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2 minutes ago, Coffee_Johnny said:

 Not at all mid-table in terms of last season’s 2022 results. Look where we would have finished if the season started at Xmas (in comparison to actual top 8 finishers). League table below (games played, points accrued since Xmas, followed by average points per game; which is used to determine league position for 2022 games):

Liverpool 18, 50, 2.78

Man City 17, 40, 2.35

NUFC…….19, 39, 2.05 

Spurs…….20, 38, 1.90

Arsenal….18, 34, 1.89

Chelsea…17, 31, 1.82

Man Utd..19, 27, 1.42

Leicester 20, 27, 1.35

WestHam 18, 22, 1.22




If only life was this simple.


We won a lot of key games by the odd goal. Everyone kept it at 100% once we were safe. Conceded a lot of possession. Lose a bit of confidence and atmosphere and points get dropped.


Those lads played at 100% for that second period. Everyone brought their A game.


That won't happen again without added quality.

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1 minute ago, The College Dropout said:

2012 team had a lot more talent and match winners.


Give me HBA, Cisse and Ba upfront. I'd take Cabaye and Tiote in midfield with Bruno. Colo & that seasons Krul for sure.

Yes, but I’ll take Howe. 2011-12 match winners got us points we frankly didn’t deserve.

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Home form will be huge for us going forward.


Really believe SJP can become a fortress again.


Teams will hate coming up to Newcastle.



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3 hours ago, gdm said:

Yes, but all the other clubs around us are likely going to strengthen. Also last seasons form was incredible it’s highly unlikely we have form like that next season. 


Yep. I think it would be a really big ask to expect us to hit top 6 form without one or two real game changer signings. Teams will adapt and learn to probe our weaker spots better. As it stands, we are still looking like more of a defend and counter attack team, but massively reliant on Wilson staying fit.

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25 minutes ago, TRon said:


Yep. I think it would be a really big ask to expect us to hit top 6 form without one or two real game changer signings. Teams will adapt and learn to probe our weaker spots better. As it stands, we are still looking like more of a defend and counter attack team, but massively reliant on Wilson staying fit.

Just a start to the season where it’s not all over by September would be nice for the first time in God knows how long. Think at minimum we’ll be mid-table within reach of the top 7. I’ll take that for now.



Edited by Optimistic Nut

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We dont have a squad capable of top 4, despite our 2nd half of the season form. I dont think weve even got a squad capable of 7th yet tbh.


We also had a squad that had been fine tuned for PL survival ONLY. The cups were binned off asap. So if we are competing in 3 competitions next season AND pushing for a european place, then we need a MUCH stronger squad.

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2 minutes ago, Lazarus said:

We dont have a squad capable of top 4, despite our 2nd half of the season form. I dont think weve even got a squad capable of 7th yet tbh.


We also had a squad that had been fine tuned for PL survival ONLY. The cups were binned off asap. So if we are competing in 3 competitions next season AND pushing for a european place, then we need a MUCH stronger squad.

Fully agree but we also need to make sure we don’t hit the top end of ffp just yet as we seriously need to offload and bring more advertising revenue.


All things considered I’d be delighted with a top half finish and keep buying sensible players to strengthen but going for top draw players even though for next few seasons they’re going to turn us down most of the time.

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4 hours ago, STM said:

Apparently we've contacted Chelsea on Broja. Anyone else not convinced?


3 hours ago, ManDoon said:

I really think Broja just suffered from a)being young and inconsistent b)Southampton having those weird patches of form. 

I think he would do well here. The Mitro but mobile comparison is bang on imo

Some mint editing here. First, the bloke in the crowd for Albania, then the Albania manager with a solid hands on hip hockle. :lol: 

Broja is better than Mitro with the ball at his feet, can dribble and take on defenders. Mitro is a menace around the box, needs much more service than Broja would. 

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We wont go the same run we had after christmas. At the same time we wont have as little as we had before christmas. But the team is not a top 7 team. We are lacking badly up front bar Wilson. And he will be out for some time in a season. We need pace in defence. We need legs in the midfield. We need a wide man capable of more than 1 and 2 goals under their belt. The wide area is shocking. Take away Maximin and its almost not Pl worthy. And we need a backup for Wilson. After that we can be taken seriously in the top 7 race.

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Guest HTT II

Again why do people keep posting the same regurgitated shit from these know nowt journos/Twitter accounts? Baffles me!

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Just now, HTT II said:

Again why do people keep posting the same regurgitated shit from these know nowt journos/Twitter accounts? Baffles me!


I'm going with the "better than not posting anything" route. 

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