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Who do you think the worst Journalists that cover the North East? Personally I think Caulkin is great and a real voice for the fans.


If there is anyone else you want added to the poll I will add them.


Once we have the worst, the 3 with the lowest number of votes will go into a poll for the best.

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Lee ‘Paperback’ Ryder is the best for me.


Not afraid to do the work, or go to the sources, others wouldn’t dare too.


Love his writing style too.


Simple yet challenging but with lots of clever punctuation, grammar and spacing.


The Paul Dummett of the local journalist scene.


He gets a solid 7/10 in my match report.

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I picture him in Thompson house most days wandering about half-cut with his nylon suit smelling of the night previous, frantically scouring Twitter or whatnot. By lunchtime I see him as being glad of a bit of fresh air - a Greggs sausage & bean melt, a ham & peasepud stottie and maybe a cheeky packet of cheese n onion why don't'cha. Its Lee's chance to forget, to switch off from his daunting task. Extended (facebook orientated) lunchtime over , panic sets in. Feeling slightly fresher for now having sobered up , he comes into his own and a story emerges like a butterfly from a crysalis, Dekka on call to approve, offer guidance . Spell and grammar checker ignored, it's just submitted before his deadline.


Happy Days thinks Lee.


Off he then pops for his 8 cans of Kronenburg for £7.50 , closely joined by a Dominos pizza box and a 'soap night' viewing schedule .


The process is then repeated throughout the week.


Any excuse to repost this. Piss funny :lol:

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Edwards is a baiting WUM cunt, but is better at his job than Ryder, who can only write 10 things we have learned articles with as many spelling and grammatical errors as I produce.


It depends in what your definition of worst is.

In terms of ability it is Ryder, in terms of being a cunt and not representing the truth, it’s Edwards.

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Edwards is a baiting WUM cunt, but is better than his job than Ryder who can only write 10 things we have learned articles with as many spelling and grammatical errors as I produce.


It depends in what your definition of worst is.

In terms of ability it is Ryder, in terms of being a cunt and not representing the truth, it’s Edwards.


Fair Stifler.

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All of them are shit. Football journalism is almost as pointless an endeavour as music journalism. The only exception to this is histories, the scope of which are usually beyond the half sentients who regurgitate cliches like they’re a human cliche soundboard. They all think they’re crucial to the game or some such bollocks and in truth we’d all be happier about football if a genie wished them away from existence.

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I see Sean has got his Caulkin vote in :lol:




Not voting as I don't have much confidence in any of them. Caulkin is still the best of the lot though tbh, Hope is also OK as others have said.





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Can’t think of anyone worth reading really. Obviously part of that is because I despise the club and the manager.


Edwards stands out as a complete WUM and dickhead. In terms of just being incompetent, Ryder and his ilk are completely pointless.


Caulkin is obviously better liked because he understands the fans and all that. But he works for publications who would actually put that stuff in print, whereas I don’t think any editor at the chronicle has the brain.


As an aside, it’s a difficult job for everyone because they seem to have to pretend that they’re covering a normal football club. Stuff like debating individual performances, managers and players is essentially irrelevant at NUFC, because they don’t exist to achieve any football objective that we would recognise. So people tasked with filling a few pages every day have to live in a weird parallel universe which is not really reality.

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