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Jeff Hendrick


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I have never seen a premier league footballer plays the way he does. he just walks around and kicks the ball to the first player in-front of him then continues to walk around, he doesn't tackle, he doesn't shoot, i doubt i've seen him even try a run since he joined us :lol:

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Managers seem to absolutely love him :lol: He has mainly had PFM's I suppose but even Stephen Kenny who isn't like that at all plays him for 90 minutes every time


Stephen Kenny is slightly restricted in his options though.

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Colback’s replacement.


I did think this fella was a very Colback type player from what i've seen so far but seen some comparisons a few weeks ago of Barton and thought hold on maybe im missing something


No, this guy really is a fucking poor alternative to Colback. No urgency, passing backwards and sideways, afraid to fucking go forward. A literal fucking body on the field that acts as a number no more no less.

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