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Which of Fat Sam's transfers do people think are the suspect ones?


With regard to Newcastle, strikes me as somewhat odd that he signed Bolton players and was signing players he had initially planned to sign for Bolton.


He was also sacked during a period where Chris Mort and his team we auditing all of the clubs accounts and business dealings.


Who was that terrible defender that Allardyce signed from Rangers that we all thought was a dodgy deal at the time? 


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Which of Fat Sam's transfers do people think are the suspect ones?


With regard to Newcastle, strikes me as somewhat odd that he signed Bolton players and was signing players he had initially planned to sign for Bolton.


He was also sacked during a period where Chris Mort and his team we auditing all of the clubs accounts and business dealings.


Who was that terrible defender that Allardyce signed from Rangers that we all thought was a dodgy deal at the time?


Boumsong. Signed for 8m six months after he signed for Rangers on a free. :lol:

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Nobody has mentioned martin oneil, that bloke used to buy loads of players then never play them.


Be surprised, he's the type to take the moral high ground. Would have been interesting if he'd have been in charge of the inbred while the Adam Johnson stuff was going on.


O'Neill is a good guy, doubt he'd be into it.

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Which of Fat Sam's transfers do people think are the suspect ones?


With regard to Newcastle, strikes me as somewhat odd that he signed Bolton players and was signing players he had initially planned to sign for Bolton.


He was also sacked during a period where Chris Mort and his team we auditing all of the clubs accounts and business dealings.


Who was that terrible defender that Allardyce signed from Rangers that we all thought was a dodgy deal at the time?


Boumsong. Signed for 8m six months after he signed for Rangers on a free. :lol:


That's it.  Stinks that one!

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There was a lot of talk about him trying to strongarm players into going with a certain agent too.


My mackem mate reckons most of the recent young'uns over there are signed with Willie McKay who has strong connections to fat heed.

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Which of Fat Sam's transfers do people think are the suspect ones?


With regard to Newcastle, strikes me as somewhat odd that he signed Bolton players and was signing players he had initially planned to sign for Bolton.


He was also sacked during a period where Chris Mort and his team we auditing all of the clubs accounts and business dealings.


Who was that terrible defender that Allardyce signed from Rangers that we all thought was a dodgy deal at the time?


Boumsong. Signed for 8m six months after he signed for Rangers on a free. :lol:


That's it.  Stinks that one!


Boumsong was a souness signing.

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Not a chance Rafa would be involved in anything like that, putting aside that he's not actually corrupt, he makes very good money as it is, there's absolutely no need for him to ever look for a dodgy payment.


Pardew must be one of them.

Big Sam was on absolute loads at West Ham and i'm assuming Sunderland and England too. Greed is greed.
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There was a lot of talk about him trying to strongarm players into going with a certain agent too.


Aye, this is why I can't accept the line about the FA not knowing.


This is an article written by The Secret Footballer in January. Doesn't take a genius to figure out he's talking about Pulis and Berahino.



He's the one I thought of first after Sam.

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I read in an article about Fat Sam today that he's reportedly worth £10m. That sounds very low considering he's barely been out of work, took us for £6m? a few years back and has been consistently managing in the Premier League.


If that is the case he's clearly a fucking shit businessman.

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I went to a Michael Bridges talk in last year, pretty interesting what he had to say about Monkeys heed.


He had broken into the first team and grabbed a few goals for the club, all under his apprentice contract.  After the season had finished Reid had organised a trip to Marbella for the players.  They were all out there having laughs and getting pished.  Reid got Bridges smashed and threw a contact at bridges to sign when mortal. bridges said the money was decent and he was a bout to sign...until Niall Quinn clocked what was happening and stopped it.


Reid was trying to get Bridges to sign with Reids agent. 



Bridges also mentioned that Reid had also tried this with Darious Kubiki (spelling), the Polish full back they had who was pretty decent. Kubiki  wouldn't sign for Reid's agent so he was shipped off to never been seen again. Somebody called Hall replaced him who was on Reid's agents books. 

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I read in an article about Fat Sam today that he's reportedly worth £10m. That sounds very low considering he's barely been out of work, took us for £6m? a few years back and has been consistently managing in the Premier League.


If that is the case he's clearly a fucking shit businessman.


I thought he had taken us for 3M, and that was more than all his previous earnings combined. just some shite Id heard somewhere. got no idea if true.

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I read in an article about Fat Sam today that he's reportedly worth £10m. That sounds very low considering he's barely been out of work, took us for £6m? a few years back and has been consistently managing in the Premier League.


If that is the case he's clearly a fucking shit businessman.


Or his money's squirrelled away in some overseas account like that other saggy faced cunt who had an account in his dog's name. Dear old 'arry, the average punter loves him, salt of the earth and all that.

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There needs to be drastic regulation change after this like, the corruption is absolutely rife. Hardly know where to start.


Its absolutely awful.  Whats top stop a manager being a partner in an agency?  Its a conflict of interests straight away.

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Wasn't there a bit of controversy with Amady Faye and his agent when he signed for Portsmouth, I'm sure Willie MacKay was involved....Ended up with us and was totally shocking.  :lol: :lol:








Corruption allegations[edit]


Faye was arrested by City of London Police on 28 November 2007 along with Harry Redknapp, Milan Mandarić, Peter Storrie and Willie McKay over allegations of corruption.[22]


His transfer from Portsmouth to Newcastle United in January 2005 was one of those about which the Stevens inquiry report in June 2007 expressed concerns:


“There remains inconsistencies in evidence provided by Graeme Souness – a former manager of the club – and Kenneth Shepherd – apparently acting in an undefined role but not as a club official – as to their respective roles in transfer negotiations.”


“The inquiry is still awaiting clarification from agent Willie McKay”.[23]


However, the Stevens enquiry later issued two clarifications. It said of Souness: "We wish to make it clear that inconsistencies did not exist within the evidence given by Graeme Souness to Quest concerning his role in transfers covered by the Inquiry during his time as manager of Newcastle United FC and neither the Premier League nor do Quest have any concerns in this regard".[24] Then, on 7 November 2007, Quest issued the following statement about McKay: "Further to the key findings from the final Quest report published on 15 June 2007 by the Premier League, Quest would like to emphasise that, in that report, it was clear that no evidence of irregular payments was found in the transfers in the inquiry period which involved the agent Willie McKay. Quest would also like to thank Mr McKay for his cooperation with the inquiry." [25]

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