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2 minutes ago, Wullie said:

The following is not aimed at anyone in particular.


Bringing up Uber and Disney as justification for why you don't care about who owns the club is basically you admitting that you think the club is entirely just a business like any other, any that you don't care any more about it or what it represents than Starbucks or Tesco or Unilever. 


If you do think that, then that's fine and your case is solid. If you don't think that, then you should probably stop citing it, because you look ridiculous.

I mostly agree with this. But a lot of people are "fans" of Disney. They take part in Disney forums, wear their clothes and such forth. So I don't think that example is ENTIRELY different. Though it's still somewhat different obviously.



Edited by healthyaddiction

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1 minute ago, healthyaddiction said:

I mostly agree with this. But a lot of people are "fans" of Disney. They take part in Disney forums, wear their clothes and such forth. So I don't think that example is ENTIRELY different. Though it's still somewhat different obviously.





I'm a huge fan of Uber too. Own all their merchandise.

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Can I ask a question when away fans buy tickets do we get a percentage of them sales to? 
reasons I ask was from what I’ve read people calling us this calling us that and that we should stop supporting them stop going to games would the same apply to the very people saying it going to away games at our place because aren’t they doing potentially doing the same funding and basically saying we don’t care ?‍♂️ as they would put it 

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5 minutes ago, Stephen said:

Can I ask a question when away fans buy tickets do we get a percentage of them sales to? 
reasons I ask was from what I’ve read people calling us this calling us that and that we should stop supporting them stop going to games would the same apply to the very people saying it going to away games at our place because aren’t they doing potentially doing the same funding and basically saying we don’t care ?‍♂️ as they would put it 


We get 100% of those sales. The clubs usually buy the full allocation of tickets off Newcastle and then sell to their supporters. 

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6 minutes ago, Stephen said:

Can I ask a question when away fans buy tickets do we get a percentage of them sales to? 
reasons I ask was from what I’ve read people calling us this calling us that and that we should stop supporting them stop going to games would the same apply to the very people saying it going to away games at our place because aren’t they doing potentially doing the same funding and basically saying we don’t care ?‍♂️ as they would put it 

As far as I’m aware in league games the home team gets the revenue as there is a reverse fixture where the away team gets to be the home team, although away teams can charge their own booking fee on top of the ticket cost.


In cup games you usually get a percentage of tickets sales and this is why smaller clubs in the FA Cup want to play Man Utd away, because the percentage of tickets sales in those games is more than what they would get if it was at home.

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Appreciate the reply so does that mean all the hate we are no doubt gonna get for funding and not condoning them by filling the stadium are they just the same I mean I know look football is football people are always gonna go even more so now just find it a bit double standards when the very person saying it is in the away stand paying for a ticket lol

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53 minutes ago, healthyaddiction said:

I mostly agree with this. But a lot of people are "fans" of Disney. They take part in Disney forums, wear their clothes and such forth. So I don't think that example is ENTIRELY different. Though it's still somewhat different obviously.





I think the main difference is that PIF don't own Disney, Uber, Facebook etc. they own shares in those companies at a minority level.


I'm all for denouncing the Saudi regime for evil murderous cunts they are but, in terms of whatboutary arguments,  surely it should start with pointing out our government's cosy relationship with the Saudis and why these people are not first calling for our government (that Karren Brady is part of) to cut its ties with the Saudis and stop approving the sale of billions of pounds worth of arms to them.


I can't see the government business ambassador Karren Brady calling on BAE Systems to not take that investment or criticising them for doing so.


The only reason people like her are saying anything about our takeover is because it affects their interests.



Edited by Jackie Broon

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Just now, Optimistic Nut said:

Why? It’s not like he’s a member of the Saudi Royal Family he’s just a businessman isn’t he?

So long as he doesn't have the team sheet hand written by MBS it should be all ok.

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If you thought this week couldn’t get any better, check out this glorious monument of seethe 




Beware the tale of the Pied Piper


Well well well – there you have it. The Toon has their saviour. The Pied Piper has driven out the rats. But a word of caution – beware the tale of the Pied Piper.

First thing to say, I’m delighted Newcastle fans have hope at last.  Newcastle United are a fantastic football club. I’ve never said – or thought – differently, despite the mob’s habitual lynching of me and anyone who says anything other than Rafa is the Messiah.

Most of my best PL memories involve Newcastle. ‘The Entertainers’. The Keegan years were some of the finest ever enjoyed by football fans, or any club. It remains a deep regret for me that Kevin didn’t win anything during his time. As a mate, I desperately wanted to see him get Newcastle over the line. They deserved a title. Maybe the new regime will bring one. For some reason, I doubt it – beware the cautionary tale.


