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Dan Ashworth (now working for Manchester United)


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2 minutes ago, bobbydazzla said:

Sir Jim Twatcliffe coming across like a right bellend there like


Boo hiss sucks to employment law or contracts and I'll skweam and skweam and skweam and skweam and skweam if those horrid people in Newcastle won't let me have Dan Ashworth right now this instant





His name dropping of Citeh and Pep was a bit pathetic as well. Really strange relationship they have the two Manchester clubs. You would think they would be derby rivals but Man U hate Liverpool and Leeds far more. Probably because they know that Manchester City supporters are genuine Manchester fans whereas their own fans are from everywhere else.

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Some of the most stupid quotes i have seen in a long time. The Rat fits perfectly with the arrogant fanbase. How about talk to the club before you try to lure Ashworth away. What a prick.

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28 minutes ago, Chris L said:

Sir Jim Ratcliffe on Dan Ashworth / #nufc situation: "It’s a bit silly, personally. I wont get dragged into that. What I do think is completely absurd is suggesting a man who is really good at his job sits in his garden for one and a half years. We had a very grown up conversation with City about Omar Berrada. "When things got done we sorted it out very amicably. They could see why he wanted to take that challenge. You look at Pep when he’s done with one of his footballers; he doesn’t want them to sit in the garden for one and a half years. He doesn’t do that. That’s not the way the UK works or the law works." Says Ashworth a 10/10 sporting director: "Ultimately, you can't really criticise Dan for looking at maybe the most coveted job in football as a sporting director - particularly with the challenge at Manchester United

Absolute shit stain entitled wanker of a human being. He’s one of the Conservative Party’s largest donors and much like that shower of cunts, thinks he can come in and fleece people without paying what he owes them. Backed Brexit, is a tax dodging Monaco resident and then took his Grenadier factory to Austria. Now grifting for money off the likes of you and me so he doesn’t have to put his own money into the stadium. 

Hope his death is really fucking painful.

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"It’s a bit silly, personally. I wont get dragged into that. What I do think is completely absurd is suggesting a man who is really good at his job sits in his garden for one and a half years."


Well then, dont try to get a person under contract you looney :lol:.

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2 minutes ago, FloydianMag said:

Getting his tools out of the shed!

He can have mine just now, I've got a family of rats in the shed so I'm not going back in that fucka.

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So I didn't know much about Jim Ratcliffe before this Man U takeover stuff, I'll be honest. Reading his entitled, moronic comments about Ashworth and how he just expects us to lie down and take it up the arse just because it's Man United.... what an absolute fucking bellend. He'll fit in well at that club. Got the feeling that when Klopp leaves Liverpool, Man U will very quickly get back to the top of my most hated club list.

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The irony of them complaining about us being unreasonable and standing our ground, the fucking balls on him. He's our employee and they want him so either pay the money or fuck clean off. Got no objection to him wanting to work for Man U, they're far bigger than us and it's a huge job and opportunity. But if Ashworth wants it and Ratcliffe wants it then you bite the bullet and pay the money required, it's incredibly straightforward. I'd add another £3m on to the price every time the scruffy looking cunt opens his mouth personally

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Ratcliffe is perfect for them - an entitled, arrogant tosser. 

Enjoy your 18 months of mowing lawns, Dan - I’ll send you my address! 

I can’t believe those comments  - what a prick! I’m sure we’ll dig our heels even more after seeing those!



Edited by Paully

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1 minute ago, Pilko said:

So I didn't know much about Jim Ratcliffe before this Man U takeover stuff, I'll be honest. Reading his entitled, moronic comments about Ashworth and how he just expects us to lie down and take it up the arse just because it's Man United.... what an absolute fucking bellend. He'll fit in well at that club. Got the feeling that when Klopp leaves Liverpool, Man U will very quickly get back to the top of my most hated club list.

He's horrible, I can just see him overruling Ashworth/Ten Hag on so many decisions.


This will go tits up and it'll be a cracking watch.

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Bit rich coming from the guy who tapped up our Sporting Director, leaked it to the press to make a massive shit storm, all the while not actually going to the club Ashworth is employed to and asking in an amicable way :lol: 


Clearly rattled that his strong arm tactic has backfired in his face, fleece them for as much money as possible, and if they don't pay make him sit in the garden for the full 2 years. 

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This is going to end in fucking tears for Man Utd fans this Ratcliffe.


It’s like the early days of when those chancers bought Sunderland, and everyone could see through them but their own fans. Give the fans a bit of bravo, and a bit of banter, then let it all come tumbling down.

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We might need "Newcastle-online goes into meltdown" thread soon, they are having a mare over there in Ashworth thread. Triggered so much by those Jim comments, Arab money made them a arrogant deluded bunch. Go on Jim!

Class [emoji38]. Maybe they can all chip together over there on red cafe to get Ashworth a new lawnmower that will last 18 months. Daft cunts [emoji38]

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