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2 minutes ago, Peppe said:

All the other PL clubs are mad because it was PIF/Saudi Arabia specifically that were allowed to buy us, right? Because of the human rights issues? Because they care so much? 


It's not because we became a threatening powerhouse overnight and they stand to lose money, right? 


So transparent ffs :lol:


Apparently therefore based on stories like this, I’d expect them to also be questioning their own tv deal with Bein.


Human Rights concerns my fucking arse.



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2 minutes ago, Haz said:

Sky News says the Top six clubs felt they had been Blindsided.


Excuse me? What the fuck has it to do with them?


Nothing according to Richard Masters, writing to Newcastle's Member of Parliament.

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28 minutes ago, HaydnNUFC said:

I think a big part of the takeover going through was how well the QCs representing us did at the CAT hearing. The PL then thought 'shit, if this goes through to arbitration stuff is going to come out that we don't want to' so they said to PIF to just cancel all BeoutQ stuff, settle with beIN (which was possible as afaik KSA and Qatar have opened trade talks again) and we'll push it through, hence the short time between the CAT hearing, beIN settlement and the takeover happening.


And Hoffman going is probably more of the PL not wanting their dirty laundry out in public a la CAT/arbitration. 


Just a theory, like. :lol:


That's what I thought. To avoid exposing that certain clubs who tried to stuff everyone by leaving the league are actually still running the league and dictating who can be bought and how competitive they're allowed to be, they Had to let it go through.

Ironic and sweet justice really because I'm convinced if they'd got away with it, the effective blocking of a competitors takeover and rigging of their future by rivals - in a sport no less - would have been swept under the rug.



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I mean this BBC article just about confirms the only reason they wanted to stop this takeover. The arrogance and ignorance of competition rules is staggering.

“The 61-year-old, who has been the Premier League's chairman for 18 months, has taken the brunt of the blame from clubs over the green light being given to the takeover by the Public Investment Fund.

Although Premier League officials felt there was no option other than to allow the deal to go through 18 months after it was first halted, clubs were unhappy at being told about it so late that they could not mobilise an attempt to stop it.

Clubs have already started the process of stopping commercial deals associated with the ownership in an effort to reduce the amount of money Newcastle can spend, for fear it will distort the league.”



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Hoffman was the Cartel 6's man.  He helped block the Newcastle takeover, he advised on the ESL, He gave Crouch the run around but when bits and pieces of his role was going to go public, he folded and relented on the takeover.  He's the fall guy.  He's casting about for sympathy but the Cartel 6 don't want him because he failed at his duties to them and the other clubs won't want him because they know he never had their best interests in mind.  

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2 hours ago, Ben said:

Fifa proven to be a totally corrupt organization confirmed by Interpol and the FBI ......................clubs say nowt


Qatar and Russia buy World cups........................clubs say nowt


Qatar kills thousands of immigrant workers building cities and football stadiums .....................clubs say nowt


Newcastle get a takeover which potentially affects the clubs ability to make more money than the extraordinary amount they currently rake in...................fuckin hell on

If only somebody had evidence of their wrong doing. Something that might swing a court case.

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1 hour ago, Fantail Breeze said:


Nobody is denying the other clubs probably voiced their displeasure at the takeover.


What is a load of bollocks (evidently by the fact we have been taken over), is the suggestion that any blockage in the takeover had anything to do with the other clubs’ thoughts.


It always was about piracy, from start to finish. Nothing whatsoever to do with cartels or fake ITKery.




i think that’s a naive take at best 

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I think people need to be more generally concerned about the stability of the premier league, and not because of the Saudis. We take it for granted that the league is always there and runs like clockwork and always will do but that is dependent on 20 teams agreeing to it forever. 

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1 hour ago, Whitley mag said:

I mean this BBC article just about confirms the only reason they wanted to stop this takeover. The arrogance and ignorance of competition rules is staggering.

“The 61-year-old, who has been the Premier League's chairman for 18 months, has taken the brunt of the blame from clubs over the green light being given to the takeover by the Public Investment Fund.

