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Steve Brute


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It's going to go one of two ways in the next week or so:


- This fat cunt will stamp his fat diabetes feet and cut out Jones and do it his way. We'll lose the next 2/3 games.


- Players will make it clear that Jones is the one telling them what to do and publicly humiliate wuh Steve who'll fuck off.

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He's an absolute bellend - improvement against Villa  :lol: :lol: :lol:

Trying the old claim something enough tines and people will believe it. We were fucking abysmal against Villa, we had literally nowt all game. Improvements ffs :lol:

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See the thing I don’t get is, if Jones is calling the shots as it appears to be, how is that not constructive dismissal? It’s more clear cut than what happened to Keegan.


Was he going to be sacked? Said please don’t, so they made him sign something where he just agrees to be no more than a figurehead?


If it’s just a case of Jones coming in as a coach, doing good work and Bruce just taking credit for it, I can’t imagine that situation going on for too long. Football is full of egos, something will snap.

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For all his aversion to intricate tactics and gameplans, he's always been desperate to tell the media/fans what we're "trying" to do, and/or explaining what supposedly happened in the match prior; whether it's lamenting the nasty Spaniard's legacy, or wittering on about playing on the front foot. He's always keen to explain himself in broad terms: a trait common in managers who haven't got a clue and know they're out of their depth.


So for him to now completely swerve any discussion about how we lined up tells you everything you need to know about Jones' influence. Bruce quite clearly had fuck all to do with how we lined up against Everton but he hasn't got the stones to admit it. Something something no one will undermine me something something.


God knows what he's on the payroll for now, like.

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Yeah, I wasn't sure what to make of the idea that he had just been left there in limbo because he refused to step down, but after reading those comments of his it seems it might well be the case.


Guy doesn't even appear to know we were lined up in a diamond formation, and then infers that we had been setup similarly before this season when we hadn't.


Then you take into account that clip during the game of Jones giving the players instructions with Bruce looking on cluelessly and you really have to wonder what on earth is going on.


This is nuts. I think maybe he has been forced into an awkward position to see if he will step down. It's just too weird.

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That’s true, I reckon the Ashley delegation that came to a recent match got him to sign something, or maybe he had a clause in his contract that the club could invoke in situations like this. He’s definitely been put in some sort of place.


His comments are different level cuntishness, taking credit and blatantly lying saying we were going that direction anyway. If it was his idea to get Jones in and they were all working amicably together, he’d have said something positive to praise the effect he’s had since coming in.


He knows the media aren’t looking at this as closely as we are so they’ll let him take credit for this which will probably lead to him getting another job somewhere else at some stage. He’s creating an unchallenged narrative.


What does Jones get out of this though?

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That’s true, I reckon the Ashley delegation that came to a recent match got him to sign something, or maybe he had a clause in his contract that the club could invoke in situations like this. He’s definitely been put in some sort of place.


His comments are different level cuntishness, taking credit and blatantly lying saying we were going that direction anyway. If it was his idea to get Jones in and they were all working amicably together, he’d have said something positive to praise the effect he’s had since coming in.


He knows the media aren’t looking at this as closely as we are so they’ll let him take credit for this which will probably lead to him getting another job somewhere else at some stage. He’s creating an unchallenged narrative.


What does Jones get out of this though?



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cant come out and say the diamond was his idea if it wasnt.

cant come out and say it was jones' cos makes him look clueless.

cant say him and jones thought of it together as it takes the credit away from him.


"i know - i'll be enigmatic mysterious and funny."

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Would have loved for them to have done followups about the formation until he walked away in anger. Just the simplest things "what are the tactical ideas behind this. What's Almiron's real role in this formation? How are the fullbacks involved?" and watch him flounder, unable to answer.

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These sort of comments will seriously piss off Jones I would have thought, bloody hell it pisses me off. Unless of course Jones knows the bigger picture


I mean, if you’re going to work with Mike Ashley to undermine his existing manager, you must be a bit of a shithouse.

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See the thing I don’t get is, if Jones is calling the shots as it appears to be, how is that not constructive dismissal? It’s more clear cut than what happened to Keegan.


Was he going to be sacked? Said please don’t, so they made him sign something where he just agrees to be no more than a figurehead?


If it’s just a case of Jones coming in as a coach, doing good work and Bruce just taking credit for it, I can’t imagine that situation going on for too long. Football is full of egos, something will snap.


Keegan had some self respect though, he was never going to put up with being undermined by Wise & Co. for long. Bruce is exactly the type of spineless leech who will hang on picking up a wage even if he's being made to look an absolute fool.

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