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Guest firetotheworks

Here's a guide on how to hit Sports Direct with a Subject Access Request. It costs nothing and it'll take you all of 2 minutes to cost Ashley up to 30 working days without any compensation or profit.


Just a couple of hundred requests could cost them thousands of work hours.


...here's a template.




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What do people think of the manager coming out and basically going against what the Magpie Group are attempting to do with the boycott. Already said my thoughts about it on Saturday just interested in what other people's views are.

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He has to say he wants the fans’ support, and he can’t possibly say he wants the owner out. Quite simple really.


Unless there is something in his contract that prevents him from speaking his mind, he can definitely say he thinks the owner should sell the club to someone who can come in and help us realise our potential. What's Ashley going to do, sack him?

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He has to say he wants the fans’ support, and he can’t possibly say he wants the owner out. Quite simple really.


Unless there is something in his contract that prevents him from speaking his mind, he can definitely say he thinks the owner should sell the club to someone who can come in and help us realise our potential. What's Ashley going to do, sack him?


I imagine yes, for gross misconduct probably.


Also Rafa is a professional and his focus is on managing the team the best he can, he naturally wouldn't want to stir anything else.

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‘My brother-in-law has been a season ticket holder since back in 1965, and I can tell you he’s not going to sit out the first 11 minutes of any game – for anybody.’


It’s always a variation on this. You disagree with action, Ashley gives even less of a fuck about that pal.

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Guest firetotheworks

'Ed from NUFC Blog' is something I haven't read from a while. The bit in quotations obviously, not his awful blog.

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He has to say he wants the fans’ support, and he can’t possibly say he wants the owner out. Quite simple really.


So isn't the simple way to say nothing as I said it reminds of that stupid letter he signed up to after the summer transfer window.

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He has to say he wants the fans’ support, and he can’t possibly say he wants the owner out. Quite simple really.


So isn't the simple way to say nothing as I said it reminds of that stupid letter he signed up to after the summer transfer window.


I guess, but wasn’t he responding to a journalist’s question?


Just don’t get this expectation on Rafa, seems a bit unreasonable.

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He has to say he wants the fans’ support, and he can’t possibly say he wants the owner out. Quite simple really.


So isn't the simple way to say nothing as I said it reminds of that stupid letter he signed up to after the summer transfer window.


I guess, but wasn’t he responding to a journalist’s question?


Just don’t get this expectation on Rafa, seems a bit unreasonable.


It's not expectation just found it poor timing and imho he shouldn't have said anything.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Posted this in the boycott thread...


I’m openly critical of those attending the game at SJP on here and personally think the vast majority of them are brain dead, but I wouldn’t want any of the groups openly criticising fans because it just plays into Mike Ashley’s hands. I’d rather see the groups educate fans, keep pushing the facts and challenging the lies and myths spouted in the media and focus on the campaign at hand, which is against Mike Ashley and his cronies and what they are doing to our club. I wouldn’t even engage in debate with fans who mock a boycott or say it won’t work.


For me, one person boycotting as an individual is making a stand and even if 3,000 boycotted it would be a huge success. We are never going to see an empty stadium or win over some of those I’ve described as brain dead and doing so or trying to do so would just bring the whole point of the campaign and protests to a level that I’d not want to be part of or consider beneficial at all. Again it just plays into Ashley’s hands.


What the groups need to do every match day is provide leaflets and booklets, there needs to be more ways to get those who support the campaign and would boycott, to get more involved. The trickle effect will eventually come into play anyway with other fans.


I’d say 30k at least though would turn up even if we were a league one side or if Ashley wiped his arse with a Toon top before kick-off every game.


I was critical of the Magpie Group a week or so back calling them spineless and that was bull shit of me, even those that attend aren’t spineless. It’s Ashley and co and the media who are spineless. I was just getting frustrated with the seemingly slow pace and Ashley’s presence at SJP not being objected to in any way whatsoever.


It’s obvious though that TMG and others are working hard and are having an impact, a massive positive one and everyone involved deserves huge credit.


I truly believe Sports Redirect, the website and the Sports Neglect message is what can truly hurt Ashley the most though rather than match day protests and if the various groups can join forces with the various Rangers’ fans groups I think combined, if consistent, the screw can be turned.


SD has to be the target more than the fans.


I doubt anyone who supports NUFC or anyone in the City who doesn’t but are proud Geordies, wants Ashley anywhere near the club or are happy with how he runs it.


Long term the club needs to be relegated and to stay down so that it cuts off the TV revenue Ashley uses to pay for the operating of the club and the exposure it provides SD in terms of advertising.


As long as NUFC remains a PL club and gets full houses or near enough full houses, it’s a win win situation for him and fans will pay to watch NUFC in the PL even if we are fighting relegation every year with a crap team. Remove Rafa and there will be a full house the next game and the next and the next.


Sadly, I’m now of the feeling where it comes to the club of crash and burn. If we are talking odds, that’s the best chance of getting rid of him. Protests won’t, but they do increase the pressure and make it hard for him and his cronies to hide, lie and simply allow the club to rot.


The huge success of the Spurs boycott forced Ashley to make a TV interview appearance and lead to a spending spree under McClaren, obviously it was tied in with having to spend to keep the club in the PL, but it was also tied to needing to keep the stadium full every game because a half empty stadium is bad for Sky and the PL iteself who sell our game as the best in the world, full houses every week, action, drama, goals, excitingment. NUFC would feature less on live TV with thousands of empty seats every week.


If the locals aren’t buying the product, the rest of the world will stop buying it as well. It happened to Serie A and strong attendances in the PL is one of the big selling points which has kept it ahead of other leagues in terms of popularity and interest even if the best players and teams tend to come from other leagues like La Liga.

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