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Martin Samuels absolutely roasted us for sacking fat Sam, yet has been remarkably quiet about his beloved West Ham doing the same thing. They seem to be doing okay without him now as well. Funny that, as Allardyce was moaning again this week that he never felt appreciated by West Ham supporters. So I guess the only conclusion we can draw from that is West Ham fans are all spoilt London cunts with ideas above their station. Write an article about that you fat cockney bastard.

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Martin Samuels absolutely roasted us for sacking fat Sam, yet has been remarkably quiet about his beloved West Ham doing the same thing. They seem to be doing okay without him now as well. Funny that, as Allardyce was moaning again this week that he never felt appreciated by West Ham supporters. So I guess the only conclusion we can draw from that is West Ham fans are all spoilt London c***s with ideas above their station. Write an article about that you fat cockney b******.


love it


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Guest neesy111

There isn't a profession I respect less than sports journalism. Other than the odd exception they're just a bunch of ignorant chancers pushing agenda's.


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There isn't a profession I respect less than sports journalism. Other than the odd exception they're just a bunch of ignorant chancers pushing agenda's.



I must admit like food connoisseurs I cannot get away with. I disrespect them more than these oafs.

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Martin Samuels absolutely roasted us for sacking fat Sam, yet has been remarkably quiet about his beloved West Ham doing the same thing. They seem to be doing okay without him now as well. Funny that, as Allardyce was moaning again this week that he never felt appreciated by West Ham supporters. So I guess the only conclusion we can draw from that is West Ham fans are all spoilt London cunts with ideas above their station. Write an article about that you fat cockney bastard.



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Nah he's this fat mess




Look - his teeth support Norwich. Smelly, fat, dribbling mess.

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