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Financial Fair Play / Profit & Sustainability


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14 hours ago, Scoot said:


Premier League: Yeah, nothing to see here, just a minor blip. Oh wait, well actually...

Everything, and I mean everything is corrupt regarding the Premier League.  I said it during the non take over and there was only me and Manor Park that said so.  The rest of you sad fuckers just went along with the corrupt bollocks that the Premier League statesmen told you.  Listen to me man, not them.  I'm still so angry about our takeover now, as you can tell.

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4 hours ago, Wolfcastle said:

Seems like the plan was to get some tweaks in that themselves would inevitably be found to be unlawful at some point but a quick fix that would hold for now.  Seems like that's what the PL do best is just stall for time rather than deal with these sorts of things.


The thing is that as they stand the APT rules are possibly void, which means as if they never existed, which means a free for all until they bring in something new (although still subject to the UEFA rules).

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3 minutes ago, Rod said:

Corrupt man!  The Premier League is corrupt.  I've said it for years now.  They tried to start a Super League, how can anyone have any trust in them?

And they tried to do it behind our backs.  Evil they are.

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2 hours ago, Whitley mag said:





The Premier League has already spent a reported 45M on lawyers. For context, the payments to the Football League are in the region of 150M. Again, just on the reports I read. 45M would be more than all of Leagues 1 and 2 combined. That's before any of City's costs they might have to bear or punishment payments for causing City to lose income.


Everyone aside from Liverpool, Tottenham, etc. will kick off at the PL if they keep wasting money in this way.

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When they talk about applying the loan stuff retroactively are they not talking about the loans the clubs currently have?  As I understand it the difference is that the PL want these loans to remain excluded and only new loans to have the interest applied for PSR calculations, Man City say that these loans should count and should have the interest applied for PSR calculations rather than keeping their current excluded status.

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Why are things fucked?


If Man City win by virtue of having more financial backing (referring to their 115 case in addition to the APT stuff) then it sets the precedent that as long as you have the resources the PL is fucked and any rules to regulate clubs are destined to fail. 

The current system is that the biggest and richest clubs are controlling all the rules in the PL which are created to fuck over everyone but themselves 


I’m not against financial regulation, genuinely safeguarding clubs against owners who are parasites is something I support. I just don’t think there’s any realistic hope of the PL introducing fair financial regulations, but then I don’t think they and the football pyramid can handle permanent litigation so it feels like everything is fucked. Well done football, well done greed

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7 minutes ago, loki679 said:

When they talk about applying the loan stuff retroactively are they not talking about the loans the clubs currently have?  As I understand it the difference is that the PL want these loans to remain excluded and only new loans to have the interest applied for PSR calculations, Man City say that these loans should count and should have the interest applied for PSR calculations rather than keeping their current excluded status.

Yes actually that’s correct. That makes way more sense




It’s a real mess. The only way to fix it, I suspect, is for those loans to be considered retrospectively – and that wouldn’t be popular with a number of clubs.

.”But if the Premier League insists on only considering new shareholder loans then it’s very possible that City will claim the rules are still unlawful.”




Edited by KetsbaiaIsBald

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13 minutes ago, loki679 said:

When they talk about applying the loan stuff retroactively are they not talking about the loans the clubs currently have?  As I understand it the difference is that the PL want these loans to remain excluded and only new loans to have the interest applied for PSR calculations, Man City say that these loans should count and should have the interest applied for PSR calculations rather than keeping their current excluded status.

That could still cause issues on a legal/compensation challenge.


You have rules that were illegal but no redress for those adversely impacted and no retrospective ‘adjustment’ for those who benefited.


you basically can’t unwind it which makes sorting it out so complicated. The new rules shouldn’t be that hard to draft if you were starting from zero. The PL have to be hoping that the likes of us and City agree to leaving the past in the past if the new rules allow for greater (not unregulated) use of related parties

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It sounds like everything just needs a fresh start, get rid of the current Premier league board and replace them with competent administrators, whatever has happened in the past needs to stay there and all future cases dropped.


Let owners invest but don't let clubs rack up debt, clubs are fine getting loans but only if they can service the debt.

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The more I think about it the more complex the current situation is. You’ve got teams that for multiple years have been running with an advantage due to the premier league allowing knowingly unlawful rules to be voted into place.

You’ve now got to put lawful rules in whist trying to keep these as fair as possible.  On one side you have teams with loans that need to pass ffp for a closed financial year and the current one. You have teams that have either missed sponsorship deals or have signed multi year sponsorships year ones that maybe could now have been higher. Players have been bought and sold to meet rules what are now unlawful. 

How Masters is still in his job or at least under more pressure than a fans petition is baffling.  They have stated that the unlawful loans rule was added by object(knowingly).  Allowing a rule to even be voted on like this is on him. 

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City have created chaos here. Any team who has been relegated since the APT’s came in, particularly those narrowly relegated at the expense of Everton with their £420m of shareholder loans, has a case to sue the Premier League. Argument being that if the rules were in place, Everton wouldn’t have spent and they could have gone down in Team X’s place.


Hell - we could claim compo saying that clubs being able to spend more than they could cost us league places and £2m per spot.


Masters claiming a few tweaks can fix this isn’t going to wash as they’re walking into a legal minefield. Best thing they can do is scrap the rules and have at it.

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