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Rafa and numerous other circumstances have pulled me back, although like ope I didn't thank last season was very enjoyable until the run-in and insane conclusion.


However, I've jumped in with both feet by deciding to move home for work reasons; getting a season ticket and even snapping up the new shirt... and returning to N-O, of course.


Despite this it feels like I'm on a tightrope, whereby things will be dandy simply provided that he stays and is given anywhere what he considers to be near adequate backing or he'll get shafted by Ashley and I'll be back into protest mode (or worse).


Like many, I'm not sure I'll survive this potential opportunity being turned sour but I hope I still care enough to rail against it, should things go south.


In general football has become a chore to me, though, but I'm hoping that no longer "having" to watch games will rekindle my passion for it.

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Pre-season seems to have gone on for years and we're still nee where near the start of the season. Gasping for some competitive football. Was watching the Scottish fucking League Cup on the weekend, absolutely dire scenes.

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Everyone fucking loves it really. Less wet.


Can't wait for even the Championship to be back. Last season was class. If you didn't enjoy Norwich, Brighton away, Huddersfield away, Leeds away, Lansbury, the Grealish news etc, whey you're emotionally dead. Take up golf.

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I care loads. The Pardew times of apathy/hatred are gone, but they would return if Rafa walked. But in fairness I doubt I could muster much of an opinion if that happened, after what would be an initial agonising hit. What would be the point in supporting us?

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I'm not one for long(er) posts but I'm going to give it a go.


From a young fans perspective (I turn 17 in December), I entirely understand people on here's loss of passion or love for Newcastle United or football in general; English football has become since the beginning of this decade, or arguably years before that, very sanitised and the Premier League is now a valuable and attractive brand across the world due to the TV companies and the absolutely ridiculous deal which has caused the inflated transfer market in which clubs such as Manchester City are able to spend £50m+ on a full back. It's caused the messing about of supporters who are just planning to go and support their team, whether that's at away matches or lads and lasses from abroad or elsewhere coming to a home game. It's caused the ruination of the sport we all love, or used to love.


The loss of passion for NUFC is one which everyone will all have their own reasons for. Personally, due to the unfortunate timing I was introduced to Newcastle (my first ST was 07/08) all I've really known is an Ashley owned Newcastle United. I know all about what NUFC has achieved in its history in terms of in the 90s and early 2000s under Keegan and Sir Bobby, but I didn't see any of that. Rafa Benitez is the first man of real managerial nous (Keegan aside) we've appointed since I got really into football. I love the man, he's brought back the love for some and brought hope for something actually to happen under this regime.


But if he was to be forced out due to Ashley, I've been trying to convince myself to just sever all ties to the club and stop going to games if that were to happen, and I just don't think I could do it. Everyone else has their own reasons and more important matters than Newcastle United, whether that's kids, work or anything else. As a younger fan, I don't have that. If I just stopped going to matches on a Saturday afternoon or a Wednesday night cold turkey I would feel that there's something missing in my life. I have school, trying talking to lasses and failing miserably, going out with mates and the match to look forward to. Just cutting out the match would be incredibly difficult for me, because I want to go and support Newcastle United, it's my club. My dad is incredibly stubborn also, I've been trying to convince him to not go if Rafa is forced out as if he stopped it would be easier for me, but he insists on holding a season ticket, as it's his club also, which he's went and supported since the 70s, through the grim times such as the McKeag years and now under Ashley. He's an obstinate old b****** but I couldn't stop going while he does, especially due to more personal issues like his recent health scares et cetera.

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I'm not one for long(er) posts but I'm going to give it a go.


From a young fans perspective (I turn 17 in December), I entirely understand people on here's loss of passion or love for Newcastle United or football in general; English football has become since the beginning of this decade, or arguably years before that, very sanitised and the Premier League is now a valuable and attractive brand across the world due to the TV companies and the absolutely ridiculous deal which has caused the inflated transfer market in which clubs such as Manchester City are able to spend £50m+ on a full back. It's caused the messing about of supporters who are just planning to go and support their team, whether that's at away matches or lads and lasses from abroad or elsewhere coming to a home game. It's caused the ruination of the sport we all love, or used to love.


