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PIF and RB Sports & Media - Darren Eales to step down from CEO after being diagnosed with blood cancer.


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7 minutes ago, Mattoon said:


This is it for me, I thought he started off well and I think he has good intentions and only wants what's best for the club. BUUUT he's let his own hype go to his head. He has an army of followers hanging off every word and its over-inflated his ego, he would have been best taking a back seat once the club took on the CAT case, accepting the praise he was due for taking it that far and letting it run its course.


There are a lot of idiots on Twitter, contrary antagonists, they are best left shouting into the void, when you take them on you're just stooping to their level and showing yourself up to be equally immature and petty.


I do t have time for him now and his thirst for recognition. He's no more ITK than your average Joe.


He's been shown to be wrong on virtually everything verifiable he has said about the clubs CAT case since it was made public.


He said it would take 6-8 weeks at the start and would be a public case conference within a few weeks, that was back in May. He might not have factored in the jurisdiction challenge in that, but when that came he said he knew the PL would do that.


When there were rumours about the jurisdiction challenge being unsuccessful he first said he wasn't allowed to speak about it, then said the the PL had 'failed to get the case thrown out' and that a decision is only published if they had succeeded. Not long after the CAT agreed an extension and seemingly confirmed that there would be a jurisdiction hearing, proving that he was wrong.


He's still claiming that the PL has 'failed to get the case thrown out' and that the case will go ahead in August, which cannot be correct given that the jurisdiction hearing isn't even listed yet and every other jurisdiction challenge I've found on the CAT site has taken at least a month after the hearing to get a decision.


He clearly doesn't have a clue what is actually going on in the case, less of a clue than anyone with internet access and the ability to read.

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2 hours ago, Bishops Finger said:

Is he lying or is he just passing on info that he's been given. I agree he should keep his gob shut sometimes but I'm not going to roast him for something he's obviously been told


Well i suppose that's the point, is it him or the info he gets told. I think he's got carried away with the whole thing, as you've said he should keep his gob shut sometimes, but he can't can he ?


By the way I'm not criticising his effort, that's admirable but you can see why people are going off him, or not warming to him with some of the nonsense he has been spouting.


Personally if he said to my face 'something derogatory about people who support Newcastle that aren’t from the area' as gdm claimed. I'd give him damn good punch on the trumpet, that's just shite.

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5 minutes ago, Bimpy474 said:


Well i suppose that's the point, is it him or the info he gets told. I think he's got carried away with the whole thing, as you've said he should keep his gob shut sometimes, but he can't can he ?


By the way I'm not criticising his effort, that's admirable but you can see why people are going off him, or not warming to him with some of the nonsense he has been spouting.


Personally if he said to my face 'something derogatory about people who support Newcastle that aren’t from the area' as gdm claimed. I'd give him damn good punch on the trumpet, that's just shite.

Well we'd be a pretty small club if we only had fans from the area. Man U wouldn't be that big either if they didn't have supporters all over the world. 

I'm not on twitter so don't hear most of the stuff he says, I just see a lot of people slagging him off and just feel a lot of it is unjustified. Maybe I'm wrong but as far as I know he's just trying to get this takeover sorted and it needs to be out in the public. That's why Amanda Staveley is now doing a lot of interviews, so the PL have nowhere to hide

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5 minutes ago, Bishops Finger said:

Well we'd be a pretty small club if we only had fans from the area. Man U wouldn't be that big either if they didn't have supporters all over the world. 

I'm not on twitter so don't hear most of the stuff he says, I just see a lot of people slagging him off and just feel a lot of it is unjustified. Maybe I'm wrong but as far as I know he's just trying to get this takeover sorted and it needs to be out in the public. That's why Amanda Staveley is now doing a lot of interviews, so the PL have nowhere to hide


He'll get deserved credit if the sale does go through, whether you dislike him or not imo he will have helped it along whatever shite he's spouted or not. I'm not bothered myself really, I don't really understand why people get so bothered by him.


Amanda speaking out has encouraged me, I don't think she's chancer so I see it as a good thing.

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1 hour ago, Bimpy474 said:


He'll get deserved credit if the sale does go through, whether you dislike him or not imo he will have helped it along whatever shite he's spouted or not. I'm not bothered myself really, I don't really understand why people get so bothered by him.


Amanda speaking out has encouraged me, I don't think she's chancer so I see it as a good thing.

I’m not so sure. I remember Ashley calling her just that last year before changing his mind and that Barclays court case that she was ultra confident of soon turned to rats it didn’t it? Don’t get me wrong I’m not doing the woman down just from the outside looking in she’s got more big L’s than W’s.

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1 hour ago, Bimpy474 said:


Well i suppose that's the point, is it him or the info he gets told. I think he's got carried away with the whole thing, as you've said he should keep his gob shut sometimes, but he can't can he ?


By the way I'm not criticising his effort, that's admirable but you can see why people are going off him, or not warming to him with some of the nonsense he has been spouting.


Personally if he said to my face 'something derogatory about people who support Newcastle that aren’t from the area' as gdm claimed. I'd give him damn good punch on the trumpet, that's just shite.

He’s even came on here saying he’d punch people in the pub if they challenged him on what he did in regards to the legal action.

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18 minutes ago, Stifler said:

He’s even came on here saying he’d punch people in the pub if they challenged him on what he did in regards to the legal action.

Who was he on here?

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Guest reefatoon
16 minutes ago, veriaqa said:

Yeah! We don't even know if the arbitration is real or just Ashley's ploy to trick gullible fans to buy ST.






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4 minutes ago, veriaqa said:

Not WUM, just trying to blend in with other negativ.. sorry realist posters on the forum: Deny everything and anything about takeover....


The majority of posters who are negative about the takeover are negative because they don't believe there is a way the PL will allow it. It's nothing to do with Ashley "pretending" that it's still possible.

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We've had over 10 years of 'takeovers', veriaqa. You can forgive the majority for being more than a little jaded and educatedly pessimistic at this point. In some ways, it could be argued that this takeover is even further away from completion than others that have been touted. This is the first one that is being actively blocked by the PL for starters.



Edited by HawK

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