force Ashley out of NUFC by cancelling their TV subscriptions and I cancelled mine knowing that it won't make much difference in the grand scheme of things but it sure as hell makes me feel better as well as being better off because of it.


This brings me to my second point. Although NUFC fans can't influence his TV money directly we can completely wipe out his 2nd biggest revenue stream, his gate receipts, currently sitting at around the £30m per annum mark. You suddenly deny Ashley, or any businessman for that matter £30m worth of revenue, money that he assumed was guaranteed and watch them panic and be forced into action. Charnley, Carr, Moncur & McClaren would be out on there ears in no time, because put simply they aren't qualified to do the jobs they are doing. They are there because they are the cheap options but if their presence was costing him money as opposed to saving him money they wouldn't be here and would be replaced by competent personnel.


Ashley's not daft. He knows a successful NUFC would be capable of generating in excess of £50m in matchday revenue alone. The fans have that in their power but sadly only a tiny proportion were prepared to do something about it. You could say those who still turn up are deserving of what they are watching right now. They still turn up and pay their money, they sit quietly and don't protest so that makes them a part of the problem. Until they wake up and realise they could be the solution we are stuck with what we have got. A football club (I use football club in the loosest sense of the word) that will continue to walk into the abyss, without any real purpose, no competitive edge, simply existing to promote the Sports Direct brand around the world and to make the owner richer and richer.


So glad I'm out.

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One of the more tragic things about seeing these Wonga-wearing, match-going mugs is that they're defying something that has actually worked. The protests over the last couple of years haven't actually been futile efforts. They've actually made a difference. Aye, if Palace hadn't come along Pardew would probably still be here, but I bet the existence of the protests movements made his decision a hell of a lot easier. And the AshleyOut crew actually forced Ashley from under his rock, they had him scared. I bet the stuff with the Magpie shirt had the club's heckles up, as well.


If the fanbase had maintained the militant stance taken against Spurs, Ashley might even be on his way out soon. Unlikely, I know, but who's to say he wouldn't have been? In my heart of hearts I wouldn't have imagined Pardew would be gone less than three months after the SackPardew group started.


To think Ashley's bullshit battle-cry in front of the media pre West Ham actually worked, man. Tragic.


Support the team and all that shite.

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This is getting more environmentally friendly which is something i didn't expect, we now have tree's being planted instead of going to the games or watching Sky. This sounds like fun and is something i shall consider for my Saturday afternoon's entertainment in the future. Any other suggestions? Parsnip pulling? Garlic planting?


Mbiwa levels of weirdo you like.


Could be worse, i could be you.

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Tbf to Scoot, while I don't go to games anymore or have a Sky subscription, I did some gardening and planted a few trees the other day. Ashley probably breathed some of that oxygen. All one big pot and that. I'm as guilty as any of you.


:lol: All joking aside though it's so clear I'm amazed at how many people can't see it for what it is. His main revenue stream from owning NUFC is from the TV rights. Now if everyone cancelled their Sky Sports subscriptions he doesn't get the obscene amounts of TV money for the simple fact that it is no longer there. I'm not daft enough to expect the football world to unite and force Ashley out of NUFC by cancelling their TV subscriptions and I cancelled mine knowing that it won't make much difference in the grand scheme of things but it sure as hell makes me feel better as well as being better off because of it.


This brings me to my second point. Although NUFC fans can't influence his TV money directly we can completely wipe out his 2nd biggest revenue stream, his gate receipts, currently sitting at around the £30m per annum mark. You suddenly deny Ashley, or any businessman for that matter £30m worth of revenue, money that he assumed was guaranteed and watch them panic and be forced into action. Charnley, Carr, Moncur & McClaren would be out on there ears in no time, because put simply they aren't qualified to do the jobs they are doing. They are there because they are the cheap options but if their presence was costing him money as opposed to saving him money they wouldn't be here and would be replaced by competent personnel.


Ashley's not daft. He knows a successful NUFC would be capable of generating in excess of £50m in matchday revenue alone. The fans have that in their power but sadly only a tiny proportion were prepared to do something about it. You could say those who still turn up are deserving of what they are watching right now. They still turn up and pay their money, they sit quietly and don't protest so that makes them a part of the problem. Until they wake up and realise they could be the solution we are stuck with what we have got. A football club (I use football club in the loosest sense of the word) that will continue to walk into the abyss, without any real purpose, no competitive edge, simply existing to promote the Sports Direct brand around the world and to make the owner richer and richer.


So glad I'm out.


