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Rafael Benitez

Jesse Pinkman

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If nothing else comes up, I reckon he'd like to stay. But you'd have to think either a good job will open up somewhere or Ashley will release him.


And I hate myself for even thinking there's a chance :lol:

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If nothing else comes up, I reckon he'd like to stay. But you'd have to think either a good job will open up somewhere or Ashley will release him.


And I hate myself for even thinking there's a chance :lol:


This is it though. I don't think it matters if Rafa wants to stay, it's whether Ashley wants to keep him.

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fairly positive noises from him today about staying on imo.


What's he said?

He thinks we'll still be in the PL next year.


Personally I think he's on crack as we quite clearly won't be.



he also said he wants to be here next year and 'for a few years' to be fair.


Did he? The BBC rolling sports news thing never mentioned that, funny eh!


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Just out of interest..... any reason why Alan Shearer is criticised for "taking" us down and Rafa, seemingly, would not be?

I don't think anyone other than fans of other clubs who don't like Shearer actually think that.


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Just out of interest..... any reason why Alan Shearer is criticised for "taking" us down and Rafa, seemingly, would not be?

I don't think anyone other than fans of other clubs who don't like Shearer actually think that.



Yup. Only Ashley, his cronies and wanker top-four supporters actually think that.

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I am the Newcastle manager and I am going to be Newcastle manager next year


That's surprisingly unequivocal.


Where's that from? Most articles say he 'wants' to be here next season rather than 'will' be.


Then when asked if he would stay if we got relegated, he said he has confidence we will stay in the PL and that's it.

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I am the Newcastle manager and I am going to be Newcastle manager next year


That's surprisingly unequivocal.


Where's that from? Most articles say he 'wants' to be here next season rather than 'will' be.


Then when asked if he would stay if we got relegated, he said he has confidence we will stay in the PL and that's it.



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I'd say a very large and very crude image of his face on a bed sheet complete with a tear rolling down his cheek and the message James suggested would be ace. If anything could convince him to lead us out at magnificent grounds like the Pirelli Stadium it would be that.

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Need some 'Please Stay Rafa' banners towards end of season if we don't look like staying up.

For the love of god don't do this.

It's the sort of thing Liverpool fans do, which is normally a bad thing but Rafa does seem to love that club....

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Need some 'Please Stay Rafa' banners towards end of season if we don't look like staying up.

For the love of god don't do this.


Why? Nowt wrong with showing some appreciation. It's probably cringey in the uber cool online world...but don't see the issue. Obviously there's a limit...no love hearts etc :lol:

I agree, we should do allsorts to let him know how much we want him to stay. The mackems fucking sent advocaats wife a shit load of flowers we need to do better. I know he didnt work out but Rafa will in the long run.

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Need some 'Please Stay Rafa' banners towards end of season if we don't look like staying up.

For the love of god don't do this.

It's the sort of thing Liverpool fans do, which is normally a bad thing but Rafa does seem to love that club....


That's where my real hope lies that Rafa will want to stick around. He bought into Liverpool because it's a genuine football city with incredibly loyal fans for the most part. I think he came here because we are one of the few clubs where he could potentially have that again.


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Wish people would stop getting high hopes Rafa Facts-

-He will always say he is the manager next season until we mathematically drop

-Mike Ashley would never ever pay his reported wage in the championship

-Mike Ashley only ever bought Townsend shelvey etc because of the high value in money next season

-as above with Rafa our only ever top class manager under him (Keegan not included )

-With the manager/players we are about to lose expect to do a Leeds

-This is no longer our club its mikes and he knows he has fucked up big time so fuck him 

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He won't admit we're down until its mathematically set in stone. Just the kind of man he is, he wants to continue to instill a growth mindset of belief.


This is literally every manager ever tbf :lol:


Oh of course, I mean we've had a couple at our club like Pardew and Carver that continually filled us with joy and hope when under the threat of relegation. Do you ever get tired of talking shite?

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He won't admit we're down until its mathematically set in stone. Just the kind of man he is, he wants to continue to instill a growth mindset of belief.


This is literally every manager ever tbf :lol:


Oh of course, I mean we've had a couple at our club like Pardew and Carver that continually filled us with joy and hope when under the threat of relegation. Do you ever get tired of talking shite?


Are you alright mate?

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I'm of the opinion that Rafa probably wants to stay here, but he doesn't really fancy  a season in the championship because for a manager of his calibre that could damage his reputation. That said, I think that he wants to be here because we are a similar club to Liverpool and that is the environment he really seems to thrive on. So I wouldn't be that surprised if he stayed on - if anything it's us who would throw a spanner in the works because that's what we do best.


That's exactly the way I see it. He left Valencia because he was frustrated at the lack of control over signings. He said at Liverpool that the money isn't important (he's already rich and being even richer is not a motivator for him). I'm sure he joined NUFC because of the fans. The passion.


Rafa doesn't give a fuck. The only thing Rafa gives is absolutely everything he has. He doesn't know any other way. He sees that NUFC fans are the same.


I've always considered LFC and NUFC to be very similar in that regard (though I expect to get shat on for saying that here). The big difference is that, with the exception of those American parasites, we've had better luck with the owners. Not exceptional by any means, but at least benign and they tend to take a long-term view.


My take on NUFC (from outside) is that pretty much all the problems the club has and has had are, and always have been as far back as I can remember, caused by the top-shelf bellends that have owned and controlled the club.


The reaction to Rafa's signing has absolutely floored me. Previously, I always thought you didn't think much of the fella. That he was just more grist for Parky's wheel.


I don't know whether Rafa will fuck off if, invisible man in the sky forbid, NUFC goes down. But that's not his way. The get-out clause absolutely came from the club. Whether the motivation for having the clause was to attract a top-notch manager in the first place (and give him a way out) or to get his salary off the books in case the worst happens, I cannot say.


But I can promise you, absolutely, Rafa does not give a fuck about it. You're his club now. You get everything he has to give till the day he leaves.


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Unless I've missed something, Rafa's got a 3 and a bit years contract with a get out clause on his side if we go down. I would have thought the "management" of our club would have been so desperate to get Rafa that they wouldn't have thought, or dared, to put in a get out clause on their side of the contract.


Hopefully, it's solely his call whether to stay or not, regardless of results this season. I still think he'll fuck off if we go down though.



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