Now that the ravaging mob are happy, anyone who correctly called the collapse of the original takeover is safe to speak again. It’s funny how all the abuse, assaults, insults and death threats are long forgotten. And how outraged calls for transparency suddenly disappear when the desired outcome arrives. Transparency but only when it suits. 

At beIN SPORTS, despite the takeover extracting the justice we’d called for, there is no sense of victory in the past week – nor the past four and a half years when the pirates pillared beIN, Sky Sports, the BBC, ITV, the Premier League, Wimbledon, the Six Nations and every major British content producer you can think of. Too many good people here have lost their jobs for that. Too many personal phones here have been hacked by Pegasus. Too many death threats received – and I’m not just talking about the mob on Twitter. Just pause for a moment on that last sentence.

However, the events of the past week in unlocking the takeover show the real issue at play all along, while also exposing the contradictions, hypocrisy and lies of those who are now “custodians” of the club. As someone said to me recently, if you’re responsible for the most embarrassing corporate bid in football takeover history, I’m not sure you’re fit to run a corner-shop, never mind a football club.


Let’s have a look at some of the Pied Piper’s tunes. Remember the days (sorry months) we were all assured there were no red flags (when there’s been less red flags at Pamplona)?

Then it was delayed due COVID. Then there were red flags, but they were all being sorted so don’t you worry. Then a Saudi broadcaster was launching and was the game-changer #CANS.

Then Saudi lost the WTO case, but they claimed they’d won it (then they appealed a case they said they won!). Then piracy was a problem after all; then piracy had been sorted (but remember the Premier League sent their legal case to the wrong Saudi email address – nine times – remember that?!). Then the consortium pulled out of the takeover as it was all a disgrace; then they hadn’t pulled out. I know it’s confusing but keep up!


Fast forward to the Super League breakaway – the perfect national narrative to jump on; of course it was the Big Six who blocked the takeover, didn’t you know?! Then yesterday it turns out it was the Big 19! And I read reports that the Pied Piper’s lawyers are helping some of the Big Six out of their ESL adventure – I thought they were the bad guys?!

By the way - ask Javier Tebas about who funded the Super League project. Amongst all this nonsense, there were drivelling complaints about lost investment in the North East. What stopped that - takeover or otherwise? There were crocodile tears and shameless demands for fans to get 5am buses to Parliament Square with the arbitration on a knife-edge, only for it to have been delayed to 2022. I could go on - having been privileged to have had a ring side seat all along. 


The point is, if words don’t add up, it’s usually because the truth doesn’t feature in the equation. And while the Toon fans have been urged throughout to #TakeBackControl – sadly, they’ve never been further from it. When the new non-CEO prints that slogan on the team bus, remember you heard it here first. 


I say all this because I hope that now Newcastle have belied again, I hope they realise that this was never (and never will be) about them.


Looking back, if this takeover had happened to any other club, that club would have received the same scrutiny – just for a moment consider that the red flags aren’t about Newcastle. Looking forward, more worryingly, I hope the fans also realise they’ve been played like a panpipe every step of the way – this “custodianship” will never be about them.  

The Pied Piper was initially hailed as the saviour of Hamelin by driving out the rats. However, be careful what you wish for – when music is manipulation and you lap up every false note, you may get a very different ending.

Because we belied

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Guest reefatoon
5 minutes ago, Tsunami said:

Potential focal point for all things Human Rights and knowing some of our fans uncomfortable ditties from the Gallowgate for the media to feast on. 


This wouldn't happen I don't think. There was a poll done way back and was it 97% of fans were for the takeover? That leaves 3% that weren't. That's a tiny number of fans, there is absolutely no way such a small percentage are going to make a fuss and be noticed, or be completely drowned out by the majority. We had a universal fanbase all hating Ashley yet when people tried to protest etc at that, they were drowned out and called all sorts. Sunday will be a carnival atmosphere and he should be there and he will get no stick at all from the home fans, and rightly so.



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Any uncomfortable songs are likely to be very pro KSA belted out by tea towelled adorned idiots with half and half NUFC/ KSA scarves.


I’m worried we’ll give the media a frw large bones to chew on. 

The atmosphere will be electric, just hope it’s not over the top.

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So just  like every other club that's had a takeover then and just like the one we had before except a lot better for us.


Agree with Poot above. Its more about - if you care that much about it that you think we should do something about it, you really ought to be doing something about it yourself is really what it is. I accept I don't care enough to research who invests in the products I may or may not use but that's not the same as saying I dont care about human rights and practices in whatever country it is and that applies equally across the board of their investment. Like saying you condoned Russian activities if you watched the World Cup, I bet that applied to nobody and I didn't apply it to anybody.


There absolutely needs to be context for me. You cant just take every statement as an absolute "you're tall" and ending there instead of "yes to some but not to others" which is more accurate.



Edited by Wolfcastle

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