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Various: N-O has lost the plot over potential end of Mike Ashley's tenure

Jinky Jim

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‪The Chairman of PIF - who is also involved with golf - met with the government AND the Premier League on Thursday in London, to try and get the deal done‬


Are we taking that as a bad sign that he has had to try and get involved to get this done ?


Think it's the opposite to be honest


How so ?


They will be meeting him possibly to clarify and finalise some details and rubber stamp the deal. Why do you think it's a negative?


More a sign of desperation I suppose more than negative, I mean surely they have spoke to him numerous times already given how long this has been going on.


Not directly face to face and probably through lawyers beforehand


Yeah I’m just thinking this has been going on 13 weeks or so, so really what else can they have needed to say face to face that couldn’t have been said the previous 3 months.


Not been able to say anything face to face beforehand though with Covid. If you want to see it as more of a negative sign that's fine.


Im at a point now where I don’t really care so much either way now and would rather just get a decision and move on with whatever it is.

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Not personal this but i don't believe a word of it. I simply don't believe anyone is in the know.


Golfmag been bang on in the past Bimpy and never once made a big deal if the info he was passing  on.

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There is no link, this is a private source. I have no news about the outcome of the meeting, will ask the question but want to wait a few hours.


Thank you for the updates. Appreciate you sharing the information

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Guest Howaythetoon

GM is even more ITK than me, he’s 100% genuine, good to see you posting again btw, hope you and your lot are all good and well :thup:

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Guest reefatoon

I can only see good news out of what Golfmag said. Could next week finally be the week? Feels promising.

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The Chairman of PIF - who is also involved with golf - met with the government AND the Premier League on Thursday in London, to try and get the deal done‬



Fantastic news - REAL progress at last !!!

It's open to interpretation,  could be seen as a positive or a negative depending on your mindset/outlook.




It has to be good news, very good news.


Think about it, there is no way he would come away from a face-to-face meeting with the Premier League having been told "we don't want you / your money is no good here / go away".


It will be (can only be) the final acceptance of their bid . . . FANTASTIC NEWS !!!

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There is no link, this is a private source. I have no news about the outcome of the meeting, will ask the question but want to wait a few hours.


Its fine, I thought you'd read it somewhere on twitter or wherever and just hadn't provided a link. Never realised it was a private source of yours and it seems you have a pretty good track record. Cheers for the info.

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No-one in government is holding face-to-face meetings with foreigners lads, sorry. It's a preposterous notion. More tall tales I'm afraid.




Penis right.

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Guest godzilla

No-one in government is holding face-to-face meetings with foreigners lads, sorry. It's a preposterous notion. More tall tales I'm afraid.


Love it Keyser :lol:

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Nah, still not having it.


? You do know Golfmag's history on here right?


Of course i do, makes no difference right now though. It's my cynicism mate and I'm 100% happy to be proved wrong, but I've enter the realm of only believing what i can see.

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