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Use the Euros forum please - https://newcastle-online.org/forum/36-euro-2024/

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Guest Howaythetoon

It’s annoying when they start ripping into the team or players when we aren’t winning or someone misses a goal. Sterling took a load of crap on my Facebook feed and half those spouting their crap don’t even watch footy or show any interest. They didn’t even know who he was before the tournament and now they are all experts. When I tell some people how many goals he scored last season they say he must play for a shit team.


I’m not being snobby, but it pisses me off and we may see a big wave of new fans like we did after Euro 96 following this which might have a negative effect in our own stadia with proper fans who could be replaced in grounds in terms of numbers and chanting. No doubt if England win, the PL will become even more popular attracting more people who want to buy into the product. I can see prices going up for tickets, shirts and TV subscriptions especially if England win it.

Nah, I do get this like. It feels like I'm permanently resigned to working alongside a woman who knows nothing about football and doesn't care about football, telling me how shit Newcastle/England/a certain player are as if they have some sort of insight over me, someone who watches and talks about football all the time. Everywhere I've worked there's been at least one.


I get it with NUFC, “but Ashley yous haven’t went bust and he knows what he’s doing because look at how rich he is and how well his shops are doing. Stop complaining.” I get this from Geordies and people around the country, mostly Southerners I might add...

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Guest Howaythetoon

We've raised a generation of self entitled nobheads basically, I'm not saying they're all like that because that's what's annoying me about the "All England Fans are the same and we actively want you's to lose" mantra. Yes we've got a load of pricks causing havoc, wrecking public and private property and throwing beer around, it's not indicative of England Fans, it's the Ingurrrland "fans" that jump on the bandwagon when it's going well and only own an England shirt, maybe a 2018 Man City shirt and an old Chelsea shirt in the wardrobe on top of an early 2000s Man U shirt.

A bit of nice weather, some beer and a mob mentality is a disaster waiting to happen.

Like HTT I stay far away from public gatherings of said nob heads when the game is on, I've been hosting World Cup days at my gaff for 5 or 6 friends and it's been a quality tournament. Don't let pictures on social media and in the papers form your opinion on England Fans as a collective, as NUFC fans you know how easy it is to get caught in a clichè.


I’ve watched two of our games in a pub, Tunisia in Gloucester which was heaving and full of nob heads outside the pub and some inside who jeered and booed Sterling when he was substituted. Some young tit also smashed his head off the bar counter and had to be carried out.


I watched us against Colombia in a social club in an area that is considered one of the roughest parts of Newcastle and while it was full of people who would say darkie, local torags and the coke dealing/sniffing brigade they were well behaved and massively supportive and seemed to me to be proper supporters who even if they don’t go to games they follow NUFc and England’s fortunes.


For me that gives you a makeup of the kind of fans that follow England and indeed our own club and the ares or pubs they watch games in.


I guarantee half of the pub in Gloucester couldn’t name a player until they came up on screen and were there for the piss up, banter and high ginks which is becoming a common culture in middle England. The rough local club, full of people who would debate with you all day long about anything to do with footy, who go to the club because of tradition and for the footy.


It’s a new lad culture, popularised by celebs and the almost promotion of lads behaviour by the media as good where in reality is fuckimg sad something this 38 years old miserable cyncic wants to be nowhere near or part of.


Pint with the local old or young racist who sits quietly watching, supporting and then playing pool before going home to knock his lass’ hips out aft a binge of coke, beer and England fuckimg winning any time.


Massive generalisations in parts I know...

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Guest firetotheworks

I'm chuffed he's finally starting to get the credit that he's deserved for ages.
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Guest firetotheworks

I reckon he's been great since 2013/14 like, but I think it took a while for people to give him a chance after they'd understandably thought he was shit at Sunderland.

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I think the Henderson type of midfielder went out of fashion like because a load of shit cunts like Colback, Lucas Leiva & Leon Britton took the piss by literally just passing the ball sidewards. They've sort of marred the role. That's the theory I've just made up anyway.

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Watching this in Germany. Won't be an easy game, but we have a decent chance.


Can't help doing two extra time's in a row.


Got a feeling it'll be another.


Could defo see that.


I think it will be another close game, their midfield does have quality, but I think we can get at their defence.

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