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2 minutes ago, Tiresias said:

Court reporter at the chron actually once told me a story of a burglary and rape trial he covered where a burglar broke into a woman's house wearing a mask and raped her in her bed. The jury convicted him of burglary but acquitted him of rape because they felt there was apparently reasonable doubt that she consented to this masked intruder. Rape conviction rates are an absolute scandal

While that case appears ridiculous I'd imagine most rape cases are very hard to prosecute. 

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It’s awful that one of the worst and most damaging crimes has such minuscule conviction rates. I don’t know what the answer is but the thought that someone could be raped then go through a trial where the rapist gets let off on lack of evidence is heartbreaking 

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54 minutes ago, Tiresias said:

Court reporter at the chron actually once told me a story of a burglary and rape trial he covered where a burglar broke into a woman's house wearing a mask and raped her in her bed. The jury convicted him of burglary but acquitted him of rape because they felt there was apparently reasonable doubt that she consented to this masked intruder. Rape conviction rates are an absolute scandal


That seems far fetched, is there an article or anything?

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sorry was told to us during journo course (that put me off being a journo lol) so is just word of mouth. But statistics remain grim, see here https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-48095118


All is to say that I don't trust juries decisions much on rape trials, having said that of course he is entitled to being presumed innocent, I am not pretending it is easy or to have special insight on special case, but when you have these cases and the juries rule not guilty and then you get a barrage of THE WOMEN WERE LYING that can all fuck off. This is always grim all the way down. 

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Apple TV now trying to get into the act of showing Premier League games.  It is getting ridiculous now, it is become too fragmented - already you need a Sky, BT and Amazon subscription to watch all the games - now Apple? 

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4 minutes ago, duo said:

Apple TV now trying to get into the act of showing Premier League games.  It is getting ridiculous now, it is become too fragmented - already you need a Sky, BT and Amazon subscription to watch all the games - now Apple? 


Agree it's daft like but keep an eye out for Apple TV free trials, there have been lots of them. 


I got 6 months through Barclaycard, you can get 3-6 months with PlayStation, and 6 months currently through the Sky VIP app if you have Sky. Need to get the Sky one by end of March I believe. 

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Just now, Interpolic said:


Agree it's daft like but keep an eye out for Apple TV free trials, there have been lots of them. 


I got 6 months through Barclaycard, you can get 3-6 months with PlayStation, and 6 months currently through the Sky VIP app if you have Sky. Need to get the Sky one by end of March I believe. 

It’s also £50 for a year, well below the price of Sky and BT.

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1 minute ago, Sima said:

You can kiss goodbye to free trials/the lower subscription price if they get Premier League football.


Not necessarily, depends what their business model is. At the minute Apple must be running the service at a significant loss because TV is not cheap to make and there are so many free trials available. 


Apple still have a massive pile of cash reserves I think so maybe they just want people in the Apple ecosystem with their branding front and centre alongside quality content. Don't think Amazon put their Prime prices up much/at all when they acquired PL rights. 

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8 minutes ago, Stifler said:

It’s also £50 for a year, well below the price of Sky and BT.

But how many games will they show?  Sky is getting more expensive for less games. More people watch PL now all over the world so how about reducing the cost? ? ? ?

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PL games spread over 4 subscription services is a joke like. Absolutely fed up of the cost of watching football. The most popular league of the most popular sport in the world inaccessible to so many. Literally stolen by the rich. 


Every time some cunt tells me how good corporate/a box is at SJP I die a little inside. Honestly could not give a fuck about a padded seat or free drink like. 0 interest. 

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8 minutes ago, Shak said:

I wonder how far away we are from a Premier League streaming platform where you can just pay a yearly fee and watch any game you want, either live or on a delay.

I think they make too much money from the current format to think about changing.  They've BT, Sky, Amazon and now Apple all fighting for the rights - nevermind those for overseas.  It's just a money making machine for them and the fans are the ones loosing out.  Stating the obvious I know.

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5 minutes ago, duo said:

I think they make too much money from the current format to think about changing.  They've BT, Sky, Amazon and now Apple all fighting for the rights - nevermind those for overseas.  It's just a money making machine for them and the fans are the ones loosing out.  Stating the obvious I know.


Aye, but the comprehensive streaming platform would be in addition to all the other deals they have.


You'd still be selling games to Sky, BT and the rest because not everyone is going to want to fork out a couple of hundred quid for a yearly PL subscription but millions would. Maybe those deals would get a little smaller but they'd still be getting monstrous viewing numbers. Not like sports fans are going to ditch those channels either, unless they've no interest in any of the other sports on there.


I'm not seeing it as a way to streamline things for fans like, moreso to gouge diehards for even more money :lol:


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8 minutes ago, Shak said:


Aye, but the comprehensive streaming platform would be in addition to all the other deals they have.


You'd still be selling games to Sky, BT and the rest because not everyone is going to want to fork out a couple of hundred quid for a yearly PL subscription but millions would. Maybe those deals would get a little smaller but they'd still be getting monstrous viewing numbers. Not like sports fans are going to ditch those channels either, unless they've no interest in any of the other sports on there.


I'm not seeing it as a way to streamline things for fans like, moreso to gouge diehards for even more money :lol:


A PL streaming service would kill Sky, BT etc. Sports rights are where they make most of their money, and the majority of people who do subscribe do so because of the football. 

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