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Steve Bruce (now unemployed)


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1 minute ago, Yorkie said:

All the logic behind not sacking him ahead of Spurs still applies now tbh. If they're waiting to appoint people to make 'football decisions' then, well, they're not here yet. 


There's no corporate infrastructure at the club and removing the Steves basically leaves them with Graeme Jones and whichever other behind-the-scenes staff who are less front-facing. 


Don't be surprised if there's announcements about incomings before there's announcements about outgoings. 


It would be Jones, the goalkeeping coach and the fitness coach. Not much of a staff but it would be the easiest thing in the world to get someone to assist Jones in the short term.

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I feel for the consortium, they’ve took over an absolute joke of a club. They’re having to build the club from the ground up, there was no board in place and a management team who are locked into an unheard of 3 year rolling contract.

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13 minutes ago, Joe Nelson said:


It would be Jones, the goalkeeping coach and the fitness coach. Not much of a staff but it would be the easiest thing in the world to get someone to assist Jones in the short term.


Could easily bring in someone like Lee Clark to help with the coaching numbers

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I think the only reason Bruce is still here is that we have a problem getting a new manager in.


Think the ones who's at the top of our list simply don't want to come here at this point.


Read somewhere(can't remember where) that Jones didn't want to be caretaker either. If it's true or not, I don't know.


Wouldn't be suprised if Bruce is still here for our next game.

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5 minutes ago, Yorkie said:

All the logic behind not sacking him ahead of Spurs still applies now tbh. If they're waiting to appoint people to make 'football decisions' then, well, they're not here yet. 


There's no corporate infrastructure at the club and removing the Steves basically leaves them with Graeme Jones and whichever other behind-the-scenes staff who are less front-facing. 


Don't be surprised if there's announcements about incomings before there's announcements about outgoings. 


I agree to a point but then they'd better get a move on.


Ideally the most pragmatic approach is to get a DOF and let them select the manager but the manager situation is so time sensitive that if the DOF appointment isn't imminent (by tomorrow latest),  then the owners should focus on a manager now.


Their first decision is, do they want to try and poach another club's manager. If the answer is no, you have a list of about 5/6 to try and negotiate with: Conte, Fonseca, Howe, Favre, AVB and Martinez (admittedly with Belgium) spring to mind. Of that list, Conte is apparently not interested and Martinez is unlikely to want a dual job role with the world Cup approaching: that gives 4 names to interview/approach.


If they want a Potter/Gerrard, go and submit the approach.


We aren't winning a game with Bruce in charge so they need to bite the bullet on the DOF appointment and if they can't do that (which is understandable as the DOF will set the whole football ethos of the club) they need to jump ahead to the manager decision first. I know it's not the orthodox way of doing things but it is becoming a mess.


For the first 4 days of their ownership they briefed every media outlet going that he'd be gone before Spurs, they then issued a (welcome) statement 1 hour before his pre match presser confirming he'd remain in place for Sunday.


As happy and excited as I am that Ashley has gone and Staveley & Co are here, it has been an absolute dogs dinner so far. If they wanted to take their time on the manager front that's fine, but by briefing he'd be gone they removed what little authority he had left with the players and then failed to relieve him of his duties.

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I doubt they see it as pressing a situation as we might. There's 90 points left to play for and we're only three points off 17th so objectively the situation is far less urgent than it could be. They'd probably sooner appoint the right individuals than rush into a wrong decision just for the sake of getting rid of Bruce. 

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I don’t think they briefed anyone explicitly saying he would be getting sacked ASAP, to the media or anyone. 



Edited by HTT II

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Well if he’s not gone by tomorrow this cunts here till January, I find it fucking staggering tbh. 

Seriously tell him fuck off , just go , the fat fucking mess hanging around for his loot like a sticky piece of shit on my trainers .I hate him with every fibre now .


But the question remains …..why aren’t they binning the cunt? 

Even if we have no one lined up his sheer presence makes me want to vomit ? 

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Just now, HTT II said:

I don’t think they briefed anyone explicitly saying he would be getting sacked ASAP


Seriously? Everyone ran the same story, Hope, Edwards, Caulkin, Ryder, Martin Hardy, Simon Bird. And they all ran it directly after spending several hours with the new owners.

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So Bruce says that he'd like to have clarity on his future. He also says he would like to carry on with the job. He says that any team in the bottom half of the table are fighting relegation and that is the position we were in when he walked through the door. He also says we have been fighting relegation for 6 years.

This guy obviously believes that our current situation has nothing to do with his management

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2 hours ago, Mike said:

Would you take Pardew as caretaker?

Yeah, why not? 


After he's finished doing the floors he can scrub the fucking bins out and lick the bogs clean the smarmy fucking pig. 

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11 minutes ago, jackyboy said:

So Bruce says that he'd like to have clarity on his future. He also says he would like to carry on with the job. He says that any team in the bottom half of the table are fighting relegation and that is the position we were in when he walked through the door. He also says we have been fighting relegation for 6 years.

This guy obviously believes that our current situation has nothing to do with his management


Why is he still talking so much? For this reason alone they should sack him.


Put the groundsman in charge, whatever. Just send this guy packing please!

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I know its been said 1000 times but this must come down down to their search for the new manager.


For whatever reason, they have decided to not bin the old manager until the new manager is lined up. If Bruce gets sacked and they don't have anyone lined up, I will be even more confused.

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I'm convinced its that, if Bruce goes with the Steves the club can't just have Jones on his own and with the run down state of the club we have no real coaching pedigree in the academy

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1 minute ago, Ben said:

I'm convinced its that, if Bruce goes with the Steves the club can't just have Jones on his own and with the run down state of the club we have no real coaching pedigree in the academy


Jones must know someone with a solid pedigree that can assist him for a while. Lets not pretend that its impossible to find an assistant to Graeme Jones ffs. 

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