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Elliot Anderson: joins Nottingham Forest on a permanent deal with 5 year contract (Official)


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6 hours ago, Mazzy said:


Yes I intentionally mentioned those two.


But you can add Armstrong to that list also, he may have only got 4 Goals/Assists last season but that's only one less than Wood and I know who I would prefer to have playing for us.


Also Dan Burn, played in our youth set up and was released. Same goes for Fraser Forster and James Tavernier.


4 more players there who I am in no doubt would've improved any of the squads we have had over the last 10 years. 


Whether is poor coaching/lack of opportunities or any excuse it can't be allowed to continue. Not when you have Man City and Liverpool selling teenagers who have barely made a league appearance for millions of pounds.

Dan Burn left Newcastle when he was 11 man ?

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Guest HTT II

At some point, if you do have a talented youngster which Anderson clearly is, you have to give him a chance. You’ll only find out if he’s good enough or going to be by doing so, sending players out on loan won’t exactly tell you that, only by giving them a game or two will. From what I’ve now seen of him, I’d want us to keep him here.

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Guest HTT II

Oh and again, I’d rather we try and develop him into our own Maddison (scorer of goals and assists from midfield that is), than pay 60m for the Leicester player. Let’s buy a right winger and a centre-forward.

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Did we reallllllly lost some youth players that become world class players? The last one was Carrick?


Of course we have had a lot of problems re youth development which is not a secret, however, I also think the natural talent of our youth players are simply not good enough. Dummett and Longstaff are probably the best case already (rotational players at best)

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5 minutes ago, cubaricho said:

If he’s good enough he’s old enough etc etc

That’s the key thing. But you really need to ‘pull up trees’/stand out. I hope that it will happen for Anderson, but it hasn’t yet. And the whole players we let go as youths thing, it is hardly exact science. We’ve let many more go who haven’t gone on to play at the highest level, or at all. Players/people develop at different ages. What are you going to do, keep everyone just in case? 

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He wouldn’t be talking about Anderson this way unless he thought that he was quality and secondly that he thought that these comments would be helpful for him. We know from the gas boys that he has the makings of something special and Howe is the perfect manager to develop him more 

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I still think he will be loaned out but only to a genuinely quality option. Either a top championship side who will definitely play him or maybe even a relegation scrapper in the PL. 


Could easily see him at Fulham or Bournemouth.

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I don't think he's done enough to warrant interest from lower PL or even top Championship clubs, let alone first team playing time. Glad he's staying, loans are always a risk with training setup, environment that they'll be going into and if Howe is going to give him minutes, it's probably better he's competing against Bruno, Botman, Joelinton, et al Mon-Fri.

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10 minutes ago, STM said:

I still think he will be loaned out but only to a genuinely quality option. Either a top championship side who will definitely play him or maybe even a relegation scrapper in the PL. 


Could easily see him at Fulham or Bournemouth.


I don't see a PL team that isn't us taking a chance on him yet. If he went to a top championship club till new year and does well, then maybe. But for now, I think the best thing for him is staying here. We're light on attacking options, he's going to get exposure.

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1 minute ago, Shearergol said:

Looking at our squad he'll get plenty of gametime in the cups etc. It's such a shame that he's the only young player coming through the system.

I know we didn’t bring him through but I can see Bondswell making it at least at championship level. Howe’s been very complimentary about Lucas de Bolle too hasn’t he?

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It’s a very easy solution for Howe, throw him in first few games, either start or as a sub and just see how he gets on. If he’s not ready yet it’ll be obvious and then there’s time to find him a good loan move.


But I suspect he’s more than ready. Physically he’s spot on and obviously has skill. I think he just needs a run in the side and to get an understanding going with his teammates, that’s all that was missing really from his pre season performances.


Id get more enjoyment out of seeing this kid become the next big thing over buying ready made. So signing someone like Maddison would set him back a year or two (unless he got a good loan move)

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49 minutes ago, Shearergol said:

Looking at our squad he'll get plenty of gametime in the cups etc. It's such a shame that he's the only young player coming through the system.

Our academy has been historically awful though. Off the top of my head, I can only think of Anderson, Dummett, Forster, Saylor, Carroll, Ramage, Chopra and the Longstaffs who did anything of note. Hardly a roll call of worldies.

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Guest reefatoon
9 hours ago, Holloway said:

Daily progression eh, strong words. If Eddie says he's ready...

Aye but relentless whinger Beth says the opposite. 

Who to put your trust in eh? Newcastles manager who works and deals with him on a daily basis, or the forums dullard cunt chops. It’s a tough choice.

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19 minutes ago, xLiaaamx said:

Apperantly as expected Douglas said last night his loan to Rovers was just Shola offering him to a mate and there was no footballing plan behind it. 



Wasn't surprised when I heard that, Shola's obviously finding it difficult to balance his current role with all the handy work and plumbing he has to do at his various rental properties in Jesmond. 

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23 minutes ago, xLiaaamx said:

Apperantly as expected Douglas said last night his loan to Rovers was just Shola offering him to a mate and there was no footballing plan behind it. 


You wouldn't expect much else from that dullard tbh.


Of he hasn't been sacked yet I hope he'll be finding his way to the maintenance department in due course.


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