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Guest firetotheworks

Exactly why the more contentious decisions go against him, because ref's probably think 'he'll have meant that' and probably be right. It's his play acting and cheating that winds me up more than his aggression tbh, he's definitely a player who more often than not dies by the sword he also tries to live by.

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It's embarrassing and not what I want to see our players doing, but lets not act like every successful team isn't full of divers, it's necessary to win trophies in this sport.


This. This place, my god, we should be biased as hell in favour of our players but it's just full of posts from folks willing to jump on anything the "player it's cool to hate" does. So he dived, big fucking deal, he's certainly not the first and won't be the last.

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It's embarrassing and not what I want to see our players doing, but lets not act like every successful team isn't full of divers, it's necessary to win trophies in this sport.


This. This place, my god, we should be biased as hell in favour of our players but it's just full of posts from folks willing to jump on anything the "player it's cool to hate" does. So he dived, big f***ing deal, he's certainly not the first and won't be the last.


Meanwhile in the England thread Dele Alli is getting backed to the hilt for being a worky c*** and being praised for it.

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