It's not just that they turn up and don't protest, they actually turn against anyone who does protest. That was the case with the sackpardew campaign. St James is filled with a bunch of lemmings these days.

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I don't pay for Sky because I don't agree with how the money is spent in football in general rather than just the NUFC share of it.


For all of those billions, the PL could get an FA trained football coach into every primary and secondary school in the country just to run football clubs and training with oodles to spare. But it just goes in Phil Bardsley's pocket.

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I am enjoying the economic lesson but it seems some are forgetting a key economic factor. The Premier league is a brand. It markets itself on being the best/most entertaining league in the world.


Do you think they will be showing half empty stadiums every week? No, because it would damage the brand. Not only would a boycott mean the obvious less money from gate receipts but would also hit his number one funding source the TV money that people keep harping on as well (I love this topic as I did my dissertation on it). It's a double wammy. But yeah you might as well directly hand Ashley £500 per year as someone somewhere has sky sports...

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One of the more tragic things about seeing these Wonga-wearing, match-going mugs is that they're defying something that has actually worked. The protests over the last couple of years haven't actually been futile efforts. They've actually made a difference. Aye, if Palace hadn't come along Pardew would probably still be here, but I bet the existence of the protests movements made his decision a hell of a lot easier. And the AshleyOut crew actually forced Ashley from under his rock, they had him scared. I bet the stuff with the Magpie shirt had the club's heckles up, as well.


If the fanbase had maintained the militant stance taken against Spurs, Ashley might even be on his way out soon. Unlikely, I know, but who's to say he wouldn't have been? In my heart of hearts I wouldn't have imagined Pardew would be gone less than three months after the SackPardew group started.


To think Ashley's bullshit battle-cry in front of the media pre West Ham actually worked, man. Tragic.


Support the team and all that shite.


Don't know a single person who renewed as a result of Ashley's 'battle cry', do you?

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This could all be easily resolved if Newcastle-Online draughted up some form of report which outlines the legitimate avenues of support for the plebs. Is Sky allowed, is attendance permitted if the ticket is gifted etc.

Bit petty tbh, not really much need.


I've personally got little to no issue with people going if they feel the desperate need, I'm not going to have a pop at countless friends and family for doing that as it's shite patter. I might gently and reasonably make the case for not giving Ashley money and indeed did with my dad who gave up his season ticket after 20-odd years and doesn't miss it. He does miss following an NUFC worth supporting though, we all do.


I do think those spending money on NUFC need to hold their hands up and admit they're begrudgingly funding the current set of circumstances though, there's clearly a direct link there. Personally I go to a few aways a season and haven't been to SJP for years even when visiting from London when there's a match on.


It's interesting you raise the point of being given a free ticket mind as a guy at my work is lending me his season ticket over Christmas as a thank you for work stuff. I'll be taking my dad along to the boxing day game, don't see the harm in that given they appear to report attendances based on tickets sold anyway.

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This could all be easily resolved if Newcastle-Online draughted up some form of report which outlines the legitimate avenues of support for the plebs. Is Sky allowed, is attendance permitted if the ticket is gifted etc.

Bit petty tbh, not really much need.


I've personally got little to no issue with people going if they feel the desperate need, I'm not going to have a pop at countless friends and family for doing that as it's shite patter. I might gently and reasonably make the case for not giving Ashley money and indeed did with my dad who gave up his season ticket after 20-odd years and doesn't miss it. He does miss following an NUFC worth supporting though, we all do.


I do think those spending money on NUFC need to hold their hands up and admit they're begrudgingly funding the current set of circumstances though, there's clearly a direct link there. Personally I go to a few aways a season and haven't been to SJP for years even when visiting from London when there's a match on.


It's interesting you raise the point of being given a free ticket mind as a guy at my work is lending me his season ticket over Christmas as a thank you for work stuff. I'll be taking my dad along to the boxing day game, don't see the harm in that given they appear to report attendances based on tickets sold anyway.


Aye, you're right sorry :thup: Unnaturaly sensitive to this debate.

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One of the more tragic things about seeing these Wonga-wearing, match-going mugs is that they're defying something that has actually worked. The protests over the last couple of years haven't actually been futile efforts. They've actually made a difference. Aye, if Palace hadn't come along Pardew would probably still be here, but I bet the existence of the protests movements made his decision a hell of a lot easier. And the AshleyOut crew actually forced Ashley from under his rock, they had him scared. I bet the stuff with the Magpie shirt had the club's heckles up, as well.


If the fanbase had maintained the militant stance taken against Spurs, Ashley might even be on his way out soon. Unlikely, I know, but who's to say he wouldn't have been? In my heart of hearts I wouldn't have imagined Pardew would be gone less than three months after the SackPardew group started.


