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2 hours ago, mighty__mag said:

No the Victoria Derbyshire thing, I only posted for those who claim vaccination stops you getting and spreading covid.


It doesn't, it simply prevents hospitalisation ??





You are wrong. People who claim vaccination stops you getting and spreading COVID are also wrong. That’s not what most people here are saying though, which is precisely why Wullie brought up seatbelts. It’s not about absolutes, it’s almost never about absolutes, that’s not how any of this works.




As you suggest, it reduces the severity of symptoms and thus reduces the chances of hospitalizations. But it also increases the rate at which viral density decreases in a patient, although the article suggests that the peak viral load is the same in both unvaxxed and vaxxed. Take all those people at V.D.’s party. They all caught the virus and so presumably had similar viral loads. The vaxxed ones will have seen that density decrease faster, and so given that a higher density means more infectiousness they are less likely to transmit the virus when they go back to their privileged media luvvie lives.



Edited by leffe186

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43 minutes ago, leffe186 said:


You are wrong. People who claim vaccination stops you getting and spreading COVID are also wrong. That’s not what most people here are saying though, which is precisely why Wullie brought up seatbelts. It’s not about absolutes, it’s almost never about absolutes, that’s not how any of this works.




As you suggest, it reduces the severity of symptoms and thus reduces the chances of hospitalizations. But it also increases the rate at which viral density decreases in a patient, although the article suggests that the peak viral load is the same in both unvaxxed and vaxxed. Take all those people at V.D.’s party. They all caught the virus and so presumably had similar viral loads. The vaxxed ones will have seen that density decrease faster, and so given that a higher density means more infectiousness they are less likely to transmit the virus when they go back to their privileged media luvvie lives.





Over 50% of those with Omicron are double or triple jabbed. 


Is everyone happy with subscribing to mandatory boosters every 6 months?


Also from what you claim, are unvaccinated people causing the spread of the virus over vaccinated.


I think I just feel unvaccinated don't pose a threat to the rest of us like a lot of people vaccinated like to make out, they pose a threat to themselves if they become more seriously ill.  Again a choice I feel they can make themselves. 






Edited by mighty__mag

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28 minutes ago, mighty__mag said:


Over 50% of those with Omicron are double or triple jabbed. 


Is everyone happy with subscribing to mandatory boosters every 6 months?


Also from what you claim, are unvaccinated people causing the spread of the virus over vaccinated.


I think I just feel unvaccinated don't pose a threat to the rest of us like a lot of people vaccinated like to make out, they pose a threat to themselves if they become more seriously ill.  Again a choice I feel they can make themselves. 








For me, its no great effort on my part to make sure I don't end up taking up a vital hospital bed, as well as reducing the risk of passing it on to those less vulnerable. I feel I'd be selfish to do otherwise.

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36 minutes ago, mighty__mag said:


Over 50% of those with Omicron are double or triple jabbed. 


Is everyone happy with subscribing to mandatory boosters every 6 months?


Also from what you claim, are unvaccinated people causing the spread of the virus over vaccinated.


I think I just feel unvaccinated don't pose a threat to the rest of us like a lot of people vaccinated like to make out, they pose a threat to themselves if they become more seriously ill.  Again a choice I feel they can make themselves. 







What is this feeling based on? Clearly not the empirical, peer-reviewed evidence that shows that you are incorrect

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1 hour ago, 1964 said:

From the Lancet, however this may have been disproved by some guy in his garage on YouTube 


To address the primary study outcome to establish the secondary attack rates (SARs) in household contacts, the vaccination statuses for 232 contacts exposed to 162 epidemiologically linked delta-variant-infected index cases were analysed. The SARs in household contacts exposed to the delta variant was 25% in vaccinated and 38% in unvaccinated contacts. These results underpin the key message that vaccinated contacts are better protected than the unvaccinated

My question had nowt to do with the bolded bit. We all know that the vaccinated are better protected. The question is whether or not their added protection also reduces their risk to others. Leffe has explained it though, in his own words too, so thanks but no thanks.

