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Protection of lower league attendances currently a blocker of a "PL-flix" type service, arguably rightly so although I'd love to see some data on it. One day the PL will think they can get away with it though and will go for it. 


Think if they sacked Sky etc off and got the pricing just right to maximise subscriptions they could make a ton of money, and it would be cheaper and more convenient for customers. Not sure if more lucrative for the PL than the current model though because Sky etc also use the rights to attract advertisers / upsell customers to other services etc. 



Edited by Interpolic

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40 minutes ago, Ronson333 said:


Everton’s Board of Directors have been instructed not to attend today’s Premier League fixture against Southampton because of a “real and credible threat to their safety and security".


To quote my Everton fan friend there hasn't been a credible threat at goodison since Richarlison was sold

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Not sure I think the death threats are real. It seems to be a recurring event that owners when under pressure at clubs come out and say they aren’t attending games because of safety fears ahead of protests. We had it for years with Ashley, and other owners have said the same. It seems to be tactic they use now to start pointing the finger to fans and taking away their credibility to protests.

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6 minutes ago, Stifler said:

Not sure I think the death threats are real. It seems to be a recurring event that owners when under pressure at clubs come out and say they aren’t attending games because of safety fears ahead of protests. We had it for years with Ashley, and other owners have said the same. It seems to be tactic they use now to start pointing the finger to fans and taking away their credibility to protests.

True across multiple areas of life now.

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7 hours ago, duo said:

But how many games will they show?  Sky is getting more expensive for less games. More people watch PL now all over the world so how about reducing the cost? ? ? ?

To be fair their deal with the MLS means that for a very few select games are available free of charge to everyone, another few are available for free to Apple TV+ users, and the rest you have to subscribe to the MLS app which you can only get via the Apple TV, possibly in conjunction with having an Apple TV+ subscription.


They will likely go for international rights as well, in as many markets as they possibly can. International rights are largely sold regionally and usually mean any game can be see, especially in the North American market. The domestic market is more complicated. The games are sold in packages, and no one TV provider can have all the packages. You obviously can’t have 3pm KO’s either. With the EFL wanting to scrap the 3pm KI blackout in their deal, which comes up for bidding before the Premier League, then you would imagine the Premeir League would also sell the 3pm KO’s which will require a change in the law. You think someone like Apple may also press their luck and try and get the law changed about having more than 1 broadcaster. If they do though you would think there would be a law put in place to make sure that the prices must be competitive/reasonable.

If Apple or someone similar does gain the right, you’ll probably see like what Amazon have done with the stats and such, alongside possibly be able to watch games/goals from other games in game.


For what it’s worth though, Apple have just brought out a documentary about the Super League.



Edited by Stifler

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