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Football in Paint II


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Bollocks, all my stuff was on my work computer, and they now have a system where it deletes anything that has not been used after a certain time. Lost all mine and all the image of the week stuff. What a shitter.


The only thing I seem to have “art wise” is not even something I drew (or done in paint), I just pimped up the face. Yorkie[/member] was this beautiful Rafa face your work?




Oh well, literally back to the drawing board for me.


Yeah, I did that a few years ago. I drew him loads of time. Dangerously obsessed.

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mighty__mag[/member] stop your cheating you. You can’t take actual pictures and draw a couple of lines on it and pass it as art man! What a scoundrel. Now go away and draw both those pics from scratch.


It still takes ages and time to go over and correctly try to match the shading as best as possible, some credit due :lol:

And to add it was all done by finger on a mobile in gallery using colour. When I saw these I just couldn't be arsed to get out the laptop and mouse??


I'm sure I'm not the only one going over them, theres others cleverly disguised.

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