Although Premier League officials felt there was no option other than to allow the deal to go through 18 months after it was first halted, clubs were unhappy at being told about it so late that they could not mobilise an attempt to stop it.

Clubs have already started the process of stopping commercial deals associated with the ownership in an effort to reduce the amount of money Newcastle can spend, for fear it will distort the league.”




Like I said the other day, they're not even trying to hide it anymore.

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29 minutes ago, Whitley mag said:

Long read if you’re into geopolitics and all that. 


Theres only one way to prevent these clubs colluding, changing the rules etc to thwart our club, use competition law, competition tribunals and the courts to put these clubs back in their boxes. 

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7 minutes ago, McCormick said:

According to sources in the Saudia company; there will be an upcoming deal for shirt sponsorship with Saudia Airlines.


Could be nonsense but it comes from an a very high-ranking Saudia Co. official. We’ll see…

Best possible outcome tbh. 

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2 hours ago, McCormick said:

According to sources in the Saudia company; there will be an upcoming deal for shirt sponsorship with Saudia Airlines.


Could be nonsense but it comes from an a very high-ranking Saudia Co. official. We’ll see…

Could we be sponsored by the new second national carrier instead? No better advertistisment than being beamed out to football fans globally


Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman announced plans on Tuesday to launch a second national airline as part of a broader strategy to turn the kingdom into a global logistics hub as it seeks to diversify from oil.

The creation of another flag carrier would catapult Saudi Arabia into the fifth rank globally in terms of air transit traffic, official state media reported, without giving details on when and how the airline would be created.


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6 minutes ago, MagCA said:

So, Hoffman has resigned and leaving his role at the end of January. Farewell to that waste of space. 

I wonder if this will be positively or negatively impact us. 


At the end of the day if any of the other premier league clubs try to stop us from competing, then issue every single one of them a threat of anti-competition legal action being taken. If I were the new owners, I would be doing this already as they can't be allowed to stop a business from operating due to other clubs being scared shitless. There is only one winner if it does go to court. The 5 week stoppage is up next week, let's see what happens then. I'm fully expecting the owners to announce new sponsership very quickly after the stoppage has ceased. 

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45 minutes ago, cosmic said:

Could we be sponsored by the new second national carrier instead? No better advertistisment than being beamed out to football fans globally


Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman announced plans on Tuesday to launch a second national airline as part of a broader strategy to turn the kingdom into a global logistics hub as it seeks to diversify from oil.

The creation of another flag carrier would catapult Saudi Arabia into the fifth rank globally in terms of air transit traffic, official state media reported, without giving details on when and how the airline would be created.


Do they old Arsenal Sega/Dreamcast trick. One on the home kit, one on the away.

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35 minutes ago, et tu brute said:


At the end of the day if any of the other premier league clubs try to stop us from competing, then issue every single one of them a threat of anti-competition legal action being taken. If I were the new owners, I would be doing this already as they can't be allowed to stop a business from operating due to other clubs being scared shitless. There is only one winner if it does go to court. The 5 week stoppage is up next week, let's see what happens then. I'm fully expecting the owners to announce new sponsership very quickly after the stoppage has ceased. 

I hope so. Was interesting reading the earlier comment re: Saudia, I’d be surprised if it was them for the long term as they seem to be a domestic airline. Or will filter to domestic only once PIF launch their new national carrier. 

But how many other companies realistically make sense from a tourism standpoint? Saudi Telecomms is a push, Aramco makes no sense whatsoever, Vision 2030 makes the most sense but seems the most likely to be blocked due to that related third party nonsense. 

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1 hour ago, cosmic said:

Could we be sponsored by the new second national carrier instead? No better advertistisment than being beamed out to football fans globally


Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman announced plans on Tuesday to launch a second national airline as part of a broader strategy to turn the kingdom into a global logistics hub as it seeks to diversify from oil.

The creation of another flag carrier would catapult Saudi Arabia into the fifth rank globally in terms of air transit traffic, official state media reported, without giving details on when and how the airline would be created.


I’m hearing it’s the original Saudia Airlines. Also (big pinch of salt, as I have no idea how they would know this) but the away/ 3rd kit will be Green.

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