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Takeover Thread - July 1st statement, Staveley letter to Tracey Crouch (and response) in OP

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No one here having a guess yet about this week's bread plating?



Dutch oven. Wew.


A Dutch oven is a slang term for lying in bed with another person and pulling the covers over the person's head while flatulating, thereby creating an unpleasant situation in an enclosed space. This is done as a prank or by accident to one's sleeping partner.


Clearly a dig at their [soon to be] rivals. The red and whit jar lid. "Didn't rise as much as wanted". Compost is just a polite word for shit. Onion bag replaced by a garlic bag because they're not sure what an onion bag looks like. And the whole composition is 'on the tiles'. We all know how sour the mackems get when they spend all their dough on a night on the tiles.

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Crikey [emoji38]


I agree with Stan's original assessment; if the meaning is clear then what's the problem? It's just not the case that if you're not writing in correct and formal English then your point is invalidated.


Some people just make mistakes; some people are just lazy; some people genuinely can't do it. If you're getting irritated when people, for whatever reason, don't come up to your own personal level of what constitutes good English, even if their point is perfectly well made and clear, then it's you that has the real issue :aww:


Anyway, about that 2021 deadline




I'm classified as dyslexic, I couldn't read at all until I was in year 6 so around about 10 year old, but, I still excelled in other categories. Unfortunately though this has followed me all of my life when I was younger it'd often result in violence, sometimes I get extremely irked like my previous post. I shouldn't I know but old habits die hard.


Apologies all.



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I gon f*** up. Apologies. Last thing I want is the heavyweights against me..


Grammar nazis do my head in though,  its pretentious as f***. We get it, yeah. Enjoy that little dopamine its hard to get anywhere else in YOUR life isn't it?


It’s not pretentious at all, it’s pretty basic stuff.


It is pretentious. Online chat is a substitute for face to face chat. Nobody's labouring over letters to be read on your morning walk of the grounds.


If you spot the error you are clearly capable of understanding the intent. So just get on with it.




It’s not. Typos fair enough but in a country where people are telling immigrants to ‘speak English’, then it it’s not too much to expect that the natives can write using the basics of English.




Edit: I'm not apologising to you, only you. Your insinuating things here that I don't agree with. Not just that I think your a massive cunt.


PM me let's keep it off the board.



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I gon f*** up. Apologies. Last thing I want is the heavyweights against me..


Grammar nazis do my head in though,  its pretentious as f***. We get it, yeah. Enjoy that little dopamine its hard to get anywhere else in YOUR life isn't it?


It’s not pretentious at all, it’s pretty basic stuff.


It is pretentious. Online chat is a substitute for face to face chat. Nobody's labouring over letters to be read on your morning walk of the grounds.


If you spot the error you are clearly capable of understanding the intent. So just get on with it.




It’s not. Typos fair enough but in a country where people are telling immigrants to ‘speak English’, then it it’s not too much to expect that the natives can write using the basics of English.




Edit: I'm not apologising to you, only you. Your insinuating things here that I don't agree with. Not just that I think your a massive cunt.


PM me let's keep it off the board.




Is that some internet way of ‘taking this outside’?


Sorry to hear about your dyslexia, I’d had a few beers the other night and was being a bit of nob. Certainly not saying you’re a gammon because of that so I apologise.


I’ll also reject your offer of fisticuffs on PM, sir. If I’ve got anything to say I’m happy to say it on here :thup:

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Crikey [emoji38]


I agree with Stan's original assessment; if the meaning is clear then what's the problem? It's just not the case that if you're not writing in correct and formal English then your point is invalidated.


Some people just make mistakes; some people are just lazy; some people genuinely can't do it. If you're getting irritated when people, for whatever reason, don't come up to your own personal level of what constitutes good English, even if their point is perfectly well made and clear, then it's you that has the real issue :aww:


Anyway, about that 2021 deadline




I'm classified as dyslexic, I couldn't read at all until I was in year 6 so around about 10 year old, but, I still excelled in other categories. Unfortunately though this has followed me all of my life when I was younger it'd often result in violence, sometimes I get extremely irked like my previous post. I shouldn't I know but old habits die hard.


Apologies all.




Dont Apologise, some folk need to dial it back a bit.  :thup:


Edit, I have highlighted my own errors.  :lol:

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it's not taking it outside, it's "taking a side conversation that's wholly unrelated to the thread to PMs"


I'm quite capable of apologising in 'public' for something I've said in 'public' thanks.


And as Loki pointed out above it's a laughable request, you cunt.

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Maybe I'm needed in here so you can all divert your anger eh  :lol:


Anyway, the outcome in court between Staveley and Barclays will be interesting. If the judge views her as a trustworthy, honest and reliable witness then I'll re-evaluate my opinion of her. It would be a good sign that she is as appears.


What happens if she's proven to be an unreliable witness and a liar though?

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Maybe I'm needed in here so you can all divert your anger eh  :lol:


Anyway, the outcome in court between Staveley and Barclays will be interesting. If the judge views her as a trustworthy, honest and reliable witness then I'll re-evaluate my opinion of her. It would be a good sign that she is as appears.


What happens if she's proven to be an unreliable witness and a liar though?


It's a court case, 2 sides disagreeing over money. Just because the ruling favours 1 side doesn't mean its right, just or truthful. Just 1 side had a better legal team, usually that's all that matters these days.


Her conduct through the case has been professional, same cannot be said about her opponents.


It also might be that her case is legally unjust, doesn't make her any of those things you've listed, just wrong.

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Onions also accused financier Staveley of being a “novice in raising finance”, repeating that her private equity firm’s “only” experience prior to the Barclays deal, was when she played a role in Sheikh Mansour’s purchase of Manchester City Football Club. This, Onions alleged, explained her “naivety” during the negotiations with the relevant parties.





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Onions also accused financier Staveley of being a “novice in raising finance”, repeating that her private equity firm’s “only” experience prior to the Barclays deal, was when she played a role in Sheikh Mansour’s purchase of Manchester City Football Club. This, Onions alleged, explained her “naivety” during the negotiations with the relevant parties.






Fuck, my eyes are shit. Not helped by this place's many fascinations, like. First time I read this I genuinely saw 'nonce in raising finance'.

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