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Best case for me, well aside from him falling under a combine harvester, is for Palace to stand by him until the bitter end, getting relegated, and only then him being sacked. Maximum embarrassment for the club, excruciating for their dickhead fans, and absolutely no excuse for Pardew and his wanker fans in the media.


Won't happen though.

The absolute ideal scenario for me would be this but them sticking with him after relegation, condemning themselves to absolute purgatory.

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Best case for me, well aside from him falling under a combine harvester, is for Palace to stand by him until the bitter end, getting relegated, and only then him being sacked. Maximum embarrassment for the club, excruciating for their dickhead fans, and absolutely no excuse for Pardew and his w***** fans in the media.


Won't happen though.


He'd resign with 1 game to play, needing a draw to stay up. Palace will get beat and he will proclaim he would of kept them up had he stayed.

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Got to hope for a draw on Sat to keep the cunt clinging on. A couple of wins in the next 4 or 5 should see him through to pissing away whatever January spends they have before the inevitable sharp nosedive into LLLLLLL territory for the run in.

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Like having the worst performing team in the whole of English league football over an 11 month period?

What has that got to do with Pardew though? They've just been unlucky, and conceded a bunch of uncharacteristic goals.

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Was just looking at .com's report of our match against Blackburn when Ben Arfa scored that amazing goal. How patronising is this from Pardew? :lol:


"In our stadium 30,000 doesn't feel a lot so there was no electricity. Bless the hearts of our fans though. They are paying out for game after game and some of them simply could not afford to be here again.


"I've tried to explain to our French-speaking players what being in the hat for the fourth round means. Perhaps it's my French but it seems to have gone over their heads.

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Was just looking at .com's report of our match against Blackburn when Ben Arfa scored that amazing goal. How patronising is this from Pardew? :lol:


"In our stadium 30,000 doesn't feel a lot so there was no electricity. Bless the hearts of our fans though. They are paying out for game after game and some of them simply could not afford to be here again.


"I've tried to explain to our French-speaking players what being in the hat for the fourth round means. Perhaps it's my French but it seems to have gone over their heads.


fuck me! that's awful.

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Assuming he goes within this season, what do people reckon his next move is? Championship club? Lower prem club? Punditry? Will he have another great first 6-12 month run at his next club?


Place yer beeeets. Internet points will be awarded for most accurate in 24 months time.

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Depends how long this goes on for. If he gets sacked after the next game, most of the media will think he didn't get enough time, which is obviously bollocks but will probably get him another PL job soon enough. If if goes on until March and then he gets sacked with them in really big trouble his reputation could be harmed a bit more

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Assuming he goes within this season, what do people reckon his next move is? Championship club? Lower prem club? Punditry? Will he have another great first 6-12 month run at his next club?


Place yer beeeets. Internet points will be awarded for most accurate in 24 months time.


Possibly another mid lower prem team or a championship team sniffing about promotion but are lagging, so they feel a change of manager will help.

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Hope he gets enough time to take them down, then the opportunity to take them up again from the championship. Then I hope he barely manages to take them to a play-off spot, takes the lead in the play-off final, dances, then loses and gets sacked live during his post-match interview.

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Was just looking at .com's report of our match against Blackburn when Ben Arfa scored that amazing goal. How patronising is this from Pardew? :lol:


"In our stadium 30,000 doesn't feel a lot so there was no electricity. Bless the hearts of our fans though. They are paying out for game after game and some of them simply could not afford to be here again.


"I've tried to explain to our French-speaking players what being in the hat for the fourth round means. Perhaps it's my French but it seems to have gone over their heads.


How the fuck did he get away with that :lol: Can't even remember reading it.

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Was just looking at .com's report of our match against Blackburn when Ben Arfa scored that amazing goal. How patronising is this from Pardew? :lol:


"In our stadium 30,000 doesn't feel a lot so there was no electricity. Bless the hearts of our fans though. They are paying out for game after game and some of them simply could not afford to be here again.


"I've tried to explain to our French-speaking players what being in the hat for the fourth round means. Perhaps it's my French but it seems to have gone over their heads.


That reads like it was accompanied by an nice inflammatory pat on the head.

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pardo and parrish are buddies. think it would take a lot for parrish to even contemplate sacking the cunt.


Parrish looks like one of those naive (about football) owners - I can see Pardew easily deceiving him.


Even someone who doesn't know much about football will understand enough to know that constantly battling relegation is a sign that the manager is a dud.

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