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Steve Brute


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Guest The Little Waster

" What have I done? What have we done this week ?  "

You fucked it up Steve you feckin dimwit Greggs eating twat

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Jesus wept




“We changed to a back four to see if we are not comfortable with it.


"Tactics and all this nonsense, the big thing is to have a go and show some pride.“


From Rafa, to this ffs. Excellent move Mike, masterstroke.


Remember how the players performed under Rafa in that 1-0 win away at Leicester iirc?

Tactics were spot on and the players gave their absolute all, tackles flying in one after another simply because they knew Rafa had done his bit at it was up to them  to do theirs.


We will not see that under Bruce. He's absolutely bonkers if he expects them to show him that, especially after comments like the above.


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I can just see him eeking out a 1-1 or 1-0 win here.


Just don't see it. Morale is on the floor, quite a few injuries, he's reeling personally after the shambles at Leicester. I think they'll get a comfortable 2-0 win, maybe more. We're already dead in the water against better teams

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