The loss of passion for NUFC is one which everyone will all have their own reasons for. Personally, due to the unfortunate timing I was introduced to Newcastle (my first ST was 07/08) all I've really known is an Ashley owned Newcastle United. I know all about what NUFC has achieved in its history in terms of in the 90s and early 2000s under Keegan and Sir Bobby, but I didn't see any of that. Rafa Benitez is the first man of real managerial nous (Keegan aside) we've appointed since I got really into football. I love the man, he's brought back the love for some and brought hope for something actually to happen under this regime.


But if he was to be forced out due to Ashley, I've been trying to convince myself to just sever all ties to the club and stop going to games if that were to happen, and I just don't think I could do it. Everyone else has their own reasons and more important matters than Newcastle United, whether that's kids, work or anything else. As a younger fan, I don't have that. If I just stopped going to matches on a Saturday afternoon or a Wednesday night cold turkey I would feel that there's something missing in my life. I have school, trying talking to lasses and failing miserably, going out with mates and the match to look forward to. Just cutting out the match would be incredibly difficult for me, because I want to go and support Newcastle United, it's my club. My dad is incredibly stubborn also, I've been trying to convince him to not go if Rafa is forced out as if he stopped it would be easier for me, but he insists on holding a season ticket, as it's his club also, which he's went and supported since the 70s, through the grim times such as the McKeag years and now under Ashley. He's an obstinate old b****** but I couldn't stop going while he does, especially due to more personal issues like his recent health scares et cetera.


Good post. I wish I'd been as articulate as you at 16!

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I don't think I watched any Premiership football last season. There were also times when I forgot we even had a match. Mike Ashley is a disease but he's nothing compared to all the money in the game now which has destroyed competitiveness (Leicester anomaly aside), killed the national team and killed local fans connections with their clubs in favour of faceless global network deals with fans who will change who they 'support' year on year.

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I'm not one for long(er) posts but I'm going to give it a go.


From a young fans perspective (I turn 17 in December), I entirely understand people on here's loss of passion or love for Newcastle United or football in general; English football has become since the beginning of this decade, or arguably years before that, very sanitised and the Premier League is now a valuable and attractive brand across the world due to the TV companies and the absolutely ridiculous deal which has caused the inflated transfer market in which clubs such as Manchester City are able to spend £50m+ on a full back. It's caused the messing about of supporters who are just planning to go and support their team, whether that's at away matches or lads and lasses from abroad or elsewhere coming to a home game. It's caused the ruination of the sport we all love, or used to love.


The loss of passion for NUFC is one which everyone will all have their own reasons for. Personally, due to the unfortunate timing I was introduced to Newcastle (my first ST was 07/08) all I've really known is an Ashley owned Newcastle United. I know all about what NUFC has achieved in its history in terms of in the 90s and early 2000s under Keegan and Sir Bobby, but I didn't see any of that. Rafa Benitez is the first man of real managerial nous (Keegan aside) we've appointed since I got really into football. I love the man, he's brought back the love for some and brought hope for something actually to happen under this regime.


But if he was to be forced out due to Ashley, I've been trying to convince myself to just sever all ties to the club and stop going to games if that were to happen, and I just don't think I could do it. Everyone else has their own reasons and more important matters than Newcastle United, whether that's kids, work or anything else. As a younger fan, I don't have that. If I just stopped going to matches on a Saturday afternoon or a Wednesday night cold turkey I would feel that there's something missing in my life. I have school, trying talking to lasses and failing miserably, going out with mates and the match to look forward to. Just cutting out the match would be incredibly difficult for me, because I want to go and support Newcastle United, it's my club. My dad is incredibly stubborn also, I've been trying to convince him to not go if Rafa is forced out as if he stopped it would be easier for me, but he insists on holding a season ticket, as it's his club also, which he's went and supported since the 70s, through the grim times such as the McKeag years and now under Ashley. He's an obstinate old b****** but I couldn't stop going while he does, especially due to more personal issues like his recent health scares et cetera.


Good post. I wish I'd been as articulate as you at 16!


Lee Ryder could be 116 and still not write like that.

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The feeling, or the 'struggle' I suppose you could call it, under Ashley is different to what it was under Shepherd. Now, it is far more of a delicate situation....there is an avalanche of apathy being restrained from the Benitez-dam.