To think Ashley's bullshit battle-cry in front of the media pre West Ham actually worked, man. Tragic.


Support the team and all that shite.


Don't know a single person who renewed as a result of Ashley's 'battle cry', do you?


It worked as a means of nipping the unrest in the bud.

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This could all be easily resolved if Newcastle-Online draughted up some form of report which outlines the legitimate avenues of support for the plebs. Is Sky allowed, is attendance permitted if the ticket is gifted etc.

Bit petty tbh, not really much need.


I've personally got little to no issue with people going if they feel the desperate need, I'm not going to have a pop at countless friends and family for doing that as it's s**** patter. I might gently and reasonably make the case for not giving Ashley money and indeed did with my dad who gave up his season ticket after 20-odd years and doesn't miss it. He does miss following an NUFC worth supporting though, we all do.


I do think those spending money on NUFC need to hold their hands up and admit they're begrudgingly funding the current set of circumstances though, there's clearly a direct link there. Personally I go to a few aways a season and haven't been to SJP for years even when visiting from London when there's a match on.


It's interesting you raise the point of being given a free ticket mind as a guy at my work is lending me his season ticket over Christmas as a thank you for work stuff. I'll be taking my dad along to the boxing day game, don't see the harm in that given they appear to report attendances based on tickets sold anyway.

I handed my season ticket over to my cousin two years ago, who now pays and goes to the games in my place. I realise that my place has instantly been filled so my absence/refusal to put any money into the club doesn't really matter. However, what I do know is that I feel a lot better on Saturday afternoons for it and my conscience is clear in as much as that fat lump isn't getting my money.

Those that continue to buy merchandise, especially merchandise plastered with Wonga or SD I will never, ever understand. I don't agree with it and think it's absolutely barmy but I won't ram that point of view down their necks, it's not worth it. It saddens me how divided our fanbase is these days and it's symptomatic of Ashley's reign that most people continue to put up with it. I still want my football club back, the one that I grew up with, the one that was shite but at least I was proud of because it tried.

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This could all be easily resolved if Newcastle-Online draughted up some form of report which outlines the legitimate avenues of support for the plebs. Is Sky allowed, is attendance permitted if the ticket is gifted etc.

Bit petty tbh, not really much need.


I've personally got little to no issue with people going if they feel the desperate need, I'm not going to have a pop at countless friends and family for doing that as it's shite patter. I might gently and reasonably make the case for not giving Ashley money and indeed did with my dad who gave up his season ticket after 20-odd years and doesn't miss it. He does miss following an NUFC worth supporting though, we all do.


I do think those spending money on NUFC need to hold their hands up and admit they're begrudgingly funding the current set of circumstances though, there's clearly a direct link there. Personally I go to a few aways a season and haven't been to SJP for years even when visiting from London when there's a match on.


It's interesting you raise the point of being given a free ticket mind as a guy at my work is lending me his season ticket over Christmas as a thank you for work stuff. I'll be taking my dad along to the boxing day game, don't see the harm in that given they appear to report attendances based on tickets sold anyway.


Aye, you're right sorry :thup: Unnaturaly sensitive to this debate.

Aye nee bother, I am as well tbh as I've had conversations varying from close friends and family who can't help going which you have to respect to a degree, to friends of friends that have called me a knob for not going, who I've ended up falling out with. There's no easy answer but I do think that if you're adamant in your opposition to the owner then giving him a decent proportion of your earnings every year makes no sense. The reality in my experience is that a lot of these people will go on like it's all hunky dory and no worse than we should expect. Had an argument with a bloke who thought a goalless draw at West Ham a few years ago was a fantastic result, it honestly blows your mind sometimes. He's the type that regards this period as supporting us through thick and thin and reckons everyone who doesn't is flaky. A complete tit, in other words.


I used to buy allsorts of club shop tat for my family and it was sound as they were happy as Larry with it. It's a shame, where we are now. I also suspect Ashley will spend "big" over the next 2 transfer windows as has been reported, and I'm certain that was due to the AO campaign and even more certain it will paper over the cracks and buy him more time.


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He will spend in January and he will spend next summer. It'll be money that the club has generated though and not out of his own pocket so nobody needs to be in any debt of gratitude to him for doing so. Like has already been said though it'll simply be papering over the cracks. The money will be spent by people unqualified to spend it and more French duds will be drafted in and to compound that the person required to get the most out of the players signed isn't up to the job either.


And round we go again.......

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