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Perez is on another planet. For 20 years Real Madrid's transfer policy has been to sign the absolute best proven players and hottest prospects no matter what the cost. If they can't afford that then they need to live within their means, not fuck over the rest of football to continue with that ridiculous policy. 

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Fine, maybe it benefits the Premier League and the business end of Celtic and Rangers. But is that what their fans want? 


And if they do want it, by what right ahould they be admitted at the top tier of English football? 



Edited by gazza ladra

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21 minutes ago, r0cafella said:

So the premier league want to destroy Scottish football in the same way the ESL wanted to European football lol. 

:thup: I actually think the 2 clubs would add a lot of excitement to the league if we're talking hypotheticals but I disagree with it for the same reason I disagreed with the ESL. Thought the same earlier this week when people were saying the other 14 should invite them over. 

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The Scottish football pyramid could slide in alongside the National League North and South. Add a National League Scotland. Celtic and Rangers could earn their way in from there.  

Apologies, but would they add that many new viewers to instantly earn a cut of the Premier League broadcast revenue?

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9 minutes ago, Interpolic said:

Perez is on another planet. For 20 years Real Madrid's transfer policy has been to sign the absolute best proven players and hottest prospects no matter what the cost. If they can't afford that then they need to live within their means, not fuck over the rest of football to continue with that ridiculous policy. 

He's a cunt. His idea of "saving football" is actually protecting his own ass and a select few other powerful clubs. All the ESL lot and football in general has to start considering how they all spend less. Have they not realised that the ESL concept will eventually reach the same financial crisis we are at now, but for even higher debts and costs? - then what? more revenue isn't the answer. 

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I think we should prepare ourselves for saying goodbye to the traditional 92 within the next ten years. Whether that involves some amalgamation with Scotland, who knows, but if it does let's pray that it's done fairly and somewhat equitably.

There must be the bones to an England-Scotland system that works for the majority, rather than works for two Scottish teams whilst massively penalising the rest. Dunno what it looks like though or how we'd get there. Introducing any Scottish teams at all to the fourth/fifth/sixth tiers of English football would certainly be a logistical nightmare with the distances/accessibility and would alienate a huge amount of traveling fans. You could say, make it regional (there's an argument to do that from the English third tier anyway, if football is going to contribute at all to tackling the climate crisis), but then the most obvious region would just be Scotland. :lol:

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I'd rather change the 2 league cups in England Scotland to be a joint competition - maybe even bring in the Welsh league as well. Keep it regional (country) for the first few rounds and then joint later on, or arrange the prize money to ensure that a first round match between Inverness and Plymouth doesn't result in either team losing money.


Rotate the final between the 3 countries as well

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The Dutch and Belgium leagues have agreed to merge of late. I wonder if it becomes more common for football associations that are struggling for cash to merge, either with each other or with an association that is commercially larger.

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It does makes sense to play more games between everyone IMO, even European teams. The geography is very possible. I think it would definitely be interesting to see more of those games happen for novelty value, even between smaller clubs. Although maybe I want it because supporting Newcastle is so boring. 

But I'm not sure how to do it without damaging the real competitions. 



Edited by AyeDubbleYoo

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24 minutes ago, Interpolic said:

Perez is on another planet. For 20 years Real Madrid's transfer policy has been to sign the absolute best proven players and hottest prospects no matter what the cost. If they can't afford that then they need to live within their means, not fuck over the rest of football to continue with that ridiculous policy. 

Exactly. How they dare speak of "saving football" when they've completely tilted the power balance to many clubs in smaller leagues through irresponsible lending spanning decades and now need to freeze the situation to avoid financial failure if they drop the ball on a sporting level is absolutely reprehensible. They've completely lost track of the fact that football is sport first and foremost. Clubs rise and fall all the time and here they are attempting to limit the growth potential of future challengers. It's criminal behaviour this, it really is. From his interview it's clear he's not understood at all why his SL has failed and they will just try again and again. Lock him up for anti competitive conspiracy.

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It would only work if they combine both leagues and not just bring Celtic and Rangers over.

Personally, it would be enjoyable. But it has to work both ways. Maybe use the League Cup as trial to have clubs from both countries participate. Put a Champions League play off place up for grabs with the 4/5 placed team in the league or something.

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2 minutes ago, gazza ladra said:

They used to have some sort of Scandinavian Super League about 20 years back with the best teams from Denmark, Sweden, and Norway.  Don't know what happened there.

Aye, the Royal League. Only lasted a couple of years in the mid-2000's. No one was bothered to pay for the TV-rights IIRC

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Having the Old Firm down here would be a nightmare. There’d be chaos, they’d immediately think they were entitled to Top 6 and to be fair once established they’d get there and the chaos would continue. Anyone thinking we’d compete with them once they had the financial power is kidding themselves.

The police would have a right job on their hands both here and in Scotland. They want to become independent and be part of our league to the detriment of clubs like us; I don’t think so. Rancid idea.


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1 minute ago, Whitley mag said:


Just came on to post the same tweet.  It has been as everyone suspected it was, by the looks of it.  I hope that this helps to bring an end to this shite, but I still have my doubts.

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38 minutes ago, The Prophet said:

The Dutch and Belgium leagues have agreed to merge of late. I wonder if it becomes more common for football associations that are struggling for cash to merge, either with each other or with an association that is commercially larger.

I'd read that FIFA had some sort of rule against this sort of thing, but then there are so many exceptions to this supposed rule (Monaco in League1, Welsh clubs in the Premier League, the joint US-Canada MLS), I wonder if I had just imagined it or, more likely, FIFA routinely bends the rule for a fee.



Edited by gazza ladra

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10 hours ago, huss9 said:

| Florentino Perez: "Always the same 15 teams in the Super League? Well Real Madrid, Atletico and Barcelona always enter the European competitions. The same happens with the Serie A clubs.''

Wat. Milan haven't finished high enough in the league to qualify for the CL since 2013! Finishing 8th, 10th and 7th since then even missing out on the EL.

Inter also missed the CL 6 seasons in a row in the last decade! 

Absolutely clueless. :Lol:


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5 minutes ago, Tsunami said:

Having the Old Firm down here would be a nightmare. There’d be chaos, they’d immediately think they were entitled to Top 6 and to be fair once established they’d get there and the chaos would continue. Anyone thinking we’d compete with them once they had the financial power is kidding themselves.

The police would have a right job on their hands both here and in Scotland. They want to become independent and be part of our league to the detriment of clubs like us; I don’t think so. Rancid idea.


100% agree

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So fuck?  Does that mean we don't get to see these players play, they retire?  No.  


Florentino Perez: "It's impossible to make signings like Mbappé and Haaland without the Super League." #rmalive

Florentino Perez: "Not just for us, there will be NO big signings this summer, for ANY club, without the Super League.

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2 minutes ago, gazza ladra said:

I'd read that FIFA had some sort of rule against this sort of thing, but then there are so many exceptions to this supposed rule (Monaco in League1, Welsh clubs in the Premier League, the joint US-Canada MLS), I wonder if I just imagined or, more likely, FIFA routinely bends the rule for a fee.

Surely Masters, Hoffman et Al must go if they took part in this plotting

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