A huge numbing to my (once wild) love for the club has been the partial replacement of our fanbase. Holding a season ticket during the Pardew years I just simply couldn't believe the sickening resignation of our match-going fans. 'Fans'. People who slouched in their seats, sullen, ready and willing for whatever disgrace Pardew/Ashley were about to serve up for us. In days before Ashley there would have been near riots in the stadium over some of the performances/results served up by Ashley, but instead they were met with a miserable acceptance. That just killed me....I couldn't handle being surrounded by so many people who: A) Didn't care, and B) Resented your protests.

I feel that although there is a good atmosphere about the club with Rafa, the soul of Newcastle United is still defenseless due to the spinelessness of our fanbase. I think when it comes down to it, the new generation/Sky fans just don't have it in them to demand what is best (I'm not including those of Pardew/AshleyOut.com in this, they are the wonderful exception to the rule....but it is sad that they needed to galvanise Mags as a whole to apply pressure) to the wound)!


As people have said, it's a problem running through the English game as a whole now. The insane ticket prices, the thoughtless Kick Off times, the near absence of homegrown players from the league/our teams- it all contributes to the disillusionment.


I have gone from being miserable whatever the NUFC result (Pardew/McClaren/Carver era's) to, at times, bubbling with excitement, relief, and happiness. However, as many have said, it is all hanging by a precarious thread- if Benitez goes, I just don't think I could stomach it all again. What would be the f***ing point? With our transfer activity to date, I am bracing myself for that moment, tbh.


I'm back in, but seeing the Sports Direct signs all over our club and on St. James' Park, coupled with the really poor atmosphere at the ground these days.....it still just isn't what it once was.


(Beat Spurs and I know I might as well delete this post)

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Im 32 and have held a season ticket since I was 5 even during my times living away in London and with my business that currently has me up in Aberdeen weekly


Its hard to put into words how I feel currently about the club and going to the match as its strange. Rafa has rekindled something in a lot of us and the potential is undoubtedly there. If we fail again I don't know what I will do


I love NUFC, love going to the match but I also feel it is becoming more and more about me loving the day out with my mates rather than the actual match. This season we are all finally sitting together along with a few newcomers and I cant wait for that experience.


I love away games for the same reason, knowing I'm in a group of 2-3000 of us with my mates supporting the club I love but again its because the whole day out is class not just the game.


I have a son now who is 1 and also have another hobby I am getting back into that I want to pursue and the football seems to get in the way but I just cant tear myself away from us.

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Guest Howaythetoon

I have totally lost interest in football now as a 37 year-old adult. I still enjoy playing it but NUFC, England and footy itself rarely interests me. I blame Ashley and Pardew mainly, but being an owner of several companies and a father has also been a huge factor in terms of investing time, money and emotion. I do miss it though and NUFC especially. I've tried to rekindle it, but its not there and it saddens me because 10 years ago I would say I was obsessed about all thing NUFC and footy and very very passionate. The way the modern game is going has made it easier for me to sack it all off as well.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Would be interested to see how many people suddenly regain interest and desperately try to get a ticket if we reach Wembley again like (nee Spurs away).


I wont lie, I'd do my utmost to get a ticket, but I'd say do you know what, I have earned it as a supporter given the years, time, emotion, money etc. that I'd put in. On a similar token, even though I'm not massively into NUFC and footy these days, I still want us to do well, to beat everyone etc. because its still my club, my team, and it always will be and therefore I'm entitled if I can to watch my team in a Final be it on the box or there live in person.

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  • 1 year later...



Really doesn't feel like nearly 3 years since I put this up. Thought it was worth a bump.


I encourage anyone and everyone to go along with their instincts and pull out from the club. For the good of the club, and the good of yourselves. Chances are you won't need to look back - if you did, it would probably be because the pollution had finally cleared away.

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People need to spread the word as best they can.  Huge protests outside the stadium or at the training ground when the players return should create enough media attention for even the most ardent of bystanders to take note and begin to consider jacking it in.

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I’ve gone from going to at least half our games home and away every year, regardless of where I have lived, to one home game in six years. This is me completely done home and away until Ashley has gone. Three weeks ago when the takeover news broke I was planning my first season ticket since I moved to london, now I’m faced with turning my back on it all indefinitely. But I just feel numb rather than gutted

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