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Jeff Hendrick


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The strangest thing about Hendrick is he has been okay when picked as the single defensive midfielder / anchor man, but he completely fades from the picture in every other role. It's like when he's given the responsibility of being the anchor man, he rises to it, but otherwise he seems to leave things to his team mates. He doesn't seem to impose himself on the game, unless he is actually put in the position of having to.


That's my best guess anyway. He's no world-beater, but we've seen in glimpses that he can actually do a fair bit better than he did on Tuesday. A lot is in his head.


He’s been good for a small part of the West Ham game. Other than that he’s fucking shit. People go games without seeing him in the ball. He literally hides behind his marker so he doesn’t get the ball. When he does get it he either gets caught in possession or attempts the shittest fucking pass and loses it.

He offers fuck all defensively, which for a team who plays under Bruce’s ‘Let’s build a wall around our goal’ tactics is just unsustainable in our team.

He offers fuck all and is a liability, playing him in any capacity is like being a man down.

We have seen fuck all from him to suggest he’s capable of doing anything, all we have seen is why Burnley decided not to keep him on. A Burnley team who were heading for the Premier League exit door and were told they didn’t have enough money to buy a replacement, that Burnley thought they would be better off than keeping him.

He’s fucking gash and when Bruce does get kicked out, this fucking cunt needs to be told he’s not welcome back either.

An absolutely fucking fraud.

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Tiote 12/13


Apps 24

Tackles 61

Success 74%

Interceptions 54

Errors leading to goals 0


Average passes per match 56

Accurate long balls 122




Quite funny how much stick Tiote got following his barnstorming first season. He did start believing the playmaker hype, which he never was, but you could never say you weren't sure if he was on the pitch like Mr Invisible Hendrick.

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Tiote 12/13


Apps 24

Tackles 61

Success 74%

Interceptions 54

Errors leading to goals 0


Average passes per match 56

Accurate long balls 122




Quite funny how much stick Tiote got following his barnstorming first season. He did start believing the playmaker hype, which he never was, but you could never say you weren't sure if he was on the pitch like Mr Invisible Hendrick.


He was class in 10/11 when he signed, once paired with Cabaye in 11/12 it was our best midfield probably since Speed left. And it's been our best midfield pairing since as well. Major lack of investment.

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Tiote 12/13


Apps 24

Tackles 61

Success 74%

Interceptions 54

Errors leading to goals 0


Average passes per match 56

Accurate long balls 122




Quite funny how much stick Tiote got following his barnstorming first season. He did start believing the playmaker hype, which he never was, but you could never say you weren't sure if he was on the pitch like Mr Invisible Hendrick.


The "Essien" role was given to him by Pardew (I think he even spoke to the media about it, using Essien specifically as an example of what he saw in Tiote). While I don't think Tiote minded the freedom of playing further ahead and more creatively, it is Pardew that gave him that opportunity and tried to incorporate it into the tactics. If Pardew had told him to stay further behind, keep it simple, break up play, distribute ball quickly, basically the job he had his first two seasons, I've no doubt he would have stuck with it and done well.

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Tiote 12/13


Apps 24

Tackles 61

Success 74%

Interceptions 54

Errors leading to goals 0


Average passes per match 56

Accurate long balls 122




I always remember an interview with a player (cant remember who) he said something like you would feel the wind change and know tiote was comming in hard  :lol: :lol: RIP Bigman  :smitten:

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Tiote 12/13


Apps 24

Tackles 61

Success 74%

Interceptions 54

Errors leading to goals 0


Average passes per match 56

Accurate long balls 122




Quite funny how much stick Tiote got following his barnstorming first season. He did start believing the playmaker hype, which he never was, but you could never say you weren't sure if he was on the pitch like Mr Invisible Hendrick.


The "Essien" role was given to him by Pardew (I think he even spoke to the media about it, using Essien specifically as an example of what he saw in Tiote). While I don't think Tiote minded the freedom of playing further ahead and more creatively, it is Pardew that gave him that opportunity and tried to incorporate it into the tactics. If Pardew had told him to stay further behind, keep it simple, break up play, distribute ball quickly, basically the job he had his first two seasons, I've no doubt he would have stuck with it and done well.


He always needed someone who could pick a pass, control a game next to him. That wasn't his bag at all, he wasn't a bad footballer, could spray the odd pass, but not control passages of games or create anything.


Remember sitting in Southampton home end in 13/14 season, lost 4-0, Cabaye out injured, probably the lowest it got under Pardew - was relying on Tiote filling the void. Add in wider failings across the side, but he'd just drop so deep to the defence and launch it aimlessly forward to Cisse who was bullied all game.


That game was right in the middle of a disaster of a second half of season where he should have been sacked. (Sunderland 3-0, Chelsea 3-0, Spurs 4-0 back to back... Everton 3-0, S'ton 4-0, MU 4-0, Stoke 1-0, Swansea 2-1, Arsenal 3-0 all back to back)

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Tiote wasn't too bad with the ball at his feet, he could definitely get himself out of trouble, but he was never one to pick out a pass.


His main attribute was he was all action, you couldn't miss him. He was always right in the thick of it, which for me is what a central midfielder is all about. You should never be asking yourself after 45 mins, is this guy even on the pitch which seems to happen a lot these days.



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I maybe talking out of my arse here as I haven't checked, but I seem to remember him having a ridiculous pass completion percentage, at least in his first two seasons. Granted it was mostly short simple passes, but he was so good at breaking play up and releasing the ball early to a player forward of him compared to a diagonal/backwards pass specialist like Colback.

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Unbelievable how he adds absolutely nothing to the side, i was trying to focus on what exactly he's trying to do on the pitch and mostly he was late almost every single time when trying to press them or stop an attack, he just seemed to wander around and the minute he gets the ball just passes it to nearest man and fucks off again.

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Tiote wasn't too bad with the ball at his feet, he could definitely get himself out of trouble, but he was never one to pick out a pass.


He was at his best when he kept it simple. Later on, teams started to close him down as he'd dwell on the ball. Him and Cabaye are the best CM pairing we've had since the Sir Bobby days though.

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Been looking at some stats and he fares even worse on those than he does the eye test.


0.27 tackles won per 90 minutes this season (even Shelvey has 0.99) means he’s by far our worst player in that respect. 0.44 interceptions per 90 also makes him the worst by miles in that department. Likewise his pressing stats are the worst of our midfielders by a considerable distance. He has the lowest passes completed per 90 of all our midfielders... I could probably go on.

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Unbelievable how he adds absolutely nothing to the side, i was trying to focus on what exactly he's trying to do on the pitch and mostly he was late almost every single time when trying to press them or stop an attack, he just seemed to wander around and the minute he gets the ball just passes it to nearest man and fucks off again.


From what I've seen his main focus seems to be run around in front of the back four and try to get in the way of the opposition without actually getting anywhere near them.

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