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Rafael Benitez

Jesse Pinkman

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Aside from watching us win a game; listening to that podcast was thirty of the most enjoyable minutes I've had as a Newcastle fan in absolutely ages. Benitez being here, and everything that comes in association with that, is just an incredible thing. The only thing that was going to save the club was appointing a manager of his calibre, and letting him pin everyone else to the ground. I didn't think it ever would, but it's happen.


He's hooked into everything and he has a plan that is going to work. He's a step ahead of everyone. It's just wonderful.

Shouldn't have hounded out Pardew, mind. Who better would work for Ashley? Careful what you wish for.


I just hope we go back up and vindicated. The media circus around that was disgusting.

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There will still be people out there saying we should have kept Pardew. Annoys me how people feel the need to comment on things they know fuck all about. "Pardew wouldn't have took you down", neither would Rafa if he was given the time that lipless cockney twat was!

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There will still be people out there saying we should have kept Pardew. Annoys me how people feel the need to comment on things they know fuck all about. "Pardew wouldn't have took you down", neither would Rafa if he was given the time that lipless cockney twat was!

Also, Pardew would absolutely have taken us down.

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The away form is nothing new to NUFC apparently it was his forte at Liverpool too. It strikes at being an excellent coach because he is able to spot where things are going wrong or could be improved upon during 45 mins of football. The guy is just a top shelf coach, in many ways us getting relegated has probably more of a positive impact on us than we immediately thought. Having to beg him to come back and forced to give him full control can only benefit the club in the long term. I wonder if he would have been given the same amount of control had we stay afloat.

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That podcast was great. I know when we played PSV and Barcelona in Europe, Bobby Robson absolutely loved showing some of his former colleagues all of the work that had been done in and around SJP and how proud he was of it. Rafa seems proud of all the work going on too, it's great we finally seem to be doing things the right way with the best man in charge of it all

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The away form is nothing new to NUFC apparently it was his forte at Liverpool too. It strikes at being an excellent coach because he is able to spot where things are going wrong or could be improved upon during 45 mins of football. The guy is just a top shelf coach, in many ways us getting relegated has probably more of a positive impact on us than we immediately thought. Having to beg him to come back and forced to give him full control can only benefit the club in the long term. I wonder if he would have been given the same amount of control had we stay afloat.



Never been a time like it for me. Keegan was different in that it was an emotional high and something that will never be topped, he just fit. SBR was the same if slightly less giddy. Rafa is different though in that it's the first time I've ever seen such a master tactician at this club, one of the all time great managers and he's here. I almost feel pity for the opposition because you know that as the game unfolds he will dismantle them with a tweak here or a sub there. Honestly, usually I think I know more about the game than some of the managers we've employed, but I'm in awe of Rafa. I'll actually be surprised if by the time he leaves we haven't won a major trophy unless he falls out with the hierarchy.

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The away form is nothing new to NUFC apparently it was his forte at Liverpool too. It strikes at being an excellent coach because he is able to spot where things are going wrong or could be improved upon during 45 mins of football. The guy is just a top shelf coach, in many ways us getting relegated has probably more of a positive impact on us than we immediately thought. Having to beg him to come back and forced to give him full control can only benefit the club in the long term. I wonder if he would have been given the same amount of control had we stay afloat.



Never been a time like it for me. Keegan was different in that it was an emotional high and something that will never be topped, he just fit. SBR was the same if slightly less giddy. Rafa is different though in that it's the first time I've ever seen such a master tactician at this club, one of the all time great managers and he's here. I almost feel pity for the opposition because you know that as the game unfolds he will dismantle them with a tweak here or a sub there. Honestly, usually I think I know more about the game than some of the managers we've employed, but I'm in awe of Rafa. I'll actually be surprised if by the time he leaves we haven't won a major trophy unless he falls out with the hierarchy.


The only thing that bothers me this, Ashley would be fucking stupid to do anything but we've seen him screw over managers like Keegan and Hughton, I just hope this time is different and that Rafa gets the chance to leave his legacy on our cloob.

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The away form is nothing new to NUFC apparently it was his forte at Liverpool too. It strikes at being an excellent coach because he is able to spot where things are going wrong or could be improved upon during 45 mins of football. The guy is just a top shelf coach, in many ways us getting relegated has probably more of a positive impact on us than we immediately thought. Having to beg him to come back and forced to give him full control can only benefit the club in the long term. I wonder if he would have been given the same amount of control had we stay afloat.



Never been a time like it for me. Keegan was different in that it was an emotional high and something that will never be topped, he just fit. SBR was the same if slightly less giddy. Rafa is different though in that it's the first time I've ever seen such a master tactician at this club, one of the all time great managers and he's here. I almost feel pity for the opposition because you know that as the game unfolds he will dismantle them with a tweak here or a sub there. Honestly, usually I think I know more about the game than some of the managers we've employed, but I'm in awe of Rafa. I'll actually be surprised if by the time he leaves we haven't won a major trophy unless he falls out with the hierarchy.


The only thing that bothers me this, Ashley would be fucking stupid to do anything but we've seen him screw over managers like Keegan and Hughton, I just hope this time is different and that Rafa gets the chance to leave his legacy on our cloob.


The only cloud I see on the horizon is Rafa's ambition. I've no doubt Ashley is desperate to keep him right now, he's basically given him a free licence to run the club from top to bottom. But when we are back in the premier, Rafa will want to win trophies and that will mean buying the best players like we used to back in Keegan's day. That will be the acid test.

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The away form is nothing new to NUFC apparently it was his forte at Liverpool too. It strikes at being an excellent coach because he is able to spot where things are going wrong or could be improved upon during 45 mins of football. The guy is just a top shelf coach, in many ways us getting relegated has probably more of a positive impact on us than we immediately thought. Having to beg him to come back and forced to give him full control can only benefit the club in the long term. I wonder if he would have been given the same amount of control had we stay afloat.



Never been a time like it for me. Keegan was different in that it was an emotional high and something that will never be topped, he just fit. SBR was the same if slightly less giddy. Rafa is different though in that it's the first time I've ever seen such a master tactician at this club, one of the all time great managers and he's here. I almost feel pity for the opposition because you know that as the game unfolds he will dismantle them with a tweak here or a sub there. Honestly, usually I think I know more about the game than some of the managers we've employed, but I'm in awe of Rafa. I'll actually be surprised if by the time he leaves we haven't won a major trophy unless he falls out with the hierarchy.


The only thing that bothers me this, Ashley would be fucking stupid to do anything but we've seen him screw over managers like Keegan and Hughton, I just hope this time is different and that Rafa gets the chance to leave his legacy on our cloob.


The only cloud I see on the horizon is Rafa's ambition. I've no doubt Ashley is desperate to keep him right now, he's basically given him a free licence to run the club from top to bottom. But when we are back in the premier, Rafa will want to win trophies and that will mean buying the best players like we used to back in Keegan's day. That will be the acid test.


Honestly, if he just releases the funds the club makes back to him then that should be enough, we've seen he's been willing to do that with McClaren so why not continue with Rafa? With all the money swirling round the PL now any team should have ample funds to spend so long as they spend them wisely. The only test will be that first season when we don't have this year's share but we are sat on a tidy profit from the window.

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According to one website Ladbrokes are offering-


500/1 for Newcastle to actually win the Premier League in the 2017/18 season.


100/1 to compete in the group stage of the Champions League in 2018/19


250/1 for Benitez to win the tournament as Newcastle manager.


They wont give nothing away will they? absolutely shocking odds.

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The away form is nothing new to NUFC apparently it was his forte at Liverpool too. It strikes at being an excellent coach because he is able to spot where things are going wrong or could be improved upon during 45 mins of football. The guy is just a top shelf coach, in many ways us getting relegated has probably more of a positive impact on us than we immediately thought. Having to beg him to come back and forced to give him full control can only benefit the club in the long term. I wonder if he would have been given the same amount of control had we stay afloat.



Never been a time like it for me. Keegan was different in that it was an emotional high and something that will never be topped, he just fit. SBR was the same if slightly less giddy. Rafa is different though in that it's the first time I've ever seen such a master tactician at this club, one of the all time great managers and he's here. I almost feel pity for the opposition because you know that as the game unfolds he will dismantle them with a tweak here or a sub there. Honestly, usually I think I know more about the game than some of the managers we've employed, but I'm in awe of Rafa. I'll actually be surprised if by the time he leaves we haven't won a major trophy unless he falls out with the hierarchy.


The only thing that bothers me this, Ashley would be f***ing stupid to do anything but we've seen him screw over managers like Keegan and Hughton, I just hope this time is different and that Rafa gets the chance to leave his legacy on our cloob.

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Guest firetotheworks

Am I the only one that doesn't rate him or think that he's the sort of character to make a enough of an immediate difference?



Nicely quoted from when he first arrived, before we were, as I was referring to at the time, relegated.

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Amazing stat!


On the subject of stats, the stats articles I've read suggest that set-pieces are generally underutilized and are easiest way to turn around an underperforming team. We obviously been scoring a lot of them recently, and have just shut out QPR who at kickoff had been the second or third most successful team from them. I wouldn't be surprised if this has been an early focus for Rafa, and that the team will score a higher percentage from open play in the coming months due to the longer time taken for any work there to bear fruit.


One context in which I saw the "profit from set-pieces" idea was mentioned was a partial justification for Allardyce as England manager. Personally I think he is a joke and the epitome of the "proper footballing man" dullard mentality that blights English football, but his teams do have a historic record of doing well from set plays. I don't like it, but getting a bunch of players who don't play together that often to score from more corners is probably going to be a more achievable objective than getting them to be more incisive and open teams up. England are a "quarter-finals if we are lucky" level team, so the bar is not very high.

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