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FIFA World Cup


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Waiting for it to come out that these execs have been keeping slaves or something.


The auction boat from Taken was owned by FIFA.


Pop a mint julep in his hand and a sun hat on his head and ol' Sepp fits right in to 1840s Mississippi. :lol:

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Waiting for it to come out that these execs have been keeping slaves or something.


The auction boat from Taken was owned by FIFA.


Pop a mint julep in his hand and a sun hat on his head and ol' Sepp fits right in to 1840s Mississippi. :lol:


:lol: 1840 Mississippi, 2015 Qatar. Potato, potato.

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Jack Warner pocketed money meant to go to Haiti earthquake  victims :anguish:

Fucking hell. I'd be reasonably sure that Warner will escape jail time as well if he continues to rat out other people :lol:

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Waiting for it to come out that these execs have been keeping slaves or something.


The auction boat from Taken was owned by FIFA.


Pop a mint julep in his hand and a sun hat on his head and ol' Sepp fits right in to 1840s Mississippi. :lol:


:lol: 1840 Mississippi, 2015 Qatar. Potato, potato.

That saying really doesn't translate well to text :lol:

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It was already clear, so many people are going to prison for this right? Not white collar resort prison, but federal pound me in the ass prison.


:lol: That's so weird, just watched that film last night.


Watched it on the weekend, never has a movie quote about prison rape been so apt :lol:

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Zico to run for FIFA President


One of my favorite ever players :smitten:


He inspired me more than anyone after Cruyff when I was a kid. The first World Cup that I really cared about was '82, and I still remember how upset I was when Italy beat Brazil.


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Top 3 Brazilian player in history according to most behind Pele and Garrincha says it all about the type of player he was. Romario and Ronaldo are usually put above him because of winning the WC, but in terms of quality few can say that apart from Garrincha and Pele there was a better one in Brazil than him.


I'd love Zico to become president for the fact that he seems extremely honest and has always been loved wherever he's been. My only problem is installing a Brazilian at the helm again, it's just bound for failure once again.

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Sky Sports News HQ ‏@SkySportsNewsHQ  1m1 minute ago

BREAKING: EU Parliament calls for Sepp Blatter to step down as FIFA president with immediate effect. #SSNHQ

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Obviously Blatter and the rest needed/needs to go, and the whole thing needs reviewed and sorted but is no-one worried what might come into place at FIFA now?  A more 'global' game, shit like that?  I hope not.  Not having a pop at the Yanks*, but they'd love shit like that**, as would the rich elite that own the majority of the big names in Europe. 


* Not ordinary folk.

** Remember the last game of the season was being suggested that it be played in the US a while back? 


Just flinging thoughts out there.

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