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Steve Brute


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Guest chopey

He's gone to shit remarkably quickly, I expected him to keep it together for a few months.


Totally different to someone who has faith in their methods.


Totally agree, when we had that poor start last season Rafa just kept on with his methods, Bruce has had about 4 formations and now we need to go back to basics.

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Guest chopey

I want to cry.


No need man.


He's going to get what's coming to him.


He's just setting himself up for more humiliation.


Sit back. Relax. Enjoy.



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Guest chopey

I genuinely can not believe that people are turning up to watch a team managed by this bloke.






Looks like Sunday is going to be a pig of a day weather wise as well

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I was just thinking about all of his recent passion and pride talk, and it not being about tactics.


It's that kind of stupid rhetoric that leads to red cards like the one Hayden got last Saturday.


He doesn't set the team up to go out there and be effective, and instead has them thinking they just need to charge around like morons in order to be successful, and voila ... people start throwing themselves around to 'show desire', and get sent packing.


It's just so idiotic man.

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I genuinely can not believe that people are turning up to watch a team managed by this bloke.






Looks like Sunday is going to be a pig of a day weather wise as well


Marvellous. Hope everyone attending gets fucking soaked.

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He's gone to shit remarkably quickly, I expected him to keep it together for a few months.


Totally different to someone who has faith in their methods.


Totally agree, when we had that poor start last season Rafa just kept on with his methods, Bruce has had about 4 formations and now we need to go back to basics.


McClaren was pretty similar, except with better objectives. He tried to play some decent football, they kept losing, he bottled it and started changing things around at random.

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For a man who thinks tactics are nonsense, and clearly doesn't bother with them....what exactly is back to basics?  How do you go back to basics from literally sending a team out with no instruction other than to give it a go?

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He's such a relentless cunt like. Moans when he gets any criticism like he's not in any way responsible for getting dicked every week. If he didn't want the job and the baggage that comes with it he should have said no. He's utterly shit at his job and he's an arsehole to boot. Don't like it? Not up to it? Easy solution - off you fuck. Walk. Take the other useless pricks with you too.

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He's such a relentless c*** like. Moans when he gets any criticism like he's not in any way responsible for getting dicked every week. If he didn't want the job and the baggage that comes with it he should have said no. He's utterly s*** at his job and he's an arsehole to boot. Don't like it? Not up to it? Easy solution - off you f***. Walk. Take the other useless pricks with you too.




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:thup: Bruce really shouldn't have taken the job knowing he was going to be this f***ing s*** at it and unable to deal with the mildest criticism.


It's as if he took the job for entirely self centred reasons but that can't be right since he's such a nice bloke and a massive toon fan.

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Guest The Little Waster

You just know that when he does leave we will be blamed for driving him out due to our toxic fan culture

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:thup: Bruce really shouldn't have taken the job knowing he was going to be this f***ing s*** at it and unable to deal with the mildest criticism.


It's as if he took the job for entirely self centred reasons but that can't be right since he's such a nice bloke and a massive toon fan.


All managers are self centred. If someone offered you £2m a year to do a job you knew were totally incapable of doing, with the guarantee of a huge payout when you inevitably fail, would you take it? It's a total no-brainer.

Steve Bruce either knew, when he took the job, just how out of how depth he was going to be in the PL this season and didn't care, or he genuinely and foolishly thought his outdated football management could see us compete this season. Either way you can't blame the fat pudding for accepting the job.

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I shudder to think what Bruce's version of back to basics is.


Fish n' chips on the team bus back home. A slice of shepherd's pie at half time if we're at home.


Free pack of smokes for whoever was best in training.

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:thup: Bruce really shouldn't have taken the job knowing he was going to be this f***ing s*** at it and unable to deal with the mildest criticism.


It's as if he took the job for entirely self centred reasons but that can't be right since he's such a nice bloke and a massive toon fan.


Be amazed if he's not on record somewhere talking about managing the expectations etc n all. Bloke is floundering even worse than I thought he would. You'd think it was his first job the way he's carrying on.

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:thup: Bruce really shouldn't have taken the job knowing he was going to be this f***ing s*** at it and unable to deal with the mildest criticism.


It's as if he took the job for entirely self centred reasons but that can't be right since he's such a nice bloke and a massive toon fan.


All managers are self centred. If someone offered you £2m a year to do a job you knew were totally incapable of doing, with the guarantee of a huge payout when you inevitably fail, would you take it? It's a total no-brainer.

Steve Bruce either knew, when he took the job, just how out of how depth he was going to be in the PL this season and didn't care, or he genuinely and foolishly thought his outdated football management could see us compete this season. Either way you can't blame the fat pudding for accepting the job.


:lol: Yeah I can. Maybe in different circumstances I couldn't, but when he came into the job 1) completely fucking over a club that had been good to him through hard times and 2) cynically playing upto this geordie homecoming bullshit rhetoric that had never been heard about in his 30+ years in football before this, then yeah I can.

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:thup: Bruce really shouldn't have taken the job knowing he was going to be this f***ing s*** at it and unable to deal with the mildest criticism.


It's as if he took the job for entirely self centred reasons but that can't be right since he's such a nice bloke and a massive toon fan.


Be amazed if he's not on record somewhere talking about managing the expectations etc n all. Bloke is floundering even worse than I thought he would. You'd think it was his first job the way he's carrying on.


:thup: In one of his first interviews as NUFC manager he said “I had to grasp it, I knew it was going to be difficult. I just hope that people show the respect which you obviously only get by getting a few results and doing the job, but hopefully that’ll go hand in hand"


So he's slightly changed tack in that actually he now wants people to show respect while he's getting shit results and we look a total shambles on the pitch. Cheeky cunt.

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