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8 minutes ago, Happinesstan said:

My question had nowt to do with the bolded bit. We all know that the vaccinated are better protected. The question is whether or not their added protection also reduces their risk to others. Leffe has explained it though, in his own words too, so thanks but no thanks.

It says vaccinated contacts are better protected i.e. those who you come into contact with, not those vaccinated

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1 hour ago, mighty__mag said:


Over 50% of those with Omicron are double or triple jabbed. 


Is everyone happy with subscribing to mandatory boosters every 6 months?


Also from what you claim, are unvaccinated people causing the spread of the virus over vaccinated.


I think I just feel unvaccinated don't pose a threat to the rest of us like a lot of people vaccinated like to make out, they pose a threat to themselves if they become more seriously ill.  Again a choice I feel they can make themselves. 


As we have seen for month after month now, the biggest threat the unvaccinated pose to the rest of us is not that they are more likely to transmit the virus - although they are - but that they will take up more healthcare resources. Most concerningly, ICU beds.


And please, please, for the love of God, stop asking “is everybody happy” with this. Nobody’s fucking happy with any of this. It’s a pandemic. We just want to find the best way out.

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And what if someone had the virus prior to vaccine rollout so therefore has natural immunity but has a history of problems with myocarditis so is therefore reluctant to take something which could be fatal for no good reason - anti Vax? Jog on

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22 minutes ago, The Merse said:

And what if someone had the virus prior to vaccine rollout so therefore has natural immunity but has a history of problems with myocarditis so is therefore reluctant to take something which could be fatal for no good reason - anti Vax? Jog on


That natural immunity will wear off, as the vaccine immunity does too - hence why it’s important to get your vaccine 28 days after testing positive.


Find it absolutely bizarre that people are too thick and/or selfish to have a vaccination to protect themselves and others. 


Lets ignore the advice of medical professionals, scientists and experts… I qualified at the University of Facebook.


Remember when the antivaxxers were obsessed with counting deaths relating to the vaccine? Well, there have been nine reported deaths due to a Covid vaccination* in the UK… from 122,178,898 doses.


A 1 in 13,575,433 chance. I reckon you’ll be fine taking that jab.


For comparison, 1 in 63 people who test positive die of Covid. That’s a stark difference to 1 in 13m.

*Source: https://blog.ons.gov.uk/2021/10/04/how-many-people-have-died-as-a-result-of-a-covid-19-vaccine/amp/



Edited by Fantail Breeze

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2 hours ago, The Merse said:

And what if someone had the virus prior to vaccine rollout so therefore has natural immunity but has a history of problems with myocarditis so is therefore reluctant to take something which could be fatal for no good reason - anti Vax? Jog on


That's a very specific situation. Some people will have legitimately good reasons to not get it, but they'll be few and far between.

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4 hours ago, ManDoon said:

Yeah lol, I love having to get vaccines and not being allowed to go places because a few selfish nob heads think they can out strength a virus. I’m



That's great then, you'll be happy with similar events to Israel happening here soon ??



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7 hours ago, 1964 said:

It says vaccinated contacts are better protected i.e. those who you come into contact with, not those vaccinated

Yes but the question wasn't about that. It's a simple assumption to make that the vaccinated are protected. Your failure to comprehend such a simple question suggests you probably don't even understand what you cut and pasted.

But like I say Leffe has answered so you've no need to worry anymore.

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1 hour ago, Fantail Breeze said:

Sounding more and more like the season will either get suspended for a period of time or games will be played behind closed doors.


Would the transfer window get pushed back or if it's suspended now might we be able to get Mbappe in before we play Man City?

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1 hour ago, Fantail Breeze said:

Sounding more and more like the season will either get suspended for a period of time or games will be played behind closed doors.

Yeap they are talking about a 10 day circuit breaker lockdown I wouldnt be surprised if season has a winter break whilst they also bring in a vaccination policy